Đặt câu với từ "similarities"

1. Similarities Between Carbonyl and Carboxyl

2. Similarities Between Bubblers and Bongs

3. Similarities Between Culex and Anopheles

4. Similarities Between Brachiopod and Bivalve 5

5. The similarities cannot possibly be coincidental.

6. The definition of Alike is having similarities

7. Wow, Adjourner -- the similarities are amazing

8. Perhaps there are superficial similarities to disease.

9. Similarities between Amylose and Amylopectin Content in Starch

10. * There are many similarities and convergences between us.

11. There are definitely temperamental similarities between the brothers.

12. Currants and raisins have both similarities and differences

13. There are many similarities and convergences between us.

14. There were significant similarities between mother and son.

15. Phonological similarities to Rhaetian have also been pointed out.

16. The panel shows marked similarities with mosaics found elsewhere.

17. 20 There are definitely temperamental similarities between the brothers.

18. There are many similarities between Bacteriophages and animal cell viruses

19. The book bears several striking similarities to last year's bestseller.

20. There are some striking similarities between the two plays.

21. There were, it was true, any number of superficial similarities.

22. Arguile is an abstract strategy game with some similarities to checkers

23. Analogical reasoning is a method of processing information that compares the similarities between new and understood concepts, then uses those similarities to gain understanding of the new concept

24. There are some similarities and differences between ambulances and Ambulettes

25. They have similarities but Aorist is a totally different thing

26. The ATM process has similarities with other online transaction processes.

27. Phylogeny (Cladistics) • Classification is the grouping of objects based on physical similarities

28. Similarities and Contradistinctions betwixt bacteria (prokaryotes) and human (eukaryotes) about gene regulations

29. Notwithstanding differences, there are clear similarities in all of the world's religions.

30. Between these two mosaics, however, there are few obvious similarities of motif.

31. This is an example of the striking similarities between karate and taekwondo.

32. Despite all of these similarities, we see huge differences in savings behavior.

33. What accounts for the basic similarities in the structure of living things?

34. The visual and sonic similarities with Unique 3 are more than incidental.

35. Even though they look different are there any similarities between their Backswings

36. Ask students to identify a principle from the similarities in the accounts.

37. He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals.

38. Averagely linear-quantified fingerprint method provided accurate qualitative and quantitative similarities for chromatogr …

39. But secondary or learned similarities can mediate generalization between otherwise quite dissimilar stimuli.

40. The definition of Comparing means noting the similarities and differences between multiple things

41. What are some similarities between the life of Moses and that of Jesus?

42. Cummingtonite shares few compositional similarities with alkali amphiboles such as arfvedsonite, glaucophane-riebeckite.

43. Comparability refers to the ability to identify similarities and differences in financials

44. The Canzone is an Italian form with strong similarities to the sestina

45. Golf Chipping nets have a lot of similarities from product to product

46. Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.

47. Encourage the students to find similarities between their noisemakers and the instruments.

48. 3.2.1 Description of Allophones An allophone is a phoneme that shares similarities of pronunciation

49. Aldehydes and ketones are the two functional groups that share a lot of similarities

50. And there are a lot of similarities between the Internet and the electric industry.

51. Bopp:German philologist whose Comparative Grammar (1833-18 illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages.

52. Costco (NASDAQ: Cost) and Home Depot (NYSE: HD) share many similarities as investments

53. Most Anthelmintics target the neuromusculature and therefore similarities here become of particular importance

54. Analogy An Analogy is a comparison of two things to highlight their similarities

55. We didn't fall in love with each other just because of our similarities.

56. The Display Network ad auction shares many similarities with the Google Ads auction.

57. Compare is a verb that means to explore similarities and differences between two items

58. Due to their similarities and shared nuances, usually, Canola is compared with olive oil

59. Crash dive is the twin brother of CRUSH DEPTH, but the similarities end there

60. All the similarities, the volcanic eruption, many people be convinced that Thera is Atlantis.

61. Many basic metabolic pathways show striking similarities throughout the bacterial, plant and animal kingdoms.

62. Carmabi houses many similarities with two other Lioporpoma species; the Swissguard Basslet ( L

63. Below are highlights of the differences, and some similarities, between the Bubbler vs

64. These similarities were increased when the comparison was limited solely to European universities.

65. Furthermore, the public is told that ail similarities to dolphins are purely coincidental.

66. At times, the similarities are too close for comfort, edging towards the derivative.

67. Arch compared to other distributions Summarizes the similarities and differences between Arch and other distributions

68. There are many similarities between a well-differentiated haemangiosarcoma and an “adamantinoma of long bones”.

69. Still, such similarities alone do not account for the easy acceptance of Christmas in Korea.

70. Contemporary ontologies share many structural similarities, regardless of the language in which they are expressed.

71. Guangdong shares similarities in cultural presentation with other places in south China during Paleolithic Period.

72. Compare cars side by side with our car comparison tool for similarities and differences

73. He also noticed similarities between the banter he made up for between-songs breaks.

74. The present is construed by recognizing and abstracting similarities and differences with the past.

75. Autosaurus Wrecks is a robotic monster made of road vehicles, which bears similarities to MechaGodzilla.

76. 71, identify similarities and differences between Mayan civilisation and the other Civilisations we have studied

77. While the Atlatl is not the same as a bow and arrow, similarities do exist

78. The two men who shared a table in the Occidental Restaurant had certain physical similarities.

79. Because Blosum-62 matrix is among the best for detecting most weak protein similarities

80. The Attriting language is the L1 or L2, inevitable similarities exist between the two