Đặt câu với từ "marginal cost of acquisition"

1. With no production externality, marginal private cost and marginal social cost coincide.

2. Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue, each firm will produce an output at which price exceeds marginal cost.

3. Pricing at marginal cost might equate marginal cost and benefit but would entail losses.

4. When the marginal social interest diverges from the marginal private interest, the industrialist has no incentive to internalize the cost of the marginal social cost.

5. The marginal cost should equal the marginal revenue for each plant.

6. If the government can accurately gauge the social cost, the tax could equalize the marginal private cost and the marginal social cost.

7. With the raising of proof criterion, the marginal revenue increases and the marginal cost decreases.

8. The average cost curve slopes down continuously, approaching marginal cost.

9. The profit-maximizing policy involves setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost.

10. 26 Large economies of scale mean that marginal cost lies below average cost.

11. This raises the marginal cost of abatement (carbon taxes).

12. Profits can be maximised when the marginal product of labour equals the wage rate (marginal cost of production).

13. The monopolist's marginal cost curve changes Considerablyover time

14. 6 Perfect Competition and Monopoly emphasize the roles of average cost and marginal cost curves.

15. But when the average cost curve is falling the marginal cost curve lies below average cost.

16. This excess of price over both marginal revenue and marginal cost is a convenient measure of the firm's monopoly power.

17. This marginal cost will, of course, also increase the average cost, but the average cost will increase more slowly.

18. 28 This marginal cost will, of course, also increase the average cost, but the average cost will increase more slowly.

19. 11 But when the average cost curve is falling the marginal cost curve lies below average cost.

20. The unit cost function represents marginal and average costs.

21. When average cost is neither rising nor falling (at a minimum or maximum), marginal cost equals average cost.

22. Profits are maximized when production is allocated such that marginal revenue (MR) is equated to marginal cost (MC).

23. The average cost then increases at a slower rate and eventually approaches the marginal cost.

24. That $100 equals my customer acquisition cost.

25. The most cost-effective strategy depends on the polluter's marginal abatement cost and the market price of permits.

26. 6 The average cost then increases at a slower rate and eventually approaches the marginal cost.

27. In the optimal supervision level, when contractor's marginal productivity is high and marginal cost is low(Sentencedict.com ), it is easier to supervise and the marginal revenue of supervision is high.

28. Competition will drive the price down near to the marginal cost .

29. 20 Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains.

30. However, the marginal cost of creating such information good remains significantly above zero.

31. The minimum efficient scale can be computed by equating average cost (AC) with marginal cost (MC).

32. Any excess of the cost of the acquisition over the acquirer

33. This will result in a downward displacement of the marginal cost curve from to.

34. Acquisition cost has been used as the adjusted cost base for the sake of simplicity.

35. That was the customer acquisition cost, CAC, here.

36. 19 Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains.

37. The model is one of monopolistic competition, in which each firm has a declining cost curve, although constant marginal cost.

38. As more capital is raised, the cost increases at the margin, increasing the marginal cost in increments.

39. 29 Equilibrium will be inefficient. 7 Distortions occur whenever free market equilibrium does not equate marginal social cost and marginal social benefit.

40. This is reflected in the model by a declining marginal cost curve.

41. The hurdle rate should be the marginal cost of capital adjusted for the project's risk.

42. 3 This will result in a downward displacement of the marginal cost curve from to.

43. 8 The model is one of monopolistic competition, in which each firm has a declining cost curve, although constant marginal cost.

44. The marginal value product less the marginal cost for each output must equal the return to the fixed and allocatable resource (land).

45. A tax shifts the marginal private cost curve up by the amount of the externality.

46. Gross margin is typically defined as net revenue less cost of acquisition

47. Secondly, marginal cost pricing in natural monopoly does not necessarily require a subsidy.

48. 11 In perfect competition, the market supply curve is determined by marginal cost.

49. 17 To sum up, prices should be set at short-run marginal cost.

50. An average cost method is used on a daily basis to calculate the acquisition cost of individual items.

51. All tangible capital assets having an initial cost of $5,000 or more are recorded at their acquisition cost.

52. Many large companies covet these low - cost acquisition of troubled small companies.

53. Customer Acquisition Cost will typically increase as a business matures.

54. 23 This possibility depends on a wedge between price and marginal, not average cost.

55. So lifetime value needs to be greater than customer acquisition cost.

56. The major capital cost expenditures were system development and PC acquisition.

57. In addition, it is assumed in every scenario that the adjusted cost base of the property is its acquisition cost.

58. Land and buildings are stated at acquisition cost less accumulated depreciation.

59. ‘The cost of intangible assets includes the price for the acquisition of the intangible asset.

60. This difference in price is simply due to the lower cost of acquisition of timber

61. The acquisition of a particular little piece of information has cost me a small fortune.

62. The cost of intangible assets includes the price for the acquisition of the intangible asset.

63. • Change In Maximum Actual Acquisition Cost (AAC) for Methadone NIHB Program Reminders

64. · illustrate and evaluate absorption and marginal costing methods and other management cost accounting methods and techniques.

65. This method keeps economic information in marginal cost method and benefits to make both ends meet.

66. The marginal cost of wind energy once a station is constructed is usually less than 1-cent per kW·h.

67. The project has a total investment of Rs 408 crore ( including land acquisition cost , construction cost , interest on debt , inflation and contingency ) .

68. This acquisition cost versus lifetime value discussion really is a balancing act.

69. 8 The marginal cost of capital is the discount rate that should be used in making capital budgeting decisions.

70. “Entity code”, “Accumulated equity interest (%)”, “Carrying amount” and “Acquisition cost” are defined above.

71. This establishes the date of acquisition and the adjusted cost basis for purposes of the accrual rule.

72. (b) The acquisition, support and maintenance of various software applications and the cost of enterprise licences ($677,700);

73. The term Grenzplankostenrechnung, often referred to as GPK, has been translated as either Marginal Planned Cost Accounting or Flexible Analytic Cost Planning and Accounting.

74. In business, the cost may be one of acquisition, in which case the amount of money expended to acquire it is counted as cost.

75. ‘Entity code’, ‘Accumulated equity interest (%)’, ‘Carrying amount’ and ‘Acquisition cost’ are defined above.

76. Historical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of the asset.

77. 7 It is not permissible under that law to deduct the cost of acquisition of repurchased shares.

78. This establishes the date of acquisition and the adjusted cost basis for purposes of the accrual rules.

79. IAS # requires the cost of an acquisition to be adjusted when a contingency affecting the amount of the purchase consideration is resolved subsequent to the date of acquisition

80. The allowances can be diminished for later children, on the grounds that the marginal cost goes down.