Đặt câu với từ "sludge digestion plant"

1. Digestion of organic sludge

2. Key words: autothermal, thermophilic, aerobic, digestion, sludge, biosolids.

3. Anaerobic digestion of sludge and optimal energy recovery40

4. Activated sludge plant: overviews

5. Treatment of sludge, in particular fatty sludge, by means of hydrolysis and aerobic digestion of fats

6. Waste sludge digestion process by sequential intermittent ozone dosing

7. Activated sludge plant: detail

8. Key words: sewage sludge, stabilization, digestion, acid treatment, sulphuric acid.

9. Treatment plant with activated sludge

10. Key words: aerobic digestion, biological nutrient removal, denitrification, methanol, sludge dewaterability.

11. An improved process for sludge treatment includes anaerobic digestion followed by post-mesophilic aerobic and/or anoxic digestion.

12. Thermophilic aerobic sludge digestion is operated at elevated temperatures, to achieve sludge stabilization, volatile solids (VS) destruction, and pasteurization.

13. Figure 1 Activated sludge plant: overviews

14. - mixed sludge will be removed from the primary settling basin for aerobic digestion,

15. (3) The greater the degree of digestion, the smaller the volume of sludge.

16. biofilm/activated sludge (compact biological treatment plant).

17. Treatment of sludge prior to application would normally include anaerobic digestion or equivalent treatments.

18. This sludge is stabilized and reduced in volume through aerobic or anaerobic digestion producing biosolids.

19. Key words: aerobic digestion, anoxic, intermittent aeration, lime, pilot-scale, Redox potential, sludge, solids reduction.

20. Key words: biological nutrient removal, carbon source, digested sludge supernatant, thermophilic aerobic digestion, volatile fatty acids.

21. Key words: aerobic, animal wastes, autothermal, class A biosolids, municipal sludge, thermophilic digestion, waste treatment.

22. Key words: anaerobic, aerobic, municipal sludge digestion, toxic organic compounds, biodegradation rate coefficients, model, dynamic.

23. Sludge will receive mesophyllic digestion, and will be dewatered and dried for reuse or disposal.

24. Raw sludge used in these studies was obtained from a municipal high-rate activated sludge plant.

25. - conventional biological treatment using activated sludge. Two identical tanks will be built for aeration and digestion,

26. Apparatus, devices and installations (fixed or mobile) for the treatment, filtration of sludge, in particular fatty sludge by means of hydrolysis and aerobic digestion of fats

27. After a process of anaerobic digestion of 15 days, such sludge was dried using centrifugal (filter) presses and was transferred to the composting area for aerobic digestion.

28. Autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion can produce a biologically stable product while reducing both sludge mass and volume.

29. For instance, he interfered with the hauling of sludge, causing sludge to back up at the plant, they said.

30. In Ireland sludge is either dewatered on filter tables and stored for 6 months, or undergoes anaerobic digestion.

31. The treated sludge may optionally be subjected to anaerobic digestion prior to delivery to the aerobic treatment system.

32. The effluent from partial anaerobic digestion of WWTP sludge was studied with regard to volatile fatty acids production.

33. Method for treating drain-water using sludge aeration in water treatment plant

34. The removal of selected toxic compounds during anaerobic and aerobic digestion of municipal sludge was investigated at pilot scale.

35. Key words: activated sludge, aerobic digestion, hydrated lime, mixed-liquor pH control, nitrification, process enhancement, pilot-scale, sodium bicarbonate.

36. Key words: digested sludge supernatant, molecular weight cut-off, microaerated, thermophilic aerobic digestion, volatile fatty acids, volatile solids destruction, ultrafiltration.

37. Sludge is returned at a rate that yields the best plant effluent as determined by the plant operator.

38. Commissioning, repair and maintenance of apparatus, devices and installations (fixed or mobiles) for the treatment of sludge, in particular fatty sludge, by means of hydrolysis and aerobic digestion of fats

39. The digestion systems were operated at temperatures of 20, 10, and 5 °C, and at six different sludge ages.

40. This study was performed to develop design guidelines, operating criteria, and kinetic coefficients for low-temperature aerobic sludge digestion.

41. — compost the residual biomass or send it to an adjacent anaerobic digestion plant;

42. Key words: aerobic sludge digestion, Ca(OH)2, enhancement, inhibition, mixed liquor pH control, NaHCO3, volatile and nonvolatile suspended solids.

43. ECU 7,821,280 for a tertiary sewerage treatment plant based an activated sludge process.

44. The pilot-plant treating 70 population equivalents of domestic wastewater is operated with a 12 day sludge age. Nanosilver was applied to the activated sludge tank within two sludge ages.

45. • Sludge may be stabilized on-site through anaerobic or aerobic digestion and further thickened or dewatered prior to ultimate disposal.

46. Method and plant for the purification of waste water by the activated sludge method

47. The plant will provide secondary biological treatment using activated sludge with simultaneous nitrification/denitrification.

48. Filter the activated sludge plant influent and effluent to be examined immediately on sampling

49. Filter the activated sludge plant influent and effluent to be examined immediately on sampling.

50. Collect actively digesting sludge from a digester at a wastewater treatment plant, or alternatively, from a laboratory digester, treating sludge from predominantly domestic sewage.

51. The Anaerobic digestion process must have a constant source of the raw materials (animal or human wastes) for the Anaerobic digestion plant to be successful

52. • Waste-activated sludge is usually stabilized on site through aerobic digestion and may be further thickened or dewatered prior to ultimate disposal.

53. Soil sludge, compost sludge, bio-sludge and clarified sludge mixers (machines)

54. With high-rate activated sludge as feed, various modes of digestion were studied on a laboratory scale at 20, 10, and 5 °C.

55. Energy optimization in an anaerobic, facultative, anoxic aerobic plant, using fine bubbles, without sludge production

56. Primary sludge and WAS are stabilized by aerobic or anaerobic digestion, and the digested biosolids are applied to agricultural land in some jurisdictions.

57. This process increased the yield of biogas and reduced the size needed for an anaerobic digestion plant.

58. • Primary and waste activated-sludge is usually stabilized on site through anaerobic or aerobic digestion and further thickened or dewatered prior to ultimate disposal.

59. Screw conveyors, in particular for sludge, including digested sludge, industrial sludge or sewage sludge

60. The use of pollution prevention equipment, including oily water separators, sludge tank systems and sewage disposal plant.

61. • Primary and waste-activated sludge is usually stabilized on site through anaerobic or aerobic digestion and further thickened or dewatered prior to ultimate disposal.

62. A waste solution from the anaerobic digestion tank and a liquid material from the first solid/liquid separator are concentrated by a sludge concentrator.

63. The plant comprises a plurality of process tanks comprising activated sludge with a treatment rate being variable.

64. The potential of biodegradable waste coupled with anaerobic digestion processing in a biogas plant is seen in Milan.

65. Collect activated sludge for inoculation from the aeration tank of a well operated waste water treatment plant or from a laboratory — scale activated sludge unit, treating predominantly domestic sewage.

66. Sludge collector having sludge collecting block

67. This was attributed to the presence of the cell membrane encapsulating the fermentable substrates of waste activated sludge, making them less available in the digestion process.

68. feed the whey to animals, use it as a fertiliser or process it in an anaerobic digestion plant.

69. We describe a floating respirometer,in particular for monitoring an activated sludge vessel of a sewage treatment plant.

70. Sludge heating unit, sludge heating method, and sludge hydrolysis apparatus using same

71. The sludge remaining at the treatment plant is pumped into large tanks called anaerobic digesters, where microorganisms break down the organic matter into methane gas and a more stable sludge.

72. The source of test organisms is activated sludge freshly sampled from a well-operated municipal sewage treatment plant.

73. K064 Acid plant blowdown slurry and sludge resulting from the thickening of blowdown slurry from primary copper production.

74. Four different kinds of sludge were used: alum sludge (water treatment), waste-activated sludge, simultaneous precipitation, and anaerobically digested mixed sludge.

75. - Activated sludge : sludge sampling sites and concentration,

76. The present invention relates to a method for treating drain-water using sludge aeration in a water treatment plant.

77. A pilot-scale (300 L) evaluation of waste-activated sludge digestion by a cyclical aerobic–anoxic mode of operation was undertaken at ambient liquid temperatures (14–17 °C).

78. The process includes an anoxic tank that receives at least two streams, including plant influent wastewater and return activated sludge.

79. The sludge is pumped into a sludge digester, and from there it goes into the sludge chamber.