Đặt câu với từ "unfavorable"

1. Admonitory - expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective admonishing , reproachful , reproving unfavorable , unfavourable - not encouraging or approving or pleasing; "unfavorable conditions"; "an unfavorable comparison"; "unfavorable comments", "unfavorable impression"

2. We appeal unfavorable legal decisions

3. Hyperoxia is unfavorable to its stability.

4. The weather is unfavorable to our plans.

5. To you unfavorable evidence all very conclusive.

6. Synonyms: benefic, beneficent, beneficial… Antonyms: bad, disAdvantageous, unfavorable

7. - Unfavorable macroeconomic developments and a slowdown in growth.

8. 3 words related to Brickbat: fragment, criticism, unfavorable judgment

9. In unfavorable conditions, female kangaroos can pause their pregnancies.

10. An unfavorable or censorious comment:to make Animadversions on someone's conduct

11. One notable unfavorable opinion appeared in the Daily Mail.

12. It moved west to southwest through an unfavorable environment.

13. He had formed an unfavorable opinion of my work.

14. Yet, unfavorable circumstances do not excuse us from our responsibilities.

15. Amylopectin-rich materials showed unfavorable relaxation, shrinkage and cracking during aging

16. Caviling: given to making or expressing unfavorable judgments about things.

17. Unfavorable Ankylosis does bring in higher VA Ratings than favorable.

18. May we never allow unfavorable circumstances to overshadow our spiritual values!

19. Note that an isotherm that is favorable for Adsorption is unfavorable for desorption

20. The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.

21. When they import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists.

22. Noun an unfavorable or censorious comment: to make Animadversions on someone's conduct

23. Synonyms: Criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, decry These verbs mean to express an unfavorable judgment.

24. Unfavorable weather conditions have seriously hurt three of the last four cherry harvests.

25. Blame: to express one's unfavorable opinion of the worth or quality of

26. But Da Gama left India in August and soon faced unfavorable winds.

27. Antonyms for Benefic include bad, disadvantageous, unfavorable, unfavourable, unfriendly, unhelpful, unprofitable, adverse, prejudicial and damaging

28. Antonyms for Adoring include unloving, abhorring, abominating, despising, detesting, hating, loathing, cold, unfavorable and unfavourable

29. About the Families Investigators have long linked unfavorable family situations with poor academic performance.

30. A Critic is someone who finds fault with something and expresses an unfavorable opinion

31. The definition of Adverse is unfavorable or acting against a person, goal or circumstance

32. Typically, Attitudes are favorable or unfavorable: positive or negative (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993).

33. If interactions are unfavorable, then the free energy decreases with increasing solute concentration.

34. He and four other senators were writhing in the glare of unfavorable publicity.

35. Synonyms: Criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, decry These verbs mean to express an unfavorable judgment.

36. Acidifying agentsThese agents lower pH levels, which makes the environment unfavorable to microbial growth

37. If unfavorable patterns emerged, we could address them quickly before they had serious consequences.

38. To restore an unfavorable situation, Zheng Yan Yu flagrantly 133 hand - out, fight back against White.

39. CEP131 Abrogates CHK1 Inhibitor-Induced Replication Defects and Is Associated with Unfavorable Outcome in Neuroblastoma

40. The meat industry complained that the nutrition chart cast its products in an unfavorable way.

41. Despite this unusual and seemingly energetically unfavorable mechanism, such transport does not require ATP.

42. Antonyms for Beneficial include detrimental, disadvantageous, damaging, harmful, bad, unfavorable, unfavourable, adverse, destructive and disagreeable

43. ALK-negative ALC-lymphomas occur in older patients, equally affecting both genders and have an unfavorable prognosis.

44. The VA can give you a rating for unfavorable Ankylosis of the thumb and any finger

45. Condemn definition, to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure

46. Of that number, approximately 20 percent were eventually judged unfavorable by the Applicant Review Panel.

47. The ending -ish often has unfavorable connotations; Childish therefore refers to characteristics that are undesirable and …

48. Crazing is a unique form of damage that can happen to an opal under certain unfavorable conditions

49. Therefore, unfavorable circumstances, such as physical ailments, advanced age, and family obligations, undoubtedly prevented some from returning.

