Đặt câu với từ "overnight limit"

1. Current accounts / overnight deposits

2. BA shares gained overnight.

3. The weather changed overnight.

4. She became famous overnight.

5. He became famous overnight.

6. Soak the beans overnight.

7. Almost overnight I was cured.

8. The lake had frozen overnight.

9. Things cannot be transformed overnight.

10. You've seen the overnight polls.

11. You doubled your business overnight.

12. 10 Soak the beans overnight.

13. My back has stiffened overnight.

14. Almost overnight, Bush went from

15. She achieved celebrity status overnight.

16. She became a celebrity overnight.

17. He became a millionaire overnight.

18. The wind had strengthened overnight.

19. Steep the fruit in brandy overnight.

20. Leave the pots to soak overnight.

21. Our shares became completely valueless overnight.

22. Got Antonymity? “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” –Jim Rohn

23. The job can be processed overnight.

24. The situation has not arisen overnight.

25. She stayed overnight in the hotel.

26. 14 Almost overnight I was cured.

27. The currency was devalued 20% overnight.

28. But you cannot transform Afghanistan overnight.

29. The money came in basically overnight.

30. We stayed overnight with my mother.

31. Don't expect it to improve overnight.

32. Galway's revival is no overnight success.

33. Overnight sleeper train accommodation: Couchettes vs

34. Camp OCKANICKON Overnight Camp for Boys

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36. People's perception of me changed overnight.

37. The band became a sensation overnight.

38. But trust does not happen overnight.

39. Fear and anxiety aged her overnight.

40. Becoming an Astronaut doesn't just happen overnight

41. Leave the clay in the mould overnight.

42. 90 vehicles Burglarized overnight at local hotels

43. “The family wanted us to stay overnight.

44. The entire city was blacked out overnight.

45. Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin.

46. Overnight Lucky had become an oddball Negro.

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48. He did well overnight, has remained afebrile.

49. But overnight a jealous rival defaces it.

50. The rain will largely die away overnight.

51. The temperature could fall below zero overnight.

52. You don't just become a Guardian overnight.

53. The house was burnt to ashes overnight.

54. Here the dislocation seemed to happen overnight.

55. Everything she cherished was swept away overnight.

56. The rain has sprouted the seeds overnight.

57. He did well overnight, has remained Afebrile

58. 17 Leave the pots to soak overnight.

59. They kept her in overnight for observation.

60. With Chernobyl the foreign market collapsed overnight.

61. Hundreds of mushrooms had sprouted up overnight.

62. Island Aardvarks provides Doggie Daycare and overnight care.

63. " Overnight in the Office with My Greedy Boss ",

64. Some bright spark left the door open overnight.

65. Flauntier Regan psychoanalyses, Order Xanax Overnight Apotheosises noumenally

66. A close, warm friendship cannot be cultivated overnight.

67. 29: A massive overnight bombing raid on Liverpool.

68. Mobilize 100 percent, and overnight, we get revolution.

69. 23 I've left the clothes to soak overnight.

70. 22 Leave the clay in the mould overnight.

71. Overnight Riley Hanson had become a cautious braggart.

72. The book catapulted the author into fame overnight.

73. Overnight, the gossip begins to mutate into headlines.

74. The overnight invasion took the military experts unawares.

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76. The package was Couriered overnight to our offices

77. You can stay overnight if you want to.

78. Overnight, it seemed, their relationship had turned sour.

79. After winning the prize she became famous overnight.

80. Jim seemed to have sprouted a beard overnight.