Đặt câu với từ "virulent"

1. 1 antonym for Avirulent: virulent

2. Some plants have more virulent poisons.

3. He was a virulent anti-Semite.

4. She is very virulent about her former employer.

5. The positiveness of the contact hemolysis was correlated with the virulence of bacteria when virulent or non-virulent strains of enterobacteria were compared.

6. His virulent opposition to Zionism reassured the radicals.

7. Broadly, Bacteriophages can be classified as VIRULENT or TEMPERATE

8. She is a virulent critic of US foreign policy.

9. Characteristics of virulent, attenuated, and Avirulent Mycoplasma pneumoniae strains

10. Now he faces virulent attacks from the Italian media.

11. Everything in my investigation points to a virulent pathogen.

12. The epidemic was caused by a particularly virulent flu germ.

13. The media has waged a virulent hate campaign against her.

14. Yang Condemns 'new and deadly and virulent’ hate against Asian Americans

15. Cholera is an extremely virulent disease that can cause severe acute watery diarrhoea

16. Since 1993 Bacillus has been spreading virulent sonic pathogens on an unsuspecting population

17. Avirulent definition is - not virulent or pathogenic : not capable of causing disease

18. 13 Dog, mink distemper, dog tiny virus and so on virulent diseases.

19. 3 Later she heard that her virulent hypochondria had turned into real illness.

20. ‘For example, certain protein receptors are common to a colicin and a virulent phage; others, like the fig product, can adsorb a Bacteriocin, virulent phages of distinct origins, and even a temperate phage.’

21. Virulent Biphobia is still alive and well on both ends of the sexuality spectrum

22. The impassioned responses to my essay range from ardent appreciation to virulent Castigation.

23. This circulating virulent/Avirulent FCoV theory recently was advocated by Brown et al

24. The least resistant hosts and the least virulent parasites were killed in each generation.

25. The activities of pathogenic organisms are accelerated by higher temperatures and they become more virulent .

26. He worked with the bovine strain, but confirmed his positive findings with virulent human organisms.

27. Occasionally, a virus is created with a combination of genes that makes it especially virulent.

28. That lofty notion spread like a virulent germ into every law school in the nation.

29. Virulent strains of V. cholerae carry a variant of a temperate bacteriophage called CTXφ.

30. Before 1900, most people avoided settling on Mindoro due to a virulent strain of malaria.

31. Eighteen strains of NDV from four lineages were identified and grouped into virulent and Avirulent strains

32. Some specific BAV types seem to have a more virulent and accelerated natural history than others.

33. The suspicion is that the process created a new strain, or strains, of more virulent disease.

34. A particularly virulent strain of flu has recently claimed a number of lives in the US.

35. 4 He worked with the bovine strain, but confirmed his positive findings with virulent human organisms.

36. 21 They a virulent poison, giving the numbing illusion of moral sanction to every depravity ever hatched.

37. Novick stops short of saying so, but it is among blacks that anti-semitism is most virulent.

38. Avisa Pharma provides a solution to test a virulent bacterial infection from strep pneumonia and viral lung infection

39. Their treatment of religion shows no dispassionate analysis, but a virulent contempt which can only be termed prejudice.

40. He had developed a vaccine using virulent forms of polio that were then killed with formaldehyde and injected.

41. Bacteriophagia in Brucella organisms and variability of Brucellae attacked by virulent bacteriophage J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol

42. Aposthume-A swelling filled with puss or other virulent matter, contemporarily referred to as an aposteme or abscess

43. Some live vaccines may possess the ability to revert to a virulent organism and spread disease to unvaccinated Cattle

44. While companies talk about sustainable agriculture, they create plant varieties that can withstand being sprayed by their most virulent herbicides.

45. As an alternative to live vaccines previously used, researchers at the company Meriel isolated strains of virulent bluetongue virus.

46. He tried to organise a debate, and invited the most virulent protesters to come on stage and put their case.

47. When Robert was twelve and I seven, both my parents and Ann were smitten by a particularly virulent flu germ.

48. Two forms of this nematode have been reported, i.e., with strong and weak virulence, commonly referred as virulent and Avirulent strains

49. Each Bacteriophage may infect one or a few strains or species of bacteria. Broadly, Bacteriophages can be classified as VIRULENT or TEMPERATE

50. I was taken aback by his scathing, virulent remarks about Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko and former Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko.

51. HIV-1 is more virulent and more infective than HIV-2, and is the cause of the majority of HIV infections globally.

52. Restoring culture can just as easily lead to a new and virulent form of fundamentalism as to a revival of cultural diversity.

