Đặt câu với từ "steadily"

1. The ground rises steadily.

2. He was rowing steadily.

3. Children's bodies grow steadily.

4. The situation got steadily worse.

5. The car bowled steadily along.

6. Foreign direct investment increased steadily.

7. The rain was falling steadily.

8. Japanese firms have moved steadily upmarket.

9. Ally groped steadily towards the door.

10. The political situation is steadily worsening.

11. The movement is steadily gaining impetus.

12. The country has been steadily industrializing.

13. The population is mounting up steadily.

14. 20 The smoke curled steadily upwards.

15. SAT scores have been steadily decreasing.

16. Inflation has steadily whittled away their savings.

17. Her health is getting steadily worse.

18. The fire advanced steadily through the forest.

19. Their standard of living steadily sank down.

20. I steadily refuse to tell an untruth.

21. Prices rose steadily to reach record levels .

22. Traditional handicraft techniques are being steadily improved.

23. Breathe the air out slowly and steadily.

24. The bus climbed steadily up the road.

25. The train puffed steadily across the bridge.

26. Since 1970s, steadily it has gone up - up meaning the amount of energy that you use per dollar GNP has steadily shrunk.

27. A full cup must be carried steadily

28. Snow had been falling steadily for ten days.

29. Despite this fact, Armadillos are steadily moving north

30. The coal fire burned steadily away in the grate.

31. There has been a steadily shrinking supply of it.

32. The rights of the individual are being steadily eroded.

33. With MVP coaching, Thompson's times started improving steadily.

34. Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.

35. 3 He was eating irregularly, steadily losing weight.

36. Relations between the two countries have steadily worsened.

37. The Swaraj Party disintegrated steadily after Deshbandhu ' s death .

38. The pound sterling has been climbing steadily all week.

39. The daily dosage is steadily reduced over several weeks.

40. The pace is unhurried and the wine flows steadily.

41. ‘Actively and steadily promote debt restructuring at the enterprise.

42. The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.

43. They were flying steadily eastwards, deeper into enemy territory.

44. The volume of Basswood has increased steadily since 1938

45. Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.

46. Violence between the two sides has been steadily escalating.

47. This spiritual land is gradually, steadily becoming ever more paradisaic.

48. 13 The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.

49. The divorce rate has risen steadily since the 1950s.

50. A fierce fight held on steadily a whole day.

51. She had been drinking steadily since the early morning.

52. 6 Afforestation and ecological projects have been launched steadily.

53. 14 The farm labor force is running down steadily.

54. Extensive advertising paid off as sales of chocolates steadily increased.

55. 18 Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.

56. The new Russia steadily ebbs away drive out of Moscow.

57. Over the next five years, conditions in Jerusalem steadily deteriorate.

58. The road climbs steadily to an elevation of 1400 feet.

59. 1 Its urbanization, progressing steadily, had finally reached the ultimate.

60. An amazing mass of people walked steadily and appeared untroubled.

61. The river bank had been steadily eroded over the years.

62. Through the centuries whist evolved and grew steadily in popularity.

63. It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream.

64. Burtons Grill & Bar, expanding steadily, located in Hingham, Massachusetts

65. Dollars had been steadily flooding into the British war chest.

66. Only Slovenia's economy grew steadily after the initial shock and slump.

67. As the boys steadily monotonously drove the raft toward mid - stream.

68. We hope that the festival will burgeon out slowly but steadily.

69. And as Tom had predicted, sales steadily increased at the dealership.

70. The company's advertising budget has been increasing steadily year after year.

71. His illegal deals were steadily milking the profits from the business.

72. Hydrogen is being steadily converted into helium and the other elements . . .

73. Unborn children are affected and the death rate is steadily rising.

74. The nation's unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June.

75. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.

76. A Bitcoin faucet is a feature on websites that steadily drips Bitcoin.

77. 7 The rain fell steadily; wet bracken brushed her bare legs.

78. The amount of traffic on their Facebook page is also steadily increasing.

79. They saw disorder steadily growing, like a baby, and called this entropy.

80. Second, the population living in absolute poverty has been steadily decreasing since