Đặt câu với từ "galaxies"

1. They're all radio galaxies.

2. Small aggregates of galaxies are referred to as galaxy groups rather than clusters of galaxies.

3. Explanation: Virgo Cluster of Galaxies is the closest cluster of galaxies to our Milky Way Galaxy.

4. We can see predictions of galaxies forming, of galaxies colliding into each other, of new solar systems.

5. Active galaxies that emit shorter frequency, high-energy radiation include Seyfert galaxies, Quasars, and Blazars.

6. Some spiral galaxies obtain even more interesting shapes that earn them descriptive names, such as sombrero galaxies.

7. Scientists hypothesize that many peculiar galaxies are formed by the collision of two or more galaxies.

8. Distant galaxies were moving away from us.

9. It affects large objects—planets, stars, galaxies.

10. So all of these galaxies are moving.

11. There are places where there are no galaxies and there are places where there are thousands of galaxies clumped together, right.

12. And how many galaxies are there in all?

13. The universe contains billions of galaxies or star systems, and these galaxies may embrace billions of stars. —Psalm 8:3, 4.

14. Andromeda is accompanied by 14 dwarf galaxies, including

15. How many galaxies are we losing per second?

16. Editor's choices for the most educational Astronomy Pictures of the Day about Colliding galaxies: APOD: 2004 November 21 - Spiral Galaxies in Collision Explanation: Billions of years from now, only one of these two galaxies will remain

17. So we should find tens of millions of galaxies.

18. 23 In fact, it is part of the photogenic Sombrero Galaxy , one of the largest galaxies in the nearby Virgo Cluster of Galaxies .

19. In this Hubble image, we see two galaxies.

20. And there are thousands of galaxies in this cluster.

21. Some galaxies seem to release prodigious amounts of energy.

22. In fact, it is part of the photogenic Sombrero Galaxy , one of the largest galaxies in the nearby Virgo Cluster of Galaxies .

23. There are billions of galaxies in the observable universe

24. And some galaxies are many times the size of ours.

25. Sc and SBc galaxies, for instance, have very "loose" arms, whereas Sa and SBa galaxies have tightly wrapped arms (with reference to the Hubble sequence).

26. The galaxies of the universe testify to Jehovah’s greatness

27. And there are now 10,000 galaxies visible within that image.

28. A pair of colliding galaxies, billions of light-years away?

29. And there may be trillions of galaxies in the universe!

30. And it is estimated that there are billions of galaxies!

31. He initiated far-reaching studies of the clustering of galaxies.

32. Brilliant Hubble images show Colliding galaxies Mark Kaufman 1/9/2021

33. These primordial structures would eventually become the galaxies we see today.

34. Context example: space flight to other galaxies becomes more Cogitable

35. Today we can see some of these distant galaxies.4

36. In addition, there are countless billions of galaxies in the universe.

37. Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in this photograph.

38. I showed them images of stars and galaxies on my computer.

39. There are approximately a hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.

40. There is no absolutely sharp cutoff distinguishing galaxies from globular clusters.

41. It is a perpetual impulse that pushes galaxies apart from each other.

42. A comparison of the dynamical masses from hydrostatic equilibrium with the gravitational masses from Arclike images of background galaxies is made for four clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshifts.

43. The galaxies were photographed in 2002 by the Hubble Space Telescope.

44. In addition, these galaxies were very large and very far away.

45. Therefore , quasar absorption lines cosmological probes of formation and evolution of galaxies.

46. 25 Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in this photograph.

47. 2 Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in this photograph.

48. Astronomers have seen gargantuan plumes of material from nearer galaxies as well.

49. It's a telescope that's going to allow us to peer back, witness galaxies as they were when they were actually assembling, the first black holes in the universe, the first galaxies.

50. Instead of seeing a smooth distribution of galaxies in every direction, the cosmic cartographers discovered a “tapestry of galaxies” in a structure extending for millions of light-years.

51. Spiral nebulae, like Andromeda, were clearly individual galaxies in their own right.

52. And it's not because galaxies are moving away from each other through space.

53. It is currently unknown whether LABs trace overdensities of galaxies in the high-redshift universe (as high redshift radio galaxies — which also have extended Lyman-alpha halos — do, for example), nor which mechanism produces the Lyman-alpha emission line, or how the LABs are connected to the surrounding galaxies.

54. For example, a theoretical Astrophysicist may be concerned with how universe's first galaxies

55. Shadow-casting Supernova Supernovas are exploding stars that often briefly outshine entire galaxies.

56. We still don't know how many galaxies there are in the universe.

57. Gradually, organizations of gas and dust merged to form the first primitive galaxies.

58. And the observations were simple: just 24 galaxies and a hand-drawn picture.

59. Likewise, X-ray telescopes reveal supermassive black holes in the cores of distant galaxies.

60. The red represents the hot gas, and, of course, you can see many galaxies.

61. Usually, galaxies this topsy-turvy result from a recent collision with a neighboring galaxy.

62. The Antennae Galaxies (also known as NGC 4038 and 4039) are a pair of distorted colliding spiral galaxies about 70 million light-years away, in the constellation of Corvus (The Crow).

63. We're looking so far back in time... that the galaxies hadn't even formed yet.

64. These snapshots have helped astronomers create a scrapbook of galaxies from infancy to adulthood.

65. Astronomers study the universe -- the stars, planets and galaxies that exist beyond Earth

66. The Milky Way galaxy is bound in a cluster of about 35 galaxies.

67. Afros Turned Into Flowery Galaxies To Make Black Women Proud Of Their African Heritage Pierre Jean-Louis, a visual artist from US, creates mesmerizing portraits of black women by transforming their hair into flowery galaxies.

68. Most of these galaxies were found to be moving away from the Milky Way.

69. The Antennae is a pair of spiral galaxies that are interacting and mingling their stars

70. This had been produced by measuring the red shift of the light from the galaxies.

71. The gas falls into clumps, eventually producing stars, galaxies and all the other astronomical paraphernalia.

72. M84 is situated in the heavily populated inner core of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies.

73. Astronomy studies the motions and natures of celestial bodies, such as planets, stars and galaxies.

74. Astrophysicists use the principles of physics to study the solar system, stars, galaxies, and the universe

75. FROM the tiniest living cell to colossal galaxies grouped into clusters and superclusters, creation reflects organization.

76. The team used radio telescopes to map the motions of a large collection of local galaxies.

77. So, there is the thought that maybe supermassive black holes exist at the center of galaxies.

78. 17 Also, the entire universe, from atoms to galaxies, is governed by definite physical laws.

79. We just had this dead, diffuse gas which, gradually, overtime... clumped into galaxies, stars, planets.

80. In between the universe expands, particles pop into existence, galaxies coalesce and stars burst into life.