50. An unfavorable change in consumer preferences will cause demand to decrease, shifting the curve to the left.

51. Technically, Attitudes are evaluative statements related to a person, object, or event; either favorable or unfavorable

52. Admonitory definition: expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective synonyms: unfavorable, unfavourable, reproving, admonishing, reproachful

53. Carlo Goldoni is known to have Burned his first play, a tragedy called Amalasunta, when encountering unfavorable criticism

54. Hence, is there another kind of joy, one that remains even when circumstances take an unfavorable turn?

55. Sometimes politically motivated augurs would fabricate unfavorable Auspices in order to delay certain state functions, such as elections.

56. The primary sector grew by 2.4 percent in the first nine months of 2011 despite periods of unfavorable weather.

57. Admonishment (LOAs), letters of counseling (LOCs), unfavorable information file (UIFs), and being placed on a control roster (CR).

58. Based on the analysis of favorable and unfavorable position of the Chinese gold market (sentence dictionary), some advices are given.

59. A Mars launch window opened in November of 19 but with an unfavorable Mars arrival close to its aphelion distance.

60. Hypernyms ("Carping" is a kind of): criticism; unfavorable judgment (disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings)

61. In the overall survey, 57 percent said they have an unfavorable opinion of Perot and 29 percent reported a favorable view.

62. At the same time, 47 percent had a favorable view of Forbes, while only 21 percent had an unfavorable view.

63. This aerodynamically particularly unfavorable shape of the turbulence elements (42) causes increased pressure loss, thus complicating the through-flow of coolants.

64. Some couples decide not to marry in order to avoid unfavorable taxation and the loss of certain pensions and other social benefits.

65. Because it is a quality that allows us to handle situations in a positive way, even in the face of unfavorable circumstances.

66. Although we do not want to be turned aside easily, if we are insistent or pushy, we may leave an unfavorable impression.

67. Admonishing: 1 adj expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective Synonyms: admonitory , reproachful , reproving unfavorable , unfavourable not encouraging or approving or pleasing

68. Those features have an unfavorable influence on many types of protection such as differential component, distance component, phase selection component, and directional component.

69. China is such an outsourcing recipient country in the process of development, facing both rare opportunities for development and challenges of unfavorable factors.

70. The commentary reconciles the omen’s two Apodoses, one unfavorable and the other favorable, by specifying that the favorable apodosis corresponds to the placement of the “paths” on the right area of the lobus sinister (implying that the unfavorable apodosis refers to the opposite situation, i.e., when the “paths” are on the left).

71. Present participle of criticize Synonyms & Antonyms of Criticizing to express one's unfavorable opinion of the worth or quality of people who criticize every single …

72. Buttoning is the result of stress, brought about by unfavorable weather or other reasons in both cole crop vegetables and stone fruit trees

73. In 19 Che Guevara visited Algeria , where he addressed sharply criticizing the regime of Moscow. the speech surely was unfavorable to the SOVIET Union.

74. In a negative, contrary, or unfavorable way or direction:The report details eleven risk factors that the authors believe Adversely affect children's development and well-being.

75. In medieval astrology, certain Aspects, like certain planets, were considered to be either favorable or unfavorable ().Modern usage places less emphasis on these fatalistic distinctions

76. 20 But there is an unsolved problem in the exploration of unfavorable geologic bodies filled with water in the advanced forecast of geology in runnel.

77. – Michael Hogg ‘An Attitude is a learned predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable manner towards people, an object, an idea or a situation

78. Adversity definition, adverse or unfavorable fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or distress: Friends will show their true colors in times of Adversity

79. Soybeans have epigeal emergence; this means that the hypocotyl arch needs to pull the cotyledons through the soil surface and unfavorable soil conditions from Crusting can prevent this.

80. Recent clinical trials have shown that immediate labor induction for women with PROM At term and an unfavorable cervical score is preferable in the context of …