Đặt câu với từ "nonlinear field theory"

1. Nonlinear control theory is the area of control theory which deals with systems that are nonlinear, time-variant, or both.

2. Number theory, field theory, algebraic geometry, algebra, group theory

3. Then by using the critical point theory, prove the many solutions to a class of nonlinear biharmonic equation with critical potential when the nonlinear term has subcritical growth.

4. In a nonlinear medium, the permittivity can depend on the strength of the electric field.

5. The double solutions correspond possibly to the wave-particle duality in quantum theory, and connect the double solution theory of the nonlinear wave mechanics.

6. This blends particle physics with field theory.

7. More generally, lattice gauge theory and lattice field theory are areas of study.

8. This nonlinear partial differential equation is resolved by perturbation theory for the particular case of a homogeneous system.

9. The behaviour of acceleration waves in the nonlinear theory of thermoelasticity of Green and Lindsay [1] is investigated systematically.

10. In the present paper a geometrically nonlinear electromechanically coupled theory for thin shells with piezoelectric transducers is presented.

11. Relationships were established with previous work in classical field theory, algebroid theory and differential geometry.

12. Papers over the next few years covered areas such as group theory, field theory, Lie rings, semigroups, Abelian groups and ring theory.

13. The nonlinear space-charge field of a beam is a serious concern for beam emittance growth in particle accelerators.

14. By using the nonlinear programming theory, a optimal impulse satellite evasive trajectory planning model considering earth oblateness perturbation had been established.

15. Gromov-Witten invariants have evolved together with gauge theory, quantum field theory, symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry.

16. Information theory was added to the field with a 1948 mathematical theory of communication by Claude Shannon.

17. Quantum theory and Biocentrism is a very interesting field of science

18. In addition he is concerned with anomalies in quantum field theory.

19. The mean-field theory is extended to take into account the local field fluctuations in the Gaussian approximation.

20. Based on the nonlinear dynamics theory, the global bifurcation analysis is applied to study the mechanism of ship capsize in regular beam sea.

21. First, elaborate the circular wave guide and the caliber field radiation theory.

22. This scientist has put forth a new theory in his research field.

23. With Boris Feigin he determined the structure of Verma modules in the Virasoro algebra representation theory, which has applications in string theory and conformal field theory.

24. Working with Hasse, he dealt with algebraic number theory and produced a script of Hassen's lecture on class-field theory.

25. Chaos publishes research in the field of nonlinear dynamics including topics such as network structure and dynamics, synchronization, pattern formation, classical and quantum Chaos, machine learning for complex systems and applications of nonlinear phenomena in other fields.

26. The symplectic field theory as well as its subcomplexes, rational symplectic field theory and contact homology, are defined as homologies of differential algebras, which are generated by closed orbits of the Reeb vector field of a chosen contact form.

27. Class field theory is a branch of algebraic number theory which seeks to classify all the abelian extensions of a given algebraic number field, meaning Galois extensions with abelian Galois group.

28. The exchange interactions are taken into account within a mean field theory approximation.

29. This theorem is of foundational importance to the modern field of information theory.

30. The colour curve shows three absorption bands in agreement with the crystal field theory.

31. Broaden and Build Theory A theory associated with the field of positive psychology that explores the function of positive emotions in building resiliency

32. 18 The nonlinear finite element problem, the boundary value problems appearing in Kinetic theory of gases, elasticity and other applied areas are reduced to solving these equations.

33. Retinal vessel width measurement at Branchings using an improved electric field theory-based graph approach

34. The mode field distribution of end - face, gotten from the experiment , is accordant with theory.

35. Device for processing an adaptive, nonlinear signal

36. Archaeological Theory, 2 nd Edition is the most current and comprehensive introduction to the field available

37. Stable Adaptive Control and Estimation for Nonlinear Systems: Neural and Fuzzy Approximator Techniques brings together these two different but equally useful approaches to the control of nonlinear systems in order to provide students and practitioners with the background necessary to understand and contribute to this emerging field.

38. The term algebraic coding theory denotes the sub-field of coding theory where the properties of codes are expressed in algebraic terms and then further researched.

39. There are many nonlinear time varying systems in control domain, and those systems having intrinsical nonlinear are harder to be controlled.

40. Laser theory of Fabry-Perot (FP) semiconductor lasers proves to be nonlinear, since the gain, the refractive index and the loss coefficient are the functions of energy flux.

41. Based on linear unbiased minimum variance estimation theory, a fusion algorithm which fused the state vector of nonlinear systems with dissimilar sensors with arbitrary correlated noises is developed.

42. Although string theory provides an attractive route to quantum gravity, alternatives were explored towards conformal field theories.

43. The example shows that the bifurcation condition of single degree of freedom nonlinear oscillator can indicates the motional behavior of nonlinear flutter system.

44. His research within the field of Functional analysis was concerned mainly with Harmonic analysis, the theory of Banach-algebras, integral representations in convex sets, and Korovkin theory.

45. This theorem and two additional fixed point theorems will be applied to linear and nonlinear algebraic equations and to nonlinear integral equations.

46. 16 The nonlinear stability of the space frame-composite laminate plate combined structures is studied by nonlinear finite element method.

47. Local class field theory of characteristic p>0: The module A is the separable algebraic closure of the field of formal Laurent series over a finite field, and G is the Galois group.

48. Martin Neil Huxley (born in 1944) is a British mathematician, working in the field of analytic number theory.

49. Anl _ 1 norm Algorithm for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problems?

50. In 1881 Oliver Heaviside replaced Maxwell's electromagnetic potential field by 'force fields' as the centrepiece of electromagnetic theory.

51. Andrew James Granville (born 7 September 1962) is a British mathematician, working in the field of number theory.

52. I want the same brilliant mind that solved the unified field theory to help me help Live Corp.

53. Amplitudes 2018 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Scattering Amplitudes are the arena where quantum field theory directly confronts experiment.

54. Karl-Henning Rehren (born 1956 in Celle) is a German physicist who focuses on algebraic quantum field theory.

55. In addition, the project team amassed important research findings, theory developments and policy-relevant knowledge in the field.

56. Another example, playing a key role in algebraic number theory, is the field Qp of p-adic numbers.

57. Prior to 1978 he published advanced theoretical articles and two books, primarily in the field of trade theory.

58. Why quantum field theory that describes a universe with a certain number of forces and particles and so forth?

59. The resulting coupled nonlinear differential equations are solved numerically.

60. Sixth, we lucubrate the nonlinear detection and identifying methods.

61. The cell theory of nematic liquid crystals is extended to the case in the presence of a magnetic field.

62. Analogue computing also allows the direct representation of nonlinear problems.

63. In the area of nonlinear filtering problems, the nonlinear filter based on this Cubature formula is referred to as Cubature Kalman Filter, hereafter CKF; see [1].

64. A new method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations is introduced.

65. Quasi - keyhole arc welding process is a typical nonlinear system.

66. Systems and methods for controlling highly nonlinear acoustic waves or pulses

67. The calculations of nematic order in liquid crystals with an external magnetic field are made based on the cell theory.

68. 5 Based on the perfect diamagnetism of superconductor and electromagnetic theory, magnetic field force is used to do work mechanically.

69. The idea that china hasn't tragedy in the strict sense has been being a mainstream in the field of theory.

70. 5 The reconstruction of reflection coefficients using active Near-field Acoustical Holography is based on the theory of wave acoustics.

71. Affine systems are nonlinear systems that are linear in the input

72. Sequential clockwork systems we understand; nonlinear web systems are unadulterated mysteries.

73. 19 The reconstruction of reflection coefficients using active Near-field Acoustical Holography is based on the theory of wave acoustics.

74. It was the first time to study closed loop nonlinear system of straight running stability of tractor-semitrailer, based on three DOF nonlinear dynamics model of farm tractor-semitrailer.

75. The field theory progressed even more dramatically when, a few decades later, Hertz produced the radio waves predicted by the programme.

76. He has also worked on gerbes, cyclic homology, Quillen bundles, and geometric class field theory, among other geometric and algebraic topics.

77. 3 synonyms for Atomism: atomist theory, atomistic theory, atomic theory

78. 3 synonyms for atomism: Atomist theory, Atomistic theory, atomic theory

79. These codes allow linear and nonlinear static/dynamic analysis of structures.

80. In general, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations.