Đặt câu với từ "state private enterprise"

1. France has a mixed economy that combines extensive private enterprise with substantial state enterprise and government intervention.

2. This is a private enterprise.

3. * state enterprise management;

4. The Act will encourage private enterprise.

5. 3 This is a private enterprise.

6. Some economists strongly believe in private enterprise.

7. 14 The Act will encourage private enterprise.

8. With the abandonment of mercantilism and the grant of oversea state trading monopolies, paternalism gave way to private enterprise.

9. Each individual can only establish one private enterprise.

10. That is an extraordinary doctrine of private enterprise.

11. 10 With the abandonment of mercantilism and the grant of oversea state trading monopolies, paternalism gave way to private enterprise.

12. Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.

13. After graduation, Daley had his last experience with private enterprise.

14. 16 Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.

15. The development was originally envisaged as a private enterprise initiative.

16. He advocated experiments with private enterprise in the coal industry.

17. Where private enterprise has stepped in, the results have been variable.

18. He has announced that private enterprise will be allowed to flourish.

19. It needs state, society and enterprise to co - opnde to develoP medi - tun - small enterprise.

20. Free enterprise was encouraged in private-sector hotel projects and the creation of new farms and small-scale industries not subject to state price controls.

21. 12 At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.

22. Council building reaped the benefit of the price set by private enterprise.

23. 16 At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.

24. Private Enterprise by Richard Smith Ferdie finds fame after years in background.

25. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.

26. 25 The government can't bail out every unprofitable state enterprise.

27. 6 State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.

28. Even more alluringly, the entire process could be handed over to private enterprise.

29. The government has set up a special economic zone to promote private enterprise.

30. I plant is private enterprise, a good technology, and a solid financial strength.

31. Byelorussian Steel Works is a state-owned enterprise of Belarus.

32. The strong Peoples Anarchist Movementian economy, worth 451 trillion Barterings a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal

33. The main characteristics of capitalism are private ownership of capital and freedom of enterprise.

34. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.

35. After 14 however, Gloucester made no further acquisitions, either through royal grants or private enterprise.

36. Private enterprise now accounts for half the economy and is expanding by 25% a year.

37. Chapter three is about the advantage and disadvantage of foreign direct investment of private enterprise.

38. As the state economy with drowse from the compete field gradually, the private manufacture enterprise will occupy more and more important place in china Manufacturing industry in the future.

39. State Unitary Enterprise of the ‘Republic of Crimea’‘Production-Agrarian Union “Massandra”’

40. 13 Can the state regulate private religious schools?

41. 18 Currently, brain drain increasing especially in traditional state - owned mechanical enterprise.

42. In a slip of time, the mantle of achievement passed from private enterprise to public works.

43. For example, few people know the Internet is now completely owned and operated by private enterprise.

44. In May 2013, a managed private cloud offering called the HANA Enterprise Cloud service was announced.

45. Even if Mr Obama had been so inclined , this was no time to laud private enterprise.

46. You hear the same sort of thing from people who worked with Bush in private enterprise.

47. Beachhead enterprise Beachhead enterprise Beachhead enterprise

48. Many state schools would be funded by private firms.

49. According to Businessdictionary.com, a mixed economy is: “An economic system in which both the private enterprise and a degree of state monopoly (usually in public services, defense, *infrastructure, and basic industries) coexist

50. In the context of urban policy this meant that cities must follow the lead of private enterprise.

51. 24 Pavlov combined his allegations with an attack on free marketeers and private enterprise joint venture companies.

52. Even if we accept the underlying private enterprise philosophy of Making Belfast Work, some basic flaws exist.

53. Confidentiality: the quality or state of being private or confidential

54. Altogether 150,000 individual private telegrams and state dispatches were delivered.

55. This was seed money to leverage private and state contributions.

56. Its hundreds of thousands of member companies in 130 countries have interests spanning every sector of private enterprise.

57. So modest pay increases were accompanied by a lifting of restrictions on public officials engaging in private enterprise.

58. It emerged in 2000 and is controlled by the regional government, Neryungri State Air Enterprise.

59. Comprehensive state welfare also induces dependency, reduces incentives to work, and blunts initiative and enterprise.

60. Bourran Quarter : Services and administrations of the State, private enterprises, health.

61. Actors may modify their own private state, but can only affect

62. Quality products at low every day prices! Beachhead enterprise Beachhead enterprise Beachhead enterprise Beachhead enterprise

63. Sustained reforms of the state-owned enterprise sectors in China and Vietnam can improve growth prospects.

64. But it gave its inner-city policy a new direction by stressing the role of private enterprise in economic regeneration.

65. 19 Did you go to a state school or a private school?

66. The event left many people fearful of the amount of personal information they were ceding to a private, profit-hungry enterprise.

67. Ferries serving both the inner and outer Hebrides are principally operated by the state-owned enterprise Caledonian MacBrayne.

68. In 1948, the state began to nationalize private firms and to collectivize agriculture.

69. In 1948, the state began to nationalise private firms and to Collectivise agriculture

70. Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system?

71. Neither the private ownership funds nor the state ownership fund were yet functioning.

72. The urban economic reforms had led to price increases in basic foodstuffs and the introduction of private enterprise in the university canteens.

73. The welfare state was restricted, and many workers' protections were stripped out in the name of free enterprise.

74. Following a decision of the so-called ‘Cabinet of Ministers’ of the ‘Republic of Crimea’, the status of the company was in January 2016 changed from state enterprise ‘Agrofirma Magarach’ to state unitary enterprise of the ‘Republic of Crimea’‘Agrarian Company of Magarach’.

75. Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.

76. Confiscation, in property law, act of appropriating private property for state or sovereign use

77. Some private travel agencies also have services to the major cities of the state.

78. Institutional care is provided by a private company as well as by the state.

79. Federal and state privacy legislation often provides private causes of action for money damages.

80. Are there private or state-sponsored support services that offer an acceptable alternative solution?