Đặt câu với từ "lower turning point"

1. A Turning Point

2. Turning Point in History

3. A turning point in human history

4. It was a historic turning point.

5. This marked an important turning point.

6. Would you call this a turning point?

7. Nicaea, though, did represent a turning point.

8. IT WAS a turning point in history.

9. The turning point for me came in 1968.

10. The year 1949 was his turning point. Sentencedict.com

11. Now it finds itself at a turning point.

12. The book Deliverance, however, marked a turning point.

13. It was a turning point in his career.

14. Connectomes will mark a turning point in human history.

15. “My mission was a turning point in my life.

16. US Official : US-China Economic Relations at Turning Point

17. It was to be something of a turning point.

18. The promotion marked a turning point in her career.

19. This is a major blow, perhaps a turning point.

20. The industrial revolution was a major historical turning point .

21. Meeting her was the turning point in my life.

22. That meeting was a turning point in Franklin’s life.

23. Most agreed that the rundown was the turning point.

24. It was a turning point in Pat McCluskey's career.

25. The battle was a turning point in Northumbrian fortunes.

26. That game was a turning point for the team.

27. (3) What was the turning point in each one’s life?

28. For me, it was the turning point of my life.

29. The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point.

30. It was a turning point in the life of Jesus.

31. World War I was indeed a turning point in history.

32. She considers the film "a turning point" in her life.

33. The October Revolution was a turning - point in human history.

34. This proved to be the turning point of the game.

35. This suit represented a turning point in the way women dressed.

36. This is the turning point of May 1968 events in France.

37. In 1914 the world reached a turning point in its history.

38. Antifreeze has a higher boiling point and lower freeze point than water

39. The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career.

40. This could be the turning point in his miserable, despicable life.

41. 5 In additon,(www.Sentencedict.com) the truncation parameter affects the turning point.

42. Alcohol has a lower freezing point than water.

43. A turning point came when Katarzyna took a trip to London, England.

44. What then happened would be a turning point in her life forever.

45. In the sphere of economics, World War II marks a turning point.

46. However, this is exactly why the Chinese paper money recession turning point.

47. Translation study undergoes a turning point from praxis philosophy to rational philosophy.

48. His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.

49. That conversation proved to be a real turning point in Allan’s life.

50. This event was remarkable and a turning point in their musical career.

51. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire remains as a turning point in US history.

52. Then, in June of 19 came the acknowledged turning point, the Stonewall Riots.

53. Turning point; and the world was about to tumble down around our ears.

54. Her latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer.

55. That resolution marked a turning point in the work of the Security Council

56. This proved to be a turning point in Jewish interpretation of these texts.

57. In fact the lower critical point corresponds fairly closely to the lower exposure bound discussed later.

58. The discovery of a vaccine was the turning-point in the fight against smallpox.

59. The minaret ban represented a turning point in the debate about Islam in Switzerland.

60. The First World War was the turning point for the economy of Northern England.

61. The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war.

62. But the Democratic Republic of Congo really was the turning point in my soul.

63. The discovery of this law marked a turning point in the history of electromagnetism.

64. The Night of the Long Knives was a turning point for the German government.

65. One reference work describes this as “the turning-point in the history of prayer.”

66. FRAME: 037 The lower the dew point, the (lower / higher) the actual moisture content of the air.

67. The year 1960 marked another turning point in Shostakovich's life: he joined the Communist Party.

68. Thus the lower the Aniline point, the higher the aromatic content

69. Thus the lower the Aniline point, the higher the aromatic content

70. KUIJER (Netherlands) said the age of 18 was not an absolute turning point under Dutch legislation.

71. This win could prove to be a historic turning point in the fortunes of the team.

72. This “acute acceleration of the historical process” has suddenly brought the world to a turning point.

73. It proved a turning point in the war leading to Lincoln emancipation proclamation liberating the slaves.

74. The Delphic story for what it's worth marks a major turning point in Socrates' intellectual biography.

75. First of all, Cubism marked a major turning point in the whole evolution of modernist art

76. At any rate, Mary Leapor's friendship with Bridget Freemantle marks a turning point in her life.

77. Crisis definition is - the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever

78. Employment security is going through one of those fundamental redefinitions that marks a societal turning point.

79. lower vertical datum point forward of V# and #° below the horizontal (Pr

80. Many historians say that the Battle of Gettysburg was the Civil War's turning point toward Union victory.