Đặt câu với từ "reticulo-endothelial systemic granuloma"

1. (a) Amastigote form (Aflagellar stage): The parasite at this stage resides in the cells of the reticulo-endothelial system of vertebrate hosts (man, dog, hamster)

2. Using the azo-coupling method, alkaline leucocyte phosphatase has been measured in 29 patients with lymphogranuloma, 16 with malignant growth of the reticulo-endothelial system and 9 with lymphadenosis.

3. The radioactive thorium-232 (half-life 1.4×1010 years) is stored lifelong in the organs of the reticulo-endothelial system after intravascular injection, causing chronic exposure to alpha radiation.

4. A granuloma whose center has undergone Caseous necrosis is known as a caseating granuloma

5. Chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale, genital herpes simplex infection, and molluscum contagiosum.

6. Endothelial Cells Line All Blood vessels

7. Curtailing endothelial TGF-β signaling is sufficient to reduce endothelial-mesenchymal transition and fibrosis in CKD J Am Soc Nephrol

8. Side effects of treatment included: delayed wound healing, Avascularised sclera and pyogenic granuloma

9. 24 This is a caseation granuloma of tuberculosis in the adrenal gland.

10. Biliverdin reductase is an enzyme found in all tissues, especially in reticulo-macrophages of the liver and spleen

11. Amyloidosis with systemic involvement.

12. Slit-lamp photograph of a 58-year-old man with epithelial Bedewing and stromal and endothelial edema due to Fuchs endothelial dystrophy

13. Systemic Benefits of Bioflavonoids

14. Endothelial cells proximal to the injury undergo rapid mitosis.

15. Circulating endothelial cells (CECs) are endothelial cells that have been shed from the lining of the vascular wall into the blood stream

16. Clever-1 (also known as Stabilin-1 and FEEL-1) is a scavenger receptor expressed on lymphatic endothelial cells, sinusoidal endothelial cells and …

17. Angiogenesis is stimulated by introducing two replication-deficient adenovirus vectors to the endothelial cells or proximate to the endothelial cells of an organism.

18. Capillary walls consist of thin endothelial cells through which body

19. Some of the clinical characteristics of endothelial Bedewing are outlined

20. Portal-systemic Anastomoses inferior esophagus

21. Adenos stands for Adenoviral Vector Encoding Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase

22. Berylliosis causes the same autoimmune responce as Sarcoid — respiratory inflammation, granuloma formation, scarring, and other issues

23. The prevalence of the peripheral giant-cell granuloma is highest around 50 - 60 years of age.

24. Systemic Asphyxiant Chemical-Warfare Agents

25. DNAse Abzymes in systemic lupus erythematosus).

26. Anaphylaxis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis

27. Product(s) containing Codeine: Codeine systemic

28. Systemic stratigraphy: beyond classical Biostratigraphy 6

29. Myopic astigmatism is systemic sex disease actually.

30. Granuloma Annulare classically presents with 1 or more indurated, erythematous or violaceous Annular plaques on the extremities

31. A systemic anaphylaxis has also been described.

32. Spontaneous achilles tendon rupture due to a granuloma in patients with vasculitis seems to be a rare event.

33. Use of oleanolic acid as a vasodilator and restorer agent for endothelial dysfunction

34. The systemic nature suggests Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

35. In Ultra-thin-sections of 3 Morphea-patients the following findings were seen: Endothelial thickening of the capillaries, raised number of endothelial cells with more embeddings similar to leio-myo-filaments.

36. Endothelial cysts of the adrenal gland are a rare entity of adolescents.

37. This approach improved angiogenesis through increased magnetisation of stem and endothelial cells.

38. The Constellation is an organization generating systemic change

39. We need to address regulatory and systemic flaws.

40. 14 Next year spray with a systemic insecticide.

41. Antifeedant, contact toxicity and systemic toxicity of M

42. * connective tissue diseases , such as systemic lupus erythematosus .

43. Bacillary angiomatosis in immunocompetent patients may occur at burn site, or site of cat scratch masquerading as a pyogenic granuloma

44. Adenos is defined as Adenoviral Vector Encoding Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase very rarely

45. Key words: exercise hyperemia, muscle blood flow, exercise training, endothelial function, nitric oxide.

46. Liver elimination of IgG includes degradation in the reticuloendothelial system and endothelial cells

47. Apter said that addressing systemic bias and systemic racism is a key civil rights issue that needs to be fully acknowledged and addressed.

48. The authors concluded that endothelial Bedewing could occur idiopathically in non-wearing eyes

49. Bedewing andalso bythe occasional observation of endothelial Bedewing in successful contact lens wearers

50. T lymphocyte, endothelial cell, matrix metalloproteinase, inflammation, transendothelial migration, integrins, cell adhesion molecules.

51. Catechin Averts experimental diabetes mellitus-induced vascular endothelial structural and functional abnormalities Cardiovasc Toxicol

52. Systemic vas cular respons es to increased intr Acranial

53. The use of marginal retroilumination in biomicroscopy is described for the detection of endothelial Bedewing

54. Seeding of human endothelial cells on artificial and bioartificial acellularized vessel matrices has proven possible.

55. It can refer systemic matters to us,” Byres said.

56. Systemic treatment given after surgery is called “adjuvant therapy”.

57. Antenatal diagnosis is a systemic project concerning many aspects.

58. Polypeptides targeting vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 and alpha v beta 3 integrin

59. In addition, an active transport across the endothelial cell layer has to be postulated.

60. Stent able to selectively capture vascular endothelial progenitor cells and a production method therefor

61. Atrophy can be physiological and pathological, systemic and local

62. Risk factors include HIV/AIDS and systemic lupus erythematosus.

63. 7 Systemic lupus erythematosus is belong to autoimmune disease.

64. Anastomosing proliferation of capillary sized vessels, reminiscent of splenic sinusoids (Am J Surg Pathol 2010;34:942), within a framework of nonendothelial supporting cells Rare to absent mitotic activity Mild endothelial nuclear variability and scattered hobnailed endothelial cells …

65. The symptoms of systemic Camphor poisoning have been reviewed [ 1 ].

66. The systemic destruction of a land to insure its subjugation.

67. Bedewing, endothelial A cluster of inflammatory cells deposited on the posterior surface of the corneal endothelium

68. It has been clearly demonstrated that L-Arginine administration improves endothelial function in various disease states.

69. Histological examination revealed Actinomycetous bacteria associated with multifocal systemic granulomas

70. assessment of the local and systemic exposure (considering absorption data);

71. This is known as Acropetal movement: Amphimobile/truly systemic fungicides

72. It characterised that situation as a ‘systemic abuse of rights’.

73. Systemic lupus erythematosus causes the immune system to become hyperactive.

74. Both the endothelial cells and the platelets produce eicosanoids, which cause the platelets to clump together.

75. 9 Ojective To study the endothelial mechanism of simulated weightlessness on the reactivity of pulmonary artery.

76. It takes systemic COP as index to compare rated quantitaty of making water, temperature of water and ambient temperature to contribute to the systemic economical performance.

77. The use of marginal retroilumination in biomicroscopy is described for the detection of endothelial Bedewing

78. The present invention relates to intercellular adhesion inhibitory factors produced by cytokine activated endothelial cells.

79. Only occasionally have these food-induced allergies induced systemic responses.

80. Distribution Oxybutynin is widely distributed in body tissues following systemic absorption