Đặt câu với từ "hấp him"

1. Don't tell him straight away – let him sweat for a while.

2. Find him.

3. Why him?

4. Let him go.

5. Trận Him Lam.

6. She likes him

7. Get him!

8. She has no intention of marrying him – she's just stringing him along.

9. I befriended him.

10. Stitch him up.

11. I'll tell him.

12. Sat beside him, Les.

13. Yeah, yeah, that's him.

14. she keeps putting him ò

15. Did you see him?

16. Got him in interview one.

17. Let's go say hi to him.

18. You're looking at him yo

19. Nothing will prevent him from succeeding.

20. So, now you 've met him, give it to me straight – what do you think of him?

21. Turbulent times you sent him to.

22. Stop talking – you'll put him off.

23. Even though you've him, her, me

24. I do not see him, but...

25. I 'm not sure about Johnson – we'd better keep tabs on him until we know we can trust him.

26. Don't ask him – use your own judgment.

27. HIM (bằng tiếng Hàn) (Seoul, South Korea).

28. I made him a peanut butter sandwich.

29. Don't rely on him – he's a real dreamer.

30. Lend him ₤50? Not on your life!

31. Don't trust him – he's a real smoothie!

32. Don't worry about Andy – I'll vouch for him.

33. Give the dog the bone – don't tantalize him.

34. I am in the death – feud with him.

35. I didn't recognize him – he was in disguise.

36. Honestly, it was like Sam was holding him back – like Paul was going to tear us up if Sam didn't stop him.

37. I want you to stay away from him.

38. His illness has left him completely house – bound.

39. They give him a quick résumé of events.

40. Why won't you let me take him with me?

41. Just push me away – and hugged myself closer to him.

42. The role of a solicitous husband suited him very well.

43. Ví dụ tiếng Anh: John likes me but not him.

44. He can't fool me – I' ve got him taped.

45. There's no point in prolonging the agony – just tell him.

46. He's dodgy bloke – I wouldn' t trust him an inch.

47. Don't get too matey with him – he can' t be trusted.

48. You have to hand it to him – he tried everything.

49. I can't forgive him – he had caused a cardinal sin.

50. His manners are appalling – you can't take him any where!

51. Vậy thì Al Sah-him sẽ giải quyết với hắn.

52. That wretched child – I'll swing for him one of these days!

53. Ý tôi là, I had him pegged as a bird guy.

54. There's nothing the matter with him – he's just cold in the head.

55. Don't be too hard on him – he was only trying to help.

56. Give him a a ring and he'll want your whole ảm.

57. He always travels first class – expense is no object to him.

58. I don't know what's wrong with him – he tells me diddly - squat.

59. He's depressed – you can' t just tell him to snap out of it.

60. I 've had it with him – he's let me down once too often.

61. He's your own flesh and blood – how can you treat him like that?

62. I'd give him a sock on the jaw if I were you!

63. Có hai kiểu hấp lưu là hấp lưu nóng và hấp lưu lạnh.

64. Hấp thịt:Chuẩn bị xửng hấp nhiều nước.

65. I tried to convince him what I wanted more than anything else was for him to forget all about it — especially since nothing had actually happened to me — but he remained insistent.

66. To tell him to leave me alone — and mean it this time.

67. To find a friend one must close one eye. To keep him - two!

68. You are asking too much of him – he can't possibly do all that!

69. He's his own worst enemy – he alienates everyone who wants to help him.

70. He stared at me with agonized eyes, and I tried to find the right words – the words that would free him from this imagined obligation that caused him so much pain.

71. You should have seen the waitress flirting with him — it was over the top.

72. I don't know what's got into him recently – he's become very bad - tempered.

73. Cô Iris Bentley viết về vụ này trong sách Let Him Have Justice:

74. He asked her for a date but she gave him the brush – off.

75. Take no notice of him – you know what a show - off he is.

76. A little boy bought a cricket by money that his par¬ents gave him.

77. Don't even try to have a proper conversation with him – he's off his head.

78. Rõ ràng là hắn đã lại tìm cách để giải phóng Al Sah-him.

79. Ta mong con cưới Al Sah-him vì đó là nguyện vọng của ta.

80. Nhưng, nó đi vào " HỌ TẤT CẢ TRẢ LẠI TỪ HIM CHO BẠN ", " Alice.