Đặt câu với từ "egregious"

1. 8 What an egregious example was here !

2. It was an egregious breach of protocol.

3. 12 The story seemed too egregious to be believed.

4. 9 In many emerging economies corruption is egregious overt.

5. 2 It was an egregious breach of protocol.

6. 10 If it's really,(www.Sentencedict.com) it's very egregious message.

7. Most conservatives support the death penalty for particularly egregious crimes.

8. 11 In many emerging economies corruption is egregious and overt.

9. 3 So a bit of fiddle, but nothing really egregious.

10. 16 At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.

11. I prefer to call it Avoision - because some websites are egregious

12. 12 At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.

13. 14 Shares of the most egregