Đặt câu với từ "low frequency"

1. Low frequency acoustic attenuator

2. Low frequency acoustic microscope

3. It's a low-frequency, acoustic RF buffer transmitter.

4. Compliance testing of low frequency demand disconnection relays


6. Specifically, data suggests that Tyrannosaurus rex heard best in the low-frequency range, and that low-frequency sounds were an important part of tyrannosaur behavior.

7. Sensor and method for detecting very low frequency acoustic signals

8. The MX-118B consists of a heavy duty custom 18" low frequency driver in a sturdy and portable bandpass enclosure optimally tuned for extended low frequency response."

9. Brawn is an excellent introduction to low volume, low frequency workouts

10. The scanner emits a low frequency radio signal, activating the microchip.

11. Each additional loudspeaker added to the system increases low frequency sensitivity.

12. Acoustic imaging away from the borehole using a low-frequency quadrupole excitation

13. Systems and methods for optimizing low frequency output from airgun source arrays

14. The disclosed low frequency acoustic oscillators can also be used for levitation purposes.

15. Production of useful work from sound energy using a low frequency acoustic oscillator

16. The assumption of charge neutrality in the low frequency plasma response is abandoned.

17. High and low frequency systems to improve bond strengths of inks and adhesives

18. Brüel & Kjaer Vibro Compact, Low Frequency Accelerometer AS-668-Series

19. Watson was in fact listening to very low-frequency radio emissions caused by nature.

20. Skipper, we have an incoming emergency action message on the low frequency receiver, sir.

21. Watson was in fact listening to very low- frequency radio emissions caused by nature.

22. When low frequency signal travels through atmosphere, its velocity changes due to atmospheric disturbances.

23. If it is a low frequency sound, it is processed as an analog signal.

24. Material and Methods: Thrombolytic efficacy of low-frequency (20.5 kHz) continuous-wave ultrasound was evaluated.

25. The low frequency end is limited by the AC coupling of the line-in signal.

26. Meiosis I had a low frequency of abnormalities, mainly related to the chiasma terminalization process.

27. There is disclosed a sensor (100) and method for detecting very low frequency acoustic signals.

28. The invention relates to underwater acoustic transducers for emitting a low-frequency broadband acoustic signal.

29. Model studies suggest that the NAO may have a natural low frequency of about 50 years.

30. 60 infra-sound stations using microbarographs (acoustic pressure sensors) to detect very low-frequency sound waves.

31. The other is more flexible, vibrating only in the presence of longer wavelength, low-frequency sounds.

32. Earth, carrier and domestic installation cables, radio cables, aerial cords, low-frequency cables, high-tension cables

33. The current source (22) may be DC or low frequency AC, or a coded pulse sequence.

34. The low frequency process has a concentration indépendant relaxation frequency and an absorption proportional to concentrationc.

35. The application also describes compensation for dissipation, absorption etc. by superimposing a low frequency reference signal.

36. The ultrasonic energy lies in the low frequency range but comprises, however, a high oscillation amplitude.

37. The LF detector includes a peak analyzer (42) that compares absolute values of sequential first and second amplitudes (P1, P2) of a low frequency signal derived from the low frequency acoustic wave signal to determine an appropriate alarm response.

38. An automatic gain control, AGC, is used to control the low frequency component modification for some embodiments.

39. Despite all precautions, avoidable incidents and accidents occur throughout the world every year , albeit with low frequency.

40. 19 This falls in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range which includes frequencies up to 300 Hz.

41. A low-frequency capacitance metre, electrometers and device simulation software were integrated into the electrical measurements equipment.

42. Aseismic creep may occur episodically, punctuated by slow slip events and low frequency earthquakes (Socquet et al

43. — creating 30 000 atmospheres at 1 500 degrees centigrade using Low Frequency Alternating Current (16 000 amps)

44. creating 30 000 atmospheres at 1 500 degrees centigrade using Low Frequency Alternating Current (16 000 amps)

45. 6 Measuring ferromagnetic component volt - ampere characteristic in low frequency condition can offset deficiency of power - frequency experiment.