53. In the throes of the current COVID-19 pandemic, interest has Burgeoned in the cardiovascular complications of this virulent viral infection

54. Pertussis toxin activity, determined by clustering of Chinese hamster ovary cells, was found in the allantoic fluid following inoculation of virulent bacteria.

55. Agar gel electrophoresis represents a rapid and not expensive method for testing and purifying highly virulent swine fever virus detectable by the HEIC-method.

56. The increased risk of late sequelae in vagotomy-Antrectomy must be accepted for the patient with “virulent ulcer.” Vagotomy and drainage have decreasing usefulness

57. Homologous pairs of virulent and attenuated or Avirulent Mycoplasma pneumoniae strains were derived and compared in an effort to elucidate the mechanisms of virulence.

58. A recent collaboration with the Tick Fever Centre in Australia allowed for comparison of a virulent, tick transmissible strain with a non-transmissible, Apathogenic strain.

59. From 1908 to 1921, Guérin and Calmette strived to produce less and less virulent strains of the bacillus, by transferring them to successive cultures.

60. The Avirulent strain of plant pathogens is spreading and living with a virulent strain of plant pathogen on the host or nonhost plant in the fields

61. Here are some of many sources relating violent Antiabortionism, and KKKism with Dominionism: Here's an interesting quote: Note: Reconstructionists are a particularly virulent subset of Dominionists.

62. Critics —often with what archaeologist Sir Charles Marston described as a “contemptuous disregard of the Bible narrative”— have made virulent attacks on the Bible’s integrity.

63. Field surveys conducted in recent years indicate Blackleg presence in the state is widespread and virulent races have been detected in more than 50% of scouted fields.

64. "The most surprising discovery is that there is clear difference in protein ordering between virulent and Avirulent effectors: all 31 Avirulent effectors are ordered proteins with defined

65. In France, Paris and northern parts of the country have entered new partial lockdown measures Amid the surge with its origins attributed to the more virulent, British variant of …

66. Only if the tuberculosis bacteria does not respond to the treatment will the medical practitioner begin to consider more virulent strains, requiring significantly longer and more thorough treatment regimens.

67. The storming of Capitol Hill on Wednesday afternoon by militant supporters of US President Donald Trump featured several instances of Antisemitic agitation, from a virulent Holocaust denier who

68. Human flea Pulex Irritans grey marmot (Marmota baibacina) strain was experimentally infected with virulent Y. pestis 8 with infection rates of 58% for female and 51% for male fleas.

69. These shock troops have grown into an entire Brownnose army with an air wing commanded by Sean Hannity and others at Fox “News,” and other virulent right-wing media outlets.

70. All these books tended to increase the ill feeling between author and public; the Whig press was virulent and scandalous in its comments, and Cooper plunged into a series of actions for libel .

71. In Anbar, home to a virulent insurgence, the region had yet to be calmed by the alliance of tribes and American forces, later reinforced by the surge of United States troops in 200

72. A vaccine against a viral disease can be made from an Attenuated, less virulent strain of the virus, a virus capable of stimulating an immune response and creating immunity but not causing illness.

73. This was based on the experience of actually watching two people having a virulent argument in sign language, which produced no decibels to speak of, but affectively, psychologically, was a very loud experience.

74. Childbed death was researched and several suggestions on the causes came along. Childbed death was caused by Streptococcus pyogenes organism, the same bacteria that cause strep throat and a host of other virulent ailments

75. [ 1895–1900; a-6 + virulent] This word is first recorded in the period 1895–1900. Other words that entered English at around the same time include: backstage, backwind, calling card, cutback, freewheel Avirulent in British English

76. Garrus Vomix is a Death Guard Plague Surgeon, who was severely wounded during the Dharkstar World Blightings.He survived the conflict and used the shredded remnants of his cancerous secondary heart to create the elixir, Vomix's Virulent Blight

77. The old anti-Acetylcholinic medication; then the duration and duration of action of the alkaloids of the virulent solanes, of morphine, of barbituric acid and of a few other synthesized bodies measured with aerosol in guinea pigs.

78. A man who had publicly allied himself with Bork protected himself from " Borking " by evading a thorough disclosure of his ideological similarity to Bork. (7.) Commentators now use the term " Borking " to refer to prolonged, virulent attacks on judicial nominees.

79. Researchers have developed a novel Strep zoo diagnostic test that can distinguish between virulent and Avirulent strains of the pathogen and provide results in as little as four hours, giving swine producers a better chance to keep a potentially deadly disease outbreak from spreading.

80. Certain attenuated mutants of Brucella, especially B. melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis and B. ovis, when administered to a human or animal trigger a protective immune response such that subsequent challenge with virulent Brucella of the same species does not result in disease or results in much less severe symptoms.