Đặt câu với từ "unwilling"

1. Some were unwilling to relocate.

2. I am unwilling to set a precedent.

3. Judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions.

4. 24 I'm unwilling to engage on such terms.

5. Other game manufacturer is unwilling also and doleful.

6. Arjuna is unwilling to fight the Kaurava army

7. But Stan was oddly unwilling to be appeased.

8. The directors were unwilling to respond to questions.

9. 15 I was unwilling to engage on such terms.

10. The unwilling children climbed into the bus, moaning and groaning.

11. Some who have become apostate were unwilling to wait.

12. 3 She was an unwilling participant in his downfall.

13. They are unwilling "pioneers of gentrification," says Mr Kuhn.

14. Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals.

15. The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power.

16. The momentum had shifted and Djokovic was unwilling to let go .

17. One old-timer reportedly was unwilling to leave his home.

18. Circumspect is defined as cautious and unwilling to take risks

19. He was unwilling to extend mercy to his own daughter!

20. The illness made her apathetic and unwilling to meet people.

21. 18 The police are very unwilling to interfere in family problems.

22. He was seen as truculent, temperamental, too unwilling to tolerate others.

23. Your heart is unwilling to rope in real life come from?

24. I felt constrained to do what I was unwilling to do myself.

25. Some doctors are unwilling to take new patients without a referral.

26. A youthful teacher, he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics.

27. 22 synonyms for Averse: opposed, reluctant, hostile, unwilling, backward, unfavourable, loath, disinclined

28. Many businesses are unwilling to branch out into new and unfamiliar areas.

29. The regents were still unwilling to accept verdicts of such dubious historicity.

30. The responsibility for the rape belongs with the rapist, not the unwilling victim.

31. In Asia's Japan, South Korea is also far unwilling to fall behind.

32. Because euthanasia is politically correct, prosecutors are often unwilling to press charges.

33. Diana, an unwilling international media celebrity, was having to learn on the hoof.

34. Now they seem unwilling or unable to push for such far-reaching changes.

35. The Sinhalese were however generally unwilling to work as labourers on large estates.

36. To date, governments have been unwilling to yield taxing power to any international authority.

37. She was unwilling to pay the extra cost to get a room to herself.

38. 21 The company is unwilling to shoulder the cost of installing a daycare center.

39. She became uncooperative: unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores.

40. Aslant definition: at an oblique angle synonyms: athwart, obliquely antonyms: parallel, impartial, unwilling

41. It seems the tradition-minded fishermen were unwilling to accept the new material.

42. 13 At that time the government was unwilling to resist the foreign invasion.

43. Agnostics are unwilling to make a decision either for or against God’s existence

44. Moreover, some banks were unwilling to administer global loans and interest rate subsidies.

45. The man likes sulk, and very unwilling to explain the angry reason to family members.

46. 26 He seemed unable or unwilling to marshal even what he knew on the page.

47. For months I had been either unwilling or unable to go through with it.

48. 22 Non - cooperation is a protest against an unwitting and unwilling participation in evil.

49. He said he was unwilling to run the excerpt by itself, without any context.

50. Astraea is kind as she was unwilling to leave Ryuu in the rain as she

51. Have you been unwilling or unable to control your use of that form of media?

52. Sadly, many parents today seem unwilling to expend the kind of effort that is needed.

53. Surplus countries are unwilling to stimulate consumption, while deficit countries are building unsustainable public debt.

54. Caroline felt riveted to the floor, motionless, unwilling to consciously eavesdrop but tense with curiosity.

55. He ( She ) may be untrustworthy and unwilling to make a life - time commitment to you.

56. Averse means unwilling or disinclined or loath and is always followed by the preposition ‘to’

57. Many young people are unwilling to admit that they are gay because they fear being ostracized.

58. The Apathetic men were unwilling to do anything to save their families from the kidnappers

59. Have you been unwilling or unable to limit your use of that form of media?

60. Her screaming proved that she was an unwilling victim; she was not guilty of wrongdoing.

61. Antonyms for Acquiescing include resistant, defiant, dissident, unwilling, opposed, opposing, repellent, insubordinate, resistive and unyielding

62. Employees who are unwilling to make such sacrifices for their company risk losing their jobs.

63. Hence, being blind is also defined as being “unable or unwilling to discern or judge.”

64. Unwilling to wait, he demanded his share of the inheritance and set out on his own.

65. She listened intently, unwilling to miss a single syllable, gazing quietly at Mei's mournfully smiling face.

66. Banks, and their technical due diligence providers, are extremely unwilling to disclose their whitelists of acceptable products.

67. (Romans 12:17) Even if your spouse seems unwilling to listen, you can choose to do so.

68. Developing countries were unwilling to listen to sermons about sustainability from those doing most of the polluting.

69. Not needing their labour anymore, farmers are generally unwilling to allow Gypsies to camp on their land.

70. 25 Youth, is doomed to be bumpy, with sweat and tears, have a grievance, unwilling and failure.

71. They were unwilling, or unable,(Sentence dictionary) to guarantee safe passage from the city to the aircraft.

72. Anthony Williams: The protagonist, a homeless man and former Hollywood agent forced into being an unwilling savior.

73. Ahead of the elections he profiled himself as a "hawk", unwilling to enter into talks with Hezbollah.

74. Apathetic Similarly, some adolescents may have been depressed or Apathetic, and hence unwilling to pursue disagreements

75. Those unwilling to accept help from others often pay a heavy price in exhaustion and frustration.

76. However, because of fear of his neighbors, the man was unwilling to direct us to them.

77. 3 Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.

78. These adjectives are compared as they mean tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield.

79. She came downstairs with this garment, triumphant, not unwilling to please with pleasure so cheaply bought.

80. Hood himself seems incurious where his arrows will strike , or at least unwilling to be specific.