Đặt câu với từ "orphan"

1. And the popular'Basketball Orphan'...

2. Mr. Kane adopted the orphan.

3. Yes, a pedestrian orphan!

4. Billiance founded Orphan Sunday; a program that engages the church to respond to orphan crisis

5. You' re also an orphan

6. The orphan was hungry for affection.

7. I was an orphan, too.

8. His daughter is now an orphan.

9. A Forsaken Orphan Finds a Loving Father

10. They adopted an orphan as an heir.

11. The family adopted the orphan as their own.

12. Castaway: See: abandoned , derelict , discard , orphan , pariah

13. Fuck you! I'm an orphan! Bastards! Kill!

14. Abos-Educate the needy and orphan children

15. She told Mother she was an orphan.

16. The little orphan girl of the Kansas prairie massacre.

17. We may keep an orphan or adopt it out.

18. Richard was an orphan, adopted at nine months.

19. Jane, the orphan girl, was chosen to go.

20. A mixed-up orphan looking for a father.

21. I have never forgotten that little street orphan.

22. This orphan grew up to be a soldier.

23. Adopting an Orphan As you begin your research on Adopting an orphan, you may find that there is a lot of information available

24. Constantine was left an orphan at a young age.

25. Her heart went out to the poor orphan child.

26. Looks like little Max will grow up an orphan.

27. He was an orphan and lived with his uncle.

28. The orphan of the Wing Tribe must be here.

29. He has been an orphan since he was five.

30. 21 If I shook my fist against the orphan+

31. Orphan Lara Cameron metamorphoses into a beautiful property tycoon.

32. Twenty years ago, you brought an orphan to my door.

33. Soon after that, her mother died and she became an orphan.

34. Are you so anxious to make your boy an orphan?

35. There's not many men willing to marry a penniless orphan.

36. She was left an orphan at the age of five.

37. Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan

38. The children's home is sending us one of their orphan boys.

39. 19 Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan

40. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Aerodone Orphan Drug status

41. They Survey the huddled women briefly, then Stare at the orphan girls.

42. Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.

43. When his parents were killed in an accident, he became an orphan.

44. It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor.

45. They overcame the societal derogative term orphan in times of difficulty and challenge.

46. I hope Daddy isn't as big of a dick as you, orphan boy.

47. This word is a lexical orphan, not even a Bupkisness to parallel nothingness

48. Please refrain from any concept linked to her image of an orphan or an adoptee.

49. I was left an orphan at an early age and became a ward of court.

50. Miss Diana gave away all her castoffs to the little girls in the orphan asylum.

51. Yezhov and Feigenburg had an adopted daughter, Natalia, an orphan from a children's home.

52. However, Article 9 sets out requirements aimed at regaining control on actual orphan sources.

53. That orphan wouldn't have survived if I hadn't adopted him after his parents died.

54. Here is concrete proof that there are indeed orphan clauses in federal government agreements

55. This small country did not want to be a political orphan under a European protectorate.

56. H.R. 4014, signed the same day, refers to the "Rare Diseases Orphan Product Development Act".

57. We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war.

58. The orphan remembered with hatred the confiscation in his childhood institution of a teddy bear.

59. Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. John F. Kennedy 

60. Fiona Grogan, portrayed orphan Sophie with the right quality of childlike credibility without patronising children.

61. Aerodone™ for the treatment of IPF has been granted orphan-drug designation by the US FDA

62. 2 Responses to "Apparelling Orphan Heiresses" Alonzo says: November 1, 2013 at 8:22 pm

63. Cabaletta Bio Announces FDA Orphan Drug Designation for DSG3- CAART for the Treatment of Pemphigus Vulgaris

64. A type of orphan alarm in which alarm is active but quiescent for a certain period.

65. The orphan in whom you took an interest is now doing well in the drapery way.

66. Adoption.com is the world's most-visited Adoption site to help adopt or foster a child, baby or orphan

67. Jules paced beside her and said nothing at all, imagining no doubt that she was a poor little orphan.

68. Adoption.com is the world's most-visited Adoption site to help Adopt or foster a child, baby or orphan

69. In common usage, only a child who has lost both parents due to death is called an orphan.

70. The Bible specially instructs God's children to care for the widow, orphan and the sojourner in their midst.

71. It may well be that the better education of orphan girls was a particular feature of the experiment.

72. If he could have known that he was a workhouse orphan, perhaps he would have cried even more loudly.

73. There was instant and Clamant disapproval, each one of us urging an unquestionable claim to the guardianship of the orphan Menace

74. A brief discussion of how to control the page layout and how to avoid widow and orphan line is provided below.

75. 20 If he could have known that he was a workhouse orphan, perhaps he would have cried even more loudly.

76. A composition for treating or preventing coronary artery disease in an animal by increasing blood serum apoAl levels in the animal includes an effective amount of a combination of an agonist of the orphan nuclear receptor PXR and an agonist of the orphan nuclear receptor PPAR&agr;.

77. Most of the actions centre on the eponymous hero Harry Potter, an orphan who escapes his miserable childhood with the Dursley family.

78. Here, she tells the story of Mud(Sentencedict.com ), an orphan member of an elephant tribe who is blessed with visionary powers.

79. The Bootblack is an enterprising orphan who has found a way to make a living in the poorer district of Beauclair.

80. She easily got the pity of tender-hearted Amelia, for being alone in the world, an orphan without friends or kindred.