Đặt câu với từ "soviets"

1. Soviets managed to land unmanned probes.

2. Completely different outlook from other Soviets.

3. The Soviets had demonstrated unsuspected scientific and engineering skills.

4. On 4 October 1957 the Soviets placed Sputnik in orbit.

5. The Soviets took the first step by creating Sputnik.

6. According to some stories,... the Soviets had designed " psychotronic generators. "

7. 1957 —Soviets send first earth satellite, Sputnik I, into

8. 14: Soviets organize rigged elections in the Baltic States.

9. Not that the Soviets were totally unknown before that.

10. Three months later, the Soviets convicted him of espionage.

11. In a number of cities, workers formed Soviets, or councils.

12. The Soviets dismantled the plant and shipped it to Russia.

13. For many months, the Soviets refused to bargain in earnestness.

14. The Germans surrendered Berlin to the Soviets on 2 May 1945.

15. The Soviets cut off all rail and road routes to West Berlin.

16. His presence in restricted areas had aroused the anxiety of the Soviets.

17. A nice house-present to give the Soviets when he went over.

18. Soviets (councils of workers) appeared in most cities to direct revolutionary activity.

19. The Soviets are demanding certain guarantees about verification before signing the treaty.

20. The Soviets were becoming increasingly worried about Amin's control over the Afghan military.

21. It soon became clear to the Soviets that the Berlin Airlift would succeed.

22. On September 19 Truman declared that the Soviets had detonated an atomic bomb.

23. Also, he wanted to pursue an arms control treaty with the Soviets, SALT.

24. The airlift continues until September, in case the Soviets re-establish the blockade.

25. The delegations were headed by the deputy chairs of the republican Supreme Soviets.

26. The Soviets may rob themselves of their own best potential in this way.

27. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.

28. It was believed that the Soviets already had superiority in conventional armies and weapons.

29. It's an unprecedented crime committed by the Soviets on Polish POW's in Katyn.

30. The April 6, 1946 visit of the American battleship USS Missouri further angered the Soviets.

31. The western allies were advancing rapidly from the west, and the Soviets, from the east.

32. The Soviets had several high-profile defections to the west, such as the Petrov Affair.

33. He led the Soviets to the hiding place of the documents in February 1945.

34. The Soviets sought to Befriend the Chinese revolutionists by offering scathing attacks on Western imperialism

35. During the fighting for Przyszowice, the Soviets suffered 101 casualties and lost roughly 40 tanks.

36. He was a spy for the Soviets in Los Alamos, during the atomic bomb project.

37. As the German army advanced, the Soviets guards executed 7,000 prisoners prior to retreat.

38. Their superiors endorsed the partition line and the proposal was accepted by the Soviets.

39. The Soviets provided the academy with much educational material, organization and equipment, including munitions.

40. Mr. President the Soviets have moved their tanks just short of the Afghan border.

41. 5: Finland tells the Soviets they will agree to their terms for ending the war.

42. By that time the Soviets were openly supporting India in its border dispute with China.

43. The Soviets at first offered thirty-five thousand exit visas per year, then forty thousand.

44. In June 1944, the Western allies landed in France and the Soviets pushed into Eastern Europe.

45. Red Alert 3 features three factions, the Allies, Soviets and the Empire of the Rising Sun.

46. Meanwhile, the Soviets had launched two Luna-type spacecraft at the Moon in early 19

47. In Budapest, the Soviets were eventually fought to a stand-still and hostilities began to wane.

48. By September 1917, the councils (soviets) of workers, peasants and soldiers acquired considerable political and military power.

49. The Soviets today have the capability to intercept and locate the sources of United States communications frequencies.

50. Mao Zedong's People's Republic of China, for example, condemned both the Soviets and the Americans as imperialists.

51. Apart from talks of fighting Polish resistance, the Soviets and the Germans discussed ways of exchanging Polish POWs.

52. On May 19 in an air show, the Soviets displayed impressive quantities of their latest long-range bombers.

53. T-26 (88) - Licensed copy of British Vickers 6-ton Tank, purchased from Soviets in 1938.

54. 3 Newspaper articles assured the Soviets that the German Lebensraum did not encroach on Russian territory.

55. They couldn't say that the Soviets had acoustic means of picking up American submarines because they couldn't find it.

56. It has been organized by Communist revanchists, Fascist leaders, a part of former deputies, the representatives of the Soviets.

57. The October Revolution ousted the provisional government, making the Congress of Soviets the sole, and supreme governing body.

58. This is to be the party's platform for the elections to republican and local soviets early next year.

59. Replying, the Soviets charged that the EC-130 had deliberately violated Soviet airspace but gave no further details.

60. How could you, you, the Polish Prime Minister, accept such conditions of the armistice with the Soviets?

61. The Soviets completed the conquest of Karafuto on August 25, 1945 by occupying the capital of Toyohara.

62. Beginning in December 1960, the Soviets flew in military supplies, beginning with a battery of 105mm howitzers.

63. The Soviets would never risk going to war when we have a walking nuclear deterrent on our side.

64. Over Russia there were hundreds of soviets, democratic local governing bodies in which the surrounding population could participate.

65. The main goal of the government was to accomplish the Socialist Revolution with the motto "All power to Soviets".

66. In addition to insinuating their Embassy man into the Cheltenham delegation, the Soviets could have scored a separate gain.

67. The increase will mean a significant increase in throughput, allowing the soviets to transport more gas per kilometre of pipeline.

68. Soviet reconnaissance flights had confirmed that Israeli forces were moving south, and the Soviets accused the Israelis of treachery.

69. As "de-Stalinization" went forward in the Soviet Union, China's revolutionary founder, Mao Zedong, condemned the Soviets for "revisionism."

70. Hartmann's acting so convinced the Soviets that they put him on a stretcher and placed him on a truck.

71. The Soviets suffered terrible defeats and huge human and territorial losses before remastering modern operational approaches and tactics.

72. The Soviets reinstated Grandfather Frost, the seasonal tree, and the New Year’s celebration —but with a significant twist.

73. Kissinger argued that more good could be obtained by keeping lines open to the Soviets than by closing them.

74. It focuses on the fate of some of the mothers, wives and daughters of the Polish officers killed by the Soviets.

75. Although the Soviets planned the mission as a showcase of their scientific superiority, it was widely dismissed as propaganda.

76. After the revolution, the Soviets switched to the Gregorian calendar, bringing Russia into line with the rest of the world.

77. This meeting followed the ratification on Dec. 10 and 12 of the CIS declaration by the original signatories' Supreme Soviets.

78. I do know that I don't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement.

79. 28 Actually, the brigade had been there since 19 journey from idealism to a hard line with regard to the Soviets.

80. And after a couple of hours, they actually start picking up the signal, because the Soviets made Sputnik very easy to track.