Đặt câu với từ "nuclear safety"

1. The Nuclear Facility Safety Program establishes and maintains the DOE requirements for nuclear Criticality safety

2. Energy safety, in particular nuclear safety and off-shore drilling safety, g.

3. Nuclear safety is an absolute priority for the EU.

4. 22. nuclear safety (of present and future generations of nuclear reactors, and their fuel cycle);

5. The plan was rejected by the government nuclear safety watchdog.

6. The DG outlined some nuclear safety issues that have arisen after the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi.

7. Another critical area of cooperation is that of nuclear safety.

8. 3) Other activities in the field of nuclear safety // 50

9. Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety.

10. Subject: Accession Partnership with Bulgaria: nuclear safety and decommissioning of units # and # of the Kozloduy nuclear plant

11. 23 The incident raises doubts about the safety of nuclear power.

12. 3. Other activities in the field of nuclear technologies and safety

13. The health Concerns and safety issues associated with nuclear waste present important constraints on the widespread use of nuclear energy

14. India welcomes the advocacy of nuclear safety by Russia at the international level.

15. Selected key safety issues related to future nuclear power plants will be addressed.

16. There is a safety convention where all countries interested in nuclear power do meet.

17. To date, PMT has manufactured over 2,500 safety-related Cruciforms to the nuclear industry

18. 2011: 3D-design of nuclear island and VVER-TOI power unit; Safety justifying calculations.

19. The health and safety hazards associated with nuclear energy will have to be overcome.

20. * As responsible States with advanced nuclear technologies, India and France intend to develop multifaceted civil nuclear cooperation covering a wide range of activities including nuclear power projects, fuel supply, R&D, nuclear safety, education and training.

21. The document addresses high-level nuclear safety or radiation protection concepts, fundamentals, principles or philosophy.

22. (k) Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space (A/AC.105/934).

23. The Agreement envisages cooperation in some very important regulatory activities, including legislative regulations, safety guides and technical criteria on nuclear safety; siting, design, construction, operation, decommissioning of nuclear facilities; waste management and environment impact etc.

24. Three hours later , Japan 's Nuclear Safety Agency said flames could no longer be seen .

25. According to the Agency, the sustained nuclear safety and productivity record over the past # years has made nuclear energy both reliable and cost effective

26. We also affirm the need to maintain effective emergency preparedness, response and mitigation capabilities in a manner that addresses both nuclear security and nuclear safety.

27. According to the Agency, the sustained nuclear safety and productivity record over the past 20 years has made nuclear energy both reliable and cost effective.

28. As responsible states with advanced nuclear technologies, including in the nuclear fuel cycle, France and India are interested to promote nuclear energy with the highest standards of safety and security and in accordance with their respective nuclear policies and international obligations.

29. Some extremely alarming facts have come to light concerning the safety culture at Temelin nuclear power station.

30. The nuclear industry was required to prove that every operational and safety aspect had been fully researched.

31. Where applicable, support for nuclear safety shall be provided in accordance with the priorities outlined in Article

32. Convince somebody of something The officials were eager to Convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors

33. - upgrading the laws and regulations of the Parties on radiation protection, nuclear safety and nuclear materials accountancy and control as well as strengthening the supervisory authorities and their resources;

34. In July 1989, after completing graduate studies, he became an engineer at the National Nuclear Safety Administration's Beijing office.

35. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) provides Regulations and guidance documents which are applicable to this type of activity.

36. Finnish companies and relevant government agencies can offer solutions related to safety and security ecosystems in nuclear power plants.

37. "Pakistan and India keep nuclear weapons in their possession for their own safety," said Ainsley Joseph, convener of CASA.

38. Japan 's Nuclear Safety Agency said the blast was believed to have been caused by the build-up of hydrogen .

39. Although nuclear energy has reached considerable maturity in the Community and elsewhere in the western world - the safety record of its nuclear plants is excellent - it is not universally accepted by our society.

40. The IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety in June 2011 served as a platform to make an initial assessment of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident and the lessons to be drawn from it.

41. 29 Talks have been going on for some time on a range of scientific matters including fusion, nuclear safety and the environment.

42. Safety must have absolute priority over profitability and supply, which is why the nuclear industry must strictly abide by international transport regulations.

43. The pursuit of a cease-fire dominated a summit of world leaders in Moscow, meeting to discuss nuclear safety and arms proliferation.

44. The Ministerial Declaration adopted by the Conference and the draft Nuclear Safety Action Plan provides a valuable basis for taking this process forward.

45. We are taking forward our three stage nuclear programme based on a closed fuel cycle, with new safety features and proliferation-resistant technologies.

46. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

47. There are I think some temporary problems, some agitations arising out of the concerns for nuclear safety and concerns about their impact on livelihood.

48. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay[http://Sentencedict.com], nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

49. The investigated domains are: nuclear materials and fuel science with the aim to improve the safety of nuclear reactors (both fission and fusion), investigations on reactor ageing and life management, research on advanced fuel cycles and waste management.

50. Nuclear disarmament and the disassembling of nuclear weapons have expanded the possibility of nuclear theft.

51. During the 1970's the Atomic Energy Commission came under intense criticism for overemphasizing the promotion of nuclear power while underemphasizing safety and environmental protection.

52. In physics, the discovery of nuclear fission has led to both nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

53. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.

54. Safety Information Acetone safety

55. We will also be actively participating in the UN high level event on Nuclear Safety and Security which will be held on the 22nd of September.

56. Fukushima exposed the need for regulators to perform regular stress tests, evaluating the ability of nuclear facilities to stand up to various contingencies affecting their safety.

57. Nuclear war?

58. Nuclear war.

59. It is used in nuclear fuel rods in nuclear reactors.

60. That order cannot be Countermanded by SecDef (wjperryproject.org) 153 More: Scary , Nuclear warfare , nuclear weapons , Nuclear weapon , Air Force , nuclear chain , United States Department of Defense , nuclear command , President of the United States

61. Fallout can also refer to nuclear accidents, although a nuclear reactor does not explode like a nuclear weapon.

62. Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.

63. Assurgency; References in periodicals archive? Among the topics are an emergent means to assurgent ends: societal resilience for safety and sustainability, resilience engineering for the safety of a nuclear power plant with accountability, a framework for learning from adaptive performance,

64. Berkelium is only found in nuclear facilities and nuclear research facilities

65. A nuclear submarine is a submarine powered by a nuclear reactor.

66. The low estimate is the nuclear energy industry estimate of nuclear.

67. Sure, we can alter elements by nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.

68. Nuclear disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons.

69. In the light of the Fukushima accident, the European Union undertook, as a matter of priority, a review of the safety of all European Union nuclear power plants on the basis of a comprehensive and transparent risk and safety assessment (“stress tests”).

70. What is Chernobyl like today? On April 26, 1986, a safety test gone wrong led to an explosion in reactor #4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in …

71. Containing nuclear waste Anti-nuclear campaigners sometimes claim that nuclear fission and its dangerous products are a purely manmade phenomenon.


73. * Civil nuclear energy;

74. Nuclear Fears Persist

75. Currently, we are in urgently need of a modern nuclear lab which is built on the principle of excellent equipment, sufficient staff, safety and the morale of fastidiousness .

76. Many long time nuclear advocates Appredicate the inherent cleanliness of nuclear energy

77. The navy's other nuclear weapon is the air-deployed B61 nuclear bomb.

78. Many in the nuclear industry point the finger at Canada's nuclear regulator.

79. That is for all nuclear powers to stand down from nuclear operations.

80. A Nuclear War is a war in which nuclear weapons are used.