Đặt câu với từ "histamine test"

1. Antihistamine Any substance that reduces the effect of histamine or blocks histamine receptors, usually the histamine 1 (H1) receptor

2. Bronchial challenge test a pulmonary function test in which an aerosol such as methacholine, histamine, or an allergen is administered to provoke bronchospasm; used in diagnosis of asthma.

3. Predisposing factors were studied: atopy (IgE dosage), increase of histamine release (intradermal testing with 48/80), abnormal receptivity to histamine (intradermal histamine), spasmophilia (electromyography recordings).

4. Antihistamines selectively block the effects of histamine at the histamine-1 receptor sites, decreasing the allergic response

5. Inhalation tests on 9 dogs with histamine showed: histamine inhalation causes a bronchoconstriction not so strong as acetylcholine.

6. Indications of neurotoxins, histamine, serotonin, enzyme inhibitors.

7. Antihistamines act to prevent the action of histamine, a bioactive amine, at one of the histamine receptor, to block itching, …

8. This statement is based on the following facts: Similarity of anaphylactic shock symptoms with the histamine shock and shock by the histamine liberator anaphylatoxin, depletion of the histamine storing mast cells, increase of plasma histamine level corresponding with the intensity of the shock symptoms, inhibition of the acute shock by antihistaminics.

9. The cytoplasm of Basophils contains heparin, histamine, and serotonin

10. The compounds show a high and selective binding affinity for the histamine H3 receptor, indicating histamine H3 receptor antagonistic, inverse agonistic or agonistic activity.

11. These antibodies mostly bind to mast cells, which contain histamine.

12. 11 Conclusion: Xinqin granule do have the antagonism to histamine.

13. An Antihistamine diet is a key strategy for reducing internal histamine levels for those who are histamine intolerant or have inflammatory issues and autoimmune conditions

14. Acidification of the antrum also reduces histamine-stimulated secretion.

15. [ brong´ke-al] pertaining to or affecting one or more bronchi. Bronchial challenge test a pulmonary function test in which an aerosol such as methacholine, histamine, or an allergen is administered to provoke bronchospasm; used in diagnosis of asthma.

16. Antihistamines bind to histamine receptors on the surface of cells

17. Agrarians can handle some dairy but have issues with histamine.

18. No difference in basophile histamine concentration was observed between patients and controls.

19. Antihistamines don’t stop allergic reactions from happening, but they do block the histamine receptors from being able to be triggered by the histamine that is released, reducing your symptoms

20. Antihistamines target histamine, which your body makes during an allergic reaction

21. Accumulation of histamine in fresh sardines was retarded when utilizing ice.

22. Antihistamines are medicines that treat allergy symptoms by blocking the effects of histamine

23. Definition Achlorhydria indicates the inability to produce gastric acid (i.e., hydrochloric acid [HCl]), even after stimulation with secretagogues (e.g., pentagastrin [gastrin analogue], histamine, betazole [histamine analogue], or a meal)

24. Histamine injected in similar concentrations as that measured in the sputum causes bronchoconstriction.

25. An Antihistamine is a prescription or over-the-counter medication that blocks some of what histamine does. “Anti” means against, so Antihistamines are medicines that work against or block histamine

26. The administration of Artemisinin strikingly suppressed the expression of histamine, IgE and inflammatory factors

27. Some toxicological characteristics and outbreaks of food poisoning are associated with histamine and tyramine.

28. Antipruritic agents Oral agents may control itching by blocking effects of endogenously released histamine

29. The Antiemetic effect is via H1-histamine receptor antagonism within the area postrema (1)

30. , intubation-induced Bronchospasm) or pharmacologic-induced (via histamine-releasing drugs such as atracurium or mivacurium

31. Histamine iontophoresis was used to Arterialize capillary blood of neonates in one early study

32. Serum histamine and cortisol values were high after shock, but were reduced by heparin.

33. Against histamine shock mepyramine has about the same activity as against the anaphylatoxin shock.

34. They demonstrated the IgE's critical role in mediating the release of histamine from mast cells.

35. H2 antagonists, sometimes referred to as H2RA and also called H2 blockers, are a class of medications that block the action of histamine at the histamine H2 receptors of the parietal cells in the stomach.

