Đặt câu với từ "waste incineration plant"

1. Denmark regulated emissions from waste incineration plants through its Air Pollution Control Guidelines for waste incineration plants

2. Incineration plants should be built to burn household waste.

3. Operation and maintenance of a refuse incineration plant.

4. Waste incineration is one of the most technically highly developed waste management options at this time.

5. Incineration An alternative method of disposing of waste is to burn it.

6. Abandoned coins typically end up in public land, in household waste or in incineration plants.

7. The low-capacity incineration plant must be equipped with an afterburner.

8. EUR 9.1 million for the construction of a waste incineration installation in Suhl (Thuringia);

9. −co-incineration in cement and lime production: conversion of waste heat to power in cement kilns;

10. Much attention has been paid to municipal solid waste ( MSW ) incineration power generation and biomass energy.

11. Carter, this is a waste plant.

12. 26.21 || || Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp); ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste.

13. Incineration is burning of the waste material to produce a residue that may not pose any health hazard .

14. 32 In that connection, while it is admittedly true, as stated in paragraph 28 of this judgment, that a co-incineration plant constitutes a particular form of incineration plant, the fact remains that the two types of plant have definitions which are particular to them.

15. There are but two types of waste demanding collection, and disposal at landfill sites, or Controversially lately at incineration plants.

16. Material suitable for deep sea dumping included sewage sludge, industrial waste, and toxic ashes left after the incineration of garbage.

17. Avoid release to an individual waste water treatment plant.

18. There are several technologies for waste incineration, including grate firing, rotary kiln with afterburner chamber, and various types of fluidised bed.

19. Sentence and incineration.

20. The present invention relates to a method for carbon dioxide fixation using municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash and to a method for effective carbon dioxide fixation by preparing a slurry of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash and then injecting carbonic acid gas to trigger a carbonation reaction.

21. Indeed, they see incineration as a solution to toxic waste whose usefulness should be employed on a greater range of materials.

22. A batch of toxic waste...... from your clean textile plant!

23. The cost of one waste water treatment plant was abnormally high.

24. Biogas refers to a mixture of gases produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter such as agricultural waste, municipal waste, plant residue, food waste etc

25. It's a nuclear power plant that is its own waste disposal solution.

26. There's a three block dead zone near a hazardous waste reclamation plant.

27. The invention relates to an absorption liquid (19) for the selective absorption of CO2 from the flue gas of an incineration plant.

28. PVC waste incineration increases the operating costs of the incinerators due to the use of neutralisation agents to neutralise the acid flue gas and the additional costs for the waste management of the resulting residues.

29. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the combustion percentages of the total dioxin and furan inventory from all known and estimated sources in the U.S. (not only incineration) for each type of incineration are as follows: 35.1% backyard barrels; 26.6% medical waste; 6.3% municipal wastewater treatment sludge; 5.9% municipal waste combustion; 2.9% industrial wood combustion.

30. Commonly used construction modes of waste incineration plants at present were introduced, including parallel contract, design-construct lump-sum contract, and design-construct combo contract.

31. In the refuse incineration process, the stability of incineration is always influenced strongly the heating value of refuse.

32. Accordingly, all parties are in agreement that incineration plants and co-incineration plants should not be aggregated.

33. Also, not only can the moisture content in dried organic waste be minimized, the volume of organic waste can be minimized as well, thereby resolving the problem of dealing with leachate and significantly reducing costs for incineration.

34. from waste gases prior to capturing sulphur dioxide in a sulphuric acid plant.

35. CA: It's a nuclear power plant that is its own waste disposal solution.

36. Incineration will initiate in five minutes.

37. Incineration cannot, of course, eliminate landfilling.

38. A- - you broke the garden fence, laid waste to a perfectly good tomato plant.

39. Method and plant for the purification of waste water by the activated sludge method

40. The plant has the capacity to deal with the waste produced by 100,000 people.

41. The majority of Cadmium present in the atmosphere is the result of human activities, especially smelting of non-ferrous metal ores, fossil fuel combustion and municipal waste incineration

42. Upon incineration, PVC waste generates hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the flue gas, which needs to be neutralised except when a special technology is employed where HCl is reused.

