Đặt câu với từ "troops"

1. No troops.

2. Send in troops.

3. Our troops invaded it.

4. The troops swept past.

5. Gather all the troops!

6. The Khan's troops advance.

7. I'll get you your troops.

8. British troops spearheaded the invasion.

9. Troops have surrounded the town.

10. Their best troops guard it.

11. We must disengage our troops .

12. The colonel paraded his troops.

13. Enemy troops Beleaguered the city

14. 23 The troops behaved gallantly.

15. Government troops offered no resistance .

16. You've seen generals inspecting troops.

17. His troops were hopelessly outnumbered.

18. You're not gonna entertain any troops.

19. 18 Rebel troops were being rearmed.

20. Troops are massing on the frontier.

21. The troops were in perfect alignment.

22. Russian troops crossed into Austrian territory.

23. The untrained Nazi troops sometimes faltered.

24. Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.

25. They rocketed the enemy troops vigorously.

26. Troops advanced on the rebel stronghold .

27. The troops scoured the open ground.

28. 14 The troops besieged the fort.

29. The general formed up his troops.

30. He left some troops to destroy enemy supplies. He took the remaining troops and turned back toward Vicksburg.

31. The troops are in line formation.

32. I'm not gonna entertain the troops?

33. Rebel troops stormed the presidential palace.

34. They embarked the troops by night.

35. Our troops have penetrated enemy territory.

36. 23 Troops quickly occupied the city.

37. The cavalry coursed the fleeing troops.

38. Troops shot anyone suspicious on sight.

39. Troops and civilians, board assigned aircraft.

40. The troops broke formation and ran.

41. The troops were landed by helicopter.

42. The troops took up offensive positions.

43. Influenza is ripping through the troops.

44. 5 Enemy troops occupied the country.

45. The troops stormed against the garrison.

46. 10 The troops showed great valor.

47. Our troops encountered only token resistance.

48. Government troops were forced to withdraw.

49. Napoleon Arrayed his troops for battle

50. Aitken's troops were routed and retreated.

51. The troops started to pull back.

52. The enemy troops had to withdraw.

53. 5 The general arrayed his troops.

54. The troops embarked in orderly fashion.

55. The city was encircled with troops.

56. UN troops supervised the relief operations.

57. 27 The troops fled in disarray.

58. 22 Enemy troops occupied the country.

59. A barracks town for Roman troops.

60. The troops advanced in battle formation.

61. Okay, troops, let's sweep the area.

62. The enemy troops harried the village.

63. Troops indiscriminately massacred the defenceless population.

64. The troops were embattled last night.

65. Leading troops, he quelled a rebellion.

66. Despite having a solid force and well-motivated troops, Qaderi jumped into his car and abandoned his troops.

67. There are also three independent arms of service: Strategic Missile Troops, Aerospace Defence Forces, and the Airborne Troops.

68. Their main force grew to 1.2 million troops, backed with additional militia of 2 million, totalling 3.2 million troops.

69. Just leave the tank for our troops.

70. I arrived as your majesty's troops approached.

71. Troops are concentrating south of the river.

72. The commander rallied his troops around him.

73. Troops were sent in to restore order.

74. The exhausted troops mutinied against the Emperor.

75. Fire-wind's troops are outside the valley.

76. The troops are slowly clearing the mines.

77. The troops rallied for a final assault.

78. The troops were ordered back to barracks .

79. The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.

80. The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.