36. When the mast cells are stimulated by an allergen, histamine (and other chemicals) are released.

37. What are Antihistamines? Antihistamines are medicines that treat allergy symptoms by blocking the effects of histamine

38. The coronary spasm is related to the presence of histamine-releasing cells in the heart.

39. Centipede venom is a cocktail of several substances, including histamine, serotonin, cardiotoxin, and a quinoline alkaloid

40. Analysis of the blood samples demonstrated no significant increase in the histamine level in all three groups.

41. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is an Antihistamine that reduces the effects of natural chemical histamine in the body

42. Basophils can release histamine and other mediators and play a role in the initiation of allergic reactions.

43. Basophils normally constitute 0.5 to 3 percent of the peripheral blood leukocytes, and contain histamine and serotonin.

44. Most of the histamine in the blood of healthy infants and children is associated with the basophils.

45. Diamine oxidase Catalyses the oxidative deamination of histamine and other biogenic amines such as cadaverine and putrescine.

46. Antihistamines replace histamine at one or the other of the two receptor sites at which it becomes

47. 29 These studies need to be repeated with presently available more accurate methods for assay of histamine.

48. The histamine level in tears of the controls (group II) was below the detection limit in all samples.

49. 3 This drug is both a histamine and a serotonin antagonist,(www.Sentencedict.com) and it also has anticholinergic properties.

50. 91 rows  · Antihistamines are a class of agents that block histamine release from histamine-1 receptors and are mostly used to treat allergies or cold and flu symptoms, although some first-generation Antihistamines may also be used for other conditions.

51. Durability test type: whole vehicle test/bench ageing test/none (1)

52. Antihistamines work by blocking the action of histamine, a natural chemical in your body that drives allergy symptoms.

53. The peptide, Bradykinin, has cardiovascular effects similar to those of histamine and plays prominent roles in inflammation and nociception

54. 30 During the initial phase, newly formed mast cell components such as histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes may be released.

55. Alce™ Sample Test 2011 Test Booklet

56. Alternative dynamometer test (Alternative to track test)

57. Alternative dynamometer test (alternative to track test)

58. Ensuring mutual acceptance of test procedures and test results among the test houses;

59. The Biomarker can be a lab test, an imaging test or a clinical test

60. Test surface: This test is conducted on a road test surface affording good adhesion.

61. Clonus test - Upper motor neuron lesion test.

62. When the food allergen is again ingested, the antibodies that were created earlier can trigger a release of chemicals, including histamine.

63. Histamine causes blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable, so that they leak fluids that are rich in immune cells.

64. Test cross: All test crosses are Backcrosses

65. Function test device based on unit test case reuse and function test method therefor

66. 23 Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

67. A relatively large number of histamine-refractory Achlorhydrias was found among patients suffering from true rheumatoid arthritis-36 per cent

68. Antihistamines are a group of medicines which act by blocking the action of the chemical called histamine in the body

69. Tightness test ( opening and closing test, emergency opening and closing test ) for cargo hatch cover.

70. It is known that acetylcholine and histamine directly or indirectly enhance the tonus of the bronchial muscular system as far as bronchospasms are concerned. 125 seconds after inhalation of an acetylcholine or histamine aerosol, “static” compliance was found reduced in only one of 12 anaesthetized and relaxed dogs.

71. Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

72. A related test is the Alp isoenzyme test.


74. Cps test stands for Click-Per-Second test

75. Addition of test compound and preparation for test

76. Test probe and manufacturing method for test probe

77. Bechdel Test The Bechdel Test is a popular way …

78. Papaverine alone (10 mg/kg) also reduced the acute death rate in anaphylatoxin shock and—to a lesser degree—in histamine shock.

79. Distinctions and Contradistinctions between antiobesity histamine H(3) receptor (H (3)R) antagonists compared to cognition-enhancing H (3) receptor antagonists

80. However , histamine , a chemical messenger in the brain , promotes wakefulness , so antihistamine has the effect of making some patients feel sleepy .