43. To be able to analyze also radioactive filter residues from a waste incineration facility built for this purpose Chromatographic columns had to be installed in an alpha box.

44. The burn barrel is a somewhat more controlled form of private waste incineration, containing the burning material inside a metal barrel, with a metal grating over the exhaust.

45. In particular, the study needs take into account the following wastes: waste wood, bark or other plant matter; waste from the preparation of food or drinks; blood and gut contents from abattoirs; animal manure; waste lime; lime sludge from cement manufacture or gas processing; waste gypsum; paper-waste sludge; waste paper and de-inked paper pulp; dredgings; textile waste; waste from the leather industry; and, tanner waste.

46. The incineration of the facility will begin shortly.

47. But no incineration process is totally emission - free.

48. Players will face Incineration from the Pillar Fire.

49. Sludge incineration is a frequently employed disposed method.

50. A process for the thermophilic aerobic treatment of concentrated organic waste water and the related plant

51. Alongside Wadi Naam, a dusty Bedouin camp of 000 people, a toxic waste plant puffs away.

52. In addition, we will also fund the construction of an advanced waste water treatment plant system.

53. 20 They produce oxygen as a waste product, a normally lethal poison to the plant cell.

54. treatment and energy recovery by anaerobic digestion or incineration.

55. Unlike incineration, there are no emissions into the atmosphere.

56. [24] Germany defined the catchment area of an urban waste water treatment plant as an agglomeration.

57. Waste water from the chlor-alkali plant is treated and pumped back to the salt mine.

58. The system can produce electricity in a season demanding little heat source for heating and thereby use waste heat generated by a power plant or an industrial plant throughout the year, advantageously increasing the waste heat recovery efficiency.

59. Biomass energy is a source of renewable energy that uses wood and plant waste, municipal solid waste, organic waste generating biogas, landfill gas, but also some forms of trash to generate heat and low-carbon electricity.

60. Requirements for the discharge from the Ladehammeren urban waste water treatment plant in the agglomeration of Trondheim

61. Red Bartsia is a common plant of roadside verges, railway cuttings, waste ground and other disturbed ground

62. Keywords: strategy, sustainability, reuse, landfill, incineration, agricultural application, melting.

63. Incineration now increases damage instead of critical strike chance.

64. All acid gases generated during the incineration of municipal solid waste (in addition to HCl mainly sulphur oxides) have to be neutralised prior to emission of the remaining gas to the atmosphere.

65. 4 Alongside Wadi Naam, a dusty Bedouin camp of 000 people,[www.Sentencedict.com] a toxic waste plant puffs away.

66. The potential of biodegradable waste coupled with anaerobic digestion processing in a biogas plant is seen in Milan.

67. Please remove your clothes and place them in the incineration hatch.

68. The MELA organization has fought against a scheduled oil pipeline, and against a planned toxic waste incinerator, and they stopped a waste treatment plant located close to a high school.

69. Incineration and gasification may also be implemented without energy and materials recovery.

70. Other varieties flourish in bags of plant waste, bottles of cereal grains, whole wooden logs, or logs of compressed sawdust.

71. The mushrooms were found growing directly from the acidic soil of the forest floor, surrounded by plant waste, during November.

72. There was no wind to bend the plume of black smoke rising from the hospital's incineration chimney.

73. The Bible likens ultimate destruction of Satan to the incineration of garbage.

74. He introduced a system of sanitation, extending from fly control to incineration.

75. - waste-water treatment plant ultimately capable of serving 253000 p.e., using activated sludge and extended aeration, with the following main processes:

76. Greater Celandine is a tall plant of woodland rides, hedgerows, roadsides and waste ground, and often grows as a garden 'weed'

77. Biochars from local agricultural waste residues contribute to soil quality and plant growth in a Cerrado region (Brazil) Arenosol ALICIA B

78. Waste from processing is used to run the biodigester which in turn supplies fuel for the generator or absorption refrigeration plant.

79. This takes place in a large tank where the crushed waste is mixed with sludge from the city’s sewage treatment plant.

80. to introduce a ban on the landfilling and incineration of batteries and accumulators