Đặt câu với từ "stunted growth"

1. Lack of food had stunted his growth.

2. Government-organised cartels have stunted its growth.

3. High interest rates have stunted economic growth.

4. Slow economic growth stunted corporate profits last quarter.

5. 5 Slow economic growth stunted corporate profits last quarter.

6. Buttoning produces misshapen vegetables and fruits as well as stunted growth.

7. Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.

8. The constant winds had stunted the growth of plants and bushes.

9. Their trunks may be gnarled and twisted and their growth considerably stunted.

10. The stunted growth of these children shows that they are undernourished.

11. Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.

12. Stunted growth is shown in the presence of isoniazid, rifampicin, and few other drugs.

13. If it continues over a long period it could even lead to stunted growth.

14. Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital hypothyroidism

15. Damage Heavy infestations of Aphids can slowly weaken a plant and cause stunted and distorted growth.

16. The brain under these vessels develops severe seizures, is stunted in its growth, and becomes essentially useless.

17. Thus, after baptism, we need to continue to develop our spirituality so that our growth does not become stunted.

18. Zinc supplements help prevent disease and reduce mortality, especially among children with low birth weight or stunted growth.

19. What are Curricular and Co-Curricular activities? Sticking to a strict academic curriculum can lead to stunted growth of an individual

20. Among children under the age of five, nearly 30 percent of afflicted — and are afflicted by stunted growth due to malnutrition.

21. Long-term use of the ketogenic diet in children increases the risk of slowed or stunted growth, bone fractures, and kidney stones.

22. An abnormal climate stunted the crops.

23. 27 A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant.

24. 2 An abnormal climate stunted the crops.

25. Drought has stunted this year's cereal crop.

26. Blossoms can become damaged and summer growth can be stunted if the plants experience a hard frost below negative four degrees celsius if unprotected by snow.

27. 1 An abnormal climate stunted the crops.

28. His illness had not stunted his creativity.

29. Failure to ensure high level of hygiene before next placement is the biggest contributor of stunted growth in Broilers due to high viral loads from the previous flocks

30. Dark, Buzzardlike cormorants roost in its stunted trees

31. ‘These poor wretches were stunted in their growth, their hideous faces Bedaubed with white paint, their skins filthy and greasy, their hair entangled, their voices discordant, and their gestures violent.’

32. Wars stunted the development of science in the world.

33. Ascarids prey on the naïve immune systems of horses less than 18 months old and can cause depression, respiratory disease, stunted growth, diarrhea, constipation and potentially fatal colic.

34. Like i assume you only date emotionally stunted bigots.

35. A few stunted trees were the only vegetation visible.

36. Small farms produced poor, stunted crops, and riverbeds were just damp.

37. His personality was stunted by the brutal treatment in his childhood.

38. Her egg will therefore grow into a small, stunted wasp.

39. Stunted growth: an Atmin mutant mouse kidney (right) is smaller and less developed, with fewer tubule branches than a healthy kidney (left) The development of the kidneys is a complex process

40. Three apparently intrinsic features of procercoid growth (initiation of differentiation at a fixed time, a minimum size threshold for differentiation, and an accelerated growth rate in procercoids following differentiation) provided a mechanism whereby natural variation in procercoid growth rates could be amplified to produce a parasite infrapopulation comprising large, differentiated procercoids and stunted, undifferentiated procercoids.

41. A few stunted rowan trees reinforced the feeling of desolation.

42. But the landed oligarchy had stunted the country's democratic development for generations.

43. Montane vegetation at the highest altitudes tends to be stunted and windswept.

44. Without these things, the development of a child is stunted physically, mentally, and emotionally.

45. The willows between Essoldo and stream were old, stunted and easy to climb.

46. A person is not stunted emotionally because he is not a fornicator or an adulterer.

47. What is Cretinism? Cretinism is a medical condition present at birth wherein there is a decreased or absent thyroid function and thyroid hormone production. When untreated, this could lead to severely stunted physical and mental growth of the newborn

48. Children with this disease - and they are the most susceptible group - are often pale and stunted.

49. ‘The effect is like Bedaubing a marble statue with paint.’ ‘These poor wretches were stunted in their growth, their hideous faces bedaubed with white paint, their skins filthy and greasy, their hair entangled, their voices discordant, and their gestures violent.’

50. A very low height-to-age ratio may reveal chronic undernourishment —the child is stunted.

51. And what about the psychological cost of broken or bereaved families and stunted educations or careers?

52. Avalanche and glacier lilies, lupine, Bistorts and tiger lilies dance beneath stunted subalpine fir trees

53. He returned an hour later with a few stunted bushes he had managed to prise from the rock.

54. Adhere stunted whimsically louvered and purchase paxil uk sales furthermore Bioclimatologies pursuant to whom nonpunishable nonfactual

55. Beneath a stunted row an tree the group was busily engaged, perhaps feasting on a rabbit carcase.

56. The old blackthorn tree, twisted and stunted by its choice of birthplace, made a convenient leaning post.

57. ‘The effect is like Bedaubing a marble statue with paint.’ ‘These poor wretches were stunted in their growth, their hideous faces bedaubed with white paint, their skins filthy and greasy, their hair entangled, their voices discordant, and their gestures violent.’

58. Plants that grow in the thin top layer are often small or stunted; their roots cannot penetrate the permafrost.

59. 10 The classical mandolin -- as opposed to its slightly different bluegrass cousin -- looks like a stunted lute.

60. Obligate Aerobe: Growth: No growth: Required (utilized for aerobic respiration) Microaerophile: Growth if level not too high: No growth: Required but at levels below 0.2 atm: Obligate AnAerobe: No growth: Growth Toxic: Facultative AnAerobe (Facultative Aerobe) Growth: Growth: Not required for growth but utilized when available: Aerotolerant

61. But don't opt for the obvious solution: cutting the stuff into stunted threads is practised only by the infantile.

62. 6 This section was a stunted pygmy of the city, but all hers to handle and manipulate.

63. Here and there on the hillside I could see sheep and goats grazing among the wild flowers and stunted trees.

64. There were a few trees edging the pavement, but they were an urban stock, twisted and stunted by city poisons.

65. Growth is mainly depending on osseous system's growth.

66. Arank is related to High Dividend,Low PE/Growth,Strong Profit Growth,Strong Revenue Growth,

67. Surviving here is so crushingly difficult, that it can take hundreds of years for a seedling to grow into a stunted shrub.

68. It is found at altitudes of 1,000–4,100 metres (3,300–13,500 ft) in forest, especially where it becomes stunted.

69. The growth period, nitrogen fixation , growth condition and other growth characteristics of Nostoc. sp were studied.

70. So, the population growth follows an exponential growth curve.

71. This growth mode is known as Stranski–Krastanov growth.

72. Amniotic stem cells contain growth factors, which stimulate tissue growth

73. The ones closest to the door were the last ones they were able to hatch and they were all stunted and wrong.

74. Looking for Appositional growth? Find out information about Appositional growth

75. Exponential growth.

76. Opposite to many animals, the human inner ear muscles are stunted, and therefore they have no great importance in hearing.

77. There were no significant differences between the median serum IGFBP-1 and insulin concentrations in well grown compared with stunted patients.

78. The growth regression on misalignment shows that misalignment has a significant negative effect on economic growth, specifically, overvalue does harm to growth, while undervalue may improve growth.

79. Strong export growth, along with steady consumption growth, is expected to nudge Brazil’s growth to 3.7 percent in 2016.

80. However, scientists who examined the specimens determined that the animals were stunted due to the harsh environment in which they lived.