46. However, evidence suggests that genes for resistance are invariably present, at a low frequency, for any given Anthelmintic

47. The researchers hypothesised that the carry-over effects of emotional experiences would manifest in low-frequency amygdala connectivity.

48. The amplitude modulation signal is separately dealt with in a low-frequency portion and a high-frequency portion.

49. The apparatus of the invention extends the low frequency response of the acoustical enclosure to approximately thirty Hertz.

50. The power transmitted into an acoustic fluid by a finite flat plate vibrating with low frequency is investigated.

51. Caterpillars of the cabbage mothBarathra brassicae react to low frequency sound stimuli with defensive reactions (stopping, squirming, dropping)

52. Despite all precautions, avoidable incidents and accidents occur through out the world every year, albeit with low frequency.

53. Claims as to a relatively low frequency of adverse reactions will have to be supported by comparative studies.

54. Bloop is the name given to an ultra-low-frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by the U.S

55. Low frequency pulsed current improves cutaneous microcirculation and thus nutrition as well as accelerating the formation of granulation tissue.

56. Signal is in low frequency, while noise in high frequency and minutia in image is also in this area.

57. We also used ultra low frequency radio to broadcast back to the surface our exact position within the cave.

58. Detect power supply problems using the Communicator’s power the loop functionality or by monitoring low frequency noise on a segment.

59. Cell-phone muffler squelches street noise This " Antinoise " only works on repeating low frequency noises (below 1500 Hz)

60. Asperities are numerous in all tapes and produce Asperity noise, heard as a sort of low frequency rumble, in tape

61. This pa- per gives a new method of designing low frequency multiplier by expounding the principles and analyzing the characteristics.

62. As such, Ainhum may be easily overlooked because of its low frequency and variable clinical polymorphism, de-scribed below [9].

63. The passenger responses suggest that a useful prediction of Airsickness can be obtained from magnitudes of low frequency aircraft motion

64. In desert regions where the rodents are scattered over very wide areas, such low-frequency acoustic communication is very efficient.

65. Conclusions: Although fasting hypoglycemia is characteristic of patients with insulinoma, postprandial symptoms have been reported with increasing, albeit low frequency.

66. Active signatures (radiated acoustic noise, low frequency electromagnetic, infrared plume, etc.) primarily require source level reductions and appropriate shielding and shaping.

67. In the low temperature region the existence of a low frequency tail of temperature independent disorderinduced one-phonon absorption became evident.

68. The volume may include a region obliquely oriented relative to the diaphragm to support a low frequency response of the speaker.

69. In the future laws and restrictions will limit the amplitudes of the low frequency harmonics of mains currents of rectifier systems.

70. The Audiogram shows a false low-frequency hearing loss in both ears because of excessive background noise in the test area.

71. A filter used for Blurring is also called low pass filter, because it allows low frequency to enter and stop high frequency

72. Higher expression of low-frequency Gabor features in Adenocarcinomas was frequently represented, occupying 11 of the top 12 features (Fig E4 [online])

73. Yet, the air is full of “elephant talk,” ranging from low frequency rumblings to high frequency trumpets, roars, bellows, barks, and snorts.

74. According to the invention, a sound damper (2), particularly a low-frequency sound damper, is acoustically coupled to the evaporation channel (24).

75. The "Bloop" is the name given to an ultra-low frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by the U.S

76. Simultaneously, a data processing unit (14) measures the response of the accelerometer (10) to the uniform low frequency excitation within predetermined frequency ranges.

77. Short stubs (16), which interrupt the transmission of a low-frequency signal (SL), are connected to the high-frequency power supply lines (8).

78. Audac-Cha660-2-Way Horn Loudspeakers construction is composed of a 1″ high frequency compression driver and a 6.5″ mid/low frequency driver

79. High-frequency light waves look violet, low-frequency light waves look red, and in-between frequencies look yellow, green, orange, and so on.

80. An acceleration signal generating unit (11) receives the machine velocity (vm) of a driving machine and outputs a low-frequency acceleration signal (af).