Đặt câu với từ "growth potential"

1. One of the problems is the generally inadequate growth potential of advertising.

2. Landis believes many investors still are underestimating the growth potential of the networking business.

3. So you can actually find that using a basic income has a growth potential.

4. However, there are several challenges that could stifle the growth potential of Agrochemicals companies

5. HSBC Global Asset Management sees long-term growth potential in mining , energy and chemical firm Sasol .

6. It will also increase growth potential in the medium term, by addressing the supply side constraints.

7. We believe that India has a medium term growth potential close to 8 to 10 per cent.

8. 17 Technology and consumptive demand are the main factor that decides whether an industry has growth potential.

9. Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) is an important parameter which determines the heterotrophic bacterial growth potential of water

10. The successful launch of Channel 5 as a non-producer broadcaster demonstrates the growth potential of the market.

11. The Aw Group is a family of brands working together to unlock the growth potential of people and companies

12. Finally, it is hoped to identify the necessary steps essential for the improvement of growth potential for ethnic minority businesses.

13. If you Afraid about the growth potential of your topic, you can do keyword research with the free keyword tool

14. The process of economic reforms was initiated in the mid eighties and accelerated the 1990s precisely to accelerate our growth potential.

15. Variable Annuity: This Annuity option has tax-deferred growth potential, a range of investment choices but has a potential for loss in value

16. The process of business incubation also adds value by accelerating business creation and maximising the growth potential of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).

17. Learn about the day-to-day activities of a Clamming business owner, the typical target market, growth potential, startup costs, legal considerations, and more!

18. Learn about the day-to-day activities of a Bookmobile business owner, the typical target market, growth potential, startup costs, legal considerations, and more!

19. While very strong developing country growth during the boom period may reflect underlying growth potential, the global financial conditions that fueled it were clearly unsustainable.

20. The Arela Opportunity Fund seeks to focus our investments toward high-quality business and real estate in major US cities with long-term growth potential

21. A variable annuity is a type of annuity contract that pairs the growth potential of the stock market with the steady retirement income offered by Annuities.

22. But you know that our message is structural reforms; structural reforms to elevate the growth potential of Europe and the job creation capacity of Europe are absolutely essential.

23. Businessman's risk definition is - an investment (such as a stock) with a moderately high risk factor that is bought with an eye to growth potential and capital gains …

24. The BricS club (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which used to be known for its tremendous growth potential, is today in the midst of severe economic and political woes

25. Fortunately, if countries increase productivity with the aim of boosting relative productivity and growth potential on the tradable side, this will increase incomes and accelerate the growth of global aggregate demand.

26. Following World War II, plastic manufacture was seen as an industry with growth potential with many old and new companies making plastic figures that were widely available in the United States.

27. In the cases of Alfresco, Saperion and Datalan, these talks have already resulted in partnership agreements”, adds Jörg Limberg, COO of WeWebU Software AG, “The growth potential for us and our partners is enormous.

28. We have a deep understanding of what is absolutely necessary for Europe to take full advantage of its potential. We believe that the only way in which to elevate the growth potential of Europe is to permit the implementation of structural reforms.

29. “Washington’s elite wineries will go to the next level, where people pay top dollar for Ageable Washington wines at auction.” The growth potential in Washington has increasingly drawn investment from out-of-state wine companies, which have either purchased, launched or partnered with Washington wineries.

30. Developing countries need to focus on raising the growth potential of their economies, while strengthening buffers to deal with risks from the Euro Area and fiscal policy in the United States, says the World Bank in the newly-released Global Economic Prospects (GEP) report.

31. That is, another company is buying the Acquiree's shares with the intent of obtaining a majority stake.This may occur with or without the authorization of the Acquiree's board of directors.An acquiring company identifies potential Acquirees based on a variety of factors, including share price and growth potential; in the event of a hostile

32. In addition , programmes and policies were formulated with the following objectives in view : ( 1 ) to ensure adequate supply of wage goods and mass consumption articles at reasonable prices , ( 2 ) to concentrate on the development of industries with large domestic market and export potential , and ( 3 ) to usher in ' sunrise ' industries with high growth potential and relevance to our needs .