Đặt câu với từ "non-tariff barriers"

1. a) Reducing non-tariff barriers in international road transport

2. · Gradual elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers in all RECs;

3. As tariff barriers disintegrate, our industry complains that non-tariff barriers have suddenly increased.

4. use the mediation mechanism agreed in recent FTAs to tackle non-tariff barriers quickly;

5. The Parties agree not to introduce any non-tariff barriers during the validity of the Agreement.

6. The Parties agree these non-tariff barriers include but are not limited to matters such as:

7. The Parties agree these non-tariff barriers include but are not limited to matters such as

8. Relatively liberal trade system with average tariff rate of 8% and absence of major non-tariff barriers.

9. The Parties agree not to introduce or maintain any non-tariff barriers during the validity of the Agreement.

10. Tariffs and non-tariff barriers have been a subject of longstanding concern, and intellectual property rights as well.

11. The two sides agreed on the need to promote balanced bilateral trade and to address para-tariff and non-tariff barriers.

12. Will the negotiations result in changes to the non-tariff barriers that will affect how many products move across the border?

13. The Agreement should promote further export of our goods and services into Japan through the removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers.

14. The ASEAN Economic Community offers one avenue for promoting further regional integration, including by further liberalizing trade in services and reducing non-tariff barriers.

15. This provides for an across-the-board reduction or elimination of tariffs, tariff-like charges and non-tariff barriers on industrial goods over a period of ten years

16. This provides for an across-the-board reduction or elimination of tariffs, tariff-like charges and non-tariff barriers on industrial goods over a period of ten years.

17. We are calling on all the other members of the WTO to move their customs duties towards a common level, the lowest possible, and obviously to abolish non-tariff barriers.

18. SADC's Trade Protocol, which was launched on 1 September 2000, calls for the elimination of all tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade by 2008 among the 11 signatory countries.

19. * With a view to encouraging imports from Bangladesh, both countries agreed to address removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers and port restrictions and facilitate movement of containerized cargo by rail and water.

20. Japan and South Korea EPA negotiations began in 200 followed by South Korea due to concerns about chronic trade deficit with Japan and Japanese non-tariff barriers and to expand in 2004 interrupted.

21. TRADE Blocs A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where regional barriers to trade, (tariffs and non-tariff barriers) are reduced or eliminated among the participating states .

22. The Sides also agreed to broaden cooperation through joint promotion of the Indian initiatives on eliminating non-tariff barriers in trade, increasing trade in services and structuring support and development of MSMEs in the BRICS format.

23. * With an aim to devise a long-term strategy on trade enhancement, the two leaders decided to examine various tariff and non-tariff barriers, and agreed to focus on encouraging trade in identified commodities and to expand access of goods and services in both markets.