Đặt câu với từ "strongly"

1. Caesium reacts strongly with…

2. Be strongly/sharply/heavily Criticized The decision has been strongly Criticized by teachers.

3. Abhorring: to dislike strongly.

4. Abominating: to dislike strongly.

5. I strongly suggest sunscreen.

6. Strongly recommend we abort.

7. Strongly alkaline (1 % solution)

8. Beefy: strongly and heavily built.

9. The cytoplasm was strongly Basophilic

10. Her features were strongly defined.

11. It tastes strongly of mint.

12. That savours strongly of bitterness.

13. That savours strongly of bitterness

14. Green persimmons are strongly astringent.

15. The current sets strongly eastwards.

16. The Houses were strongly Barricadoed

17. I strongly oppose that contention.

18. I strongly advise against it.

19. A riff on strongly-typed.

20. Early booking is strongly recommended.

21. Stones and cement binds strongly.

22. Ratings were made on a four point scale ranging from 1-strongly disagree to 4-strongly agree.

23. Coveted meaning: strongly desired by many:

24. The tide is flowing strongly today.

25. Hemipenes bisulcate, weakly to strongly Bicapitate

26. I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

27. Strongly advise that you come soonest.

28. The little mite had objected strongly.

29. The room smelt strongly of polish.

30. I disapproved strongly of his proposal.

31. I feel really strongly about this.

32. I disagree strongly with this idea.

33. He believed strongly in economic incentive.

34. A northeast wind is blowing strongly.

35. The house smelt strongly of food.

36. We objected strongly but were outvoted.

37. Besides , S - VCG is strongly antacid.

38. I strongly resent such unwarranted aspersions.

39. 4 The music is strongly rhythmical.

40. Your remarks savour strongly of impertinence.

41. I strongly disagree with his views.

42. Hemipenes bisulcate, weakly to strongly Bicapitate

43. Atomy's regional offices are growing strongly

44. Strongly desirous; eager: Athirst for freedom

45. We strongly reject all such comments."

46. Asserts: to state clearly and strongly.

47. She strongly denounced the Government's hypocrisy.

48. Yes, but prehistory was strongly patriarchal.

49. 25 Early booking is strongly recommended.

50. Asserted: to state clearly and strongly.

51. Why does Jehovah strongly oppose superstitions?

52. 14 I strongly oppose that contention.

53. 5 I strongly advise against it.

54. Essentially, an Agree, disAgree scale is a range of answer options that go from strongly Agree to strongly disAgree

55. 11 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

56. 10 I strongly concur with that idea.

57. Depositors Notes: Strongly stains the regenerating Blastema

58. Elihu also strongly rebuked Job’s false friends.

59. Education levels are strongly related to income.

60. We protested strongly against such barbarous aggression.

61. They oared strongly across the finish line.

62. His hands smelt strongly of perfumed soap.

63. 4 He strongly objected against the decision.

64. Local aviation history is strongly represented, too.

65. Is strongly lobed (Auricled) at the base

66. What does Athirst mean? Strongly desirous; eager

67. Some economists strongly believe in private enterprise.

68. The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.

69. 3 Fate was strongly biased against him.

70. But the official church hierarchy strongly disapproved.

71. Claims of harassment have been strongly denied.

72. Her family, however, strongly opposed the idea.

73. 15 Liberal opinion strongly favoured its reversal.

74. Most diaspora Jews still support Israel strongly.

75. He reacted strongly against his religious upbringing.

76. 5 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

77. The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.

78. Her family strongly disapproved of her behaviour.

79. He was strongly opposed to the idea.

80. Bob strongly disapproved of drinking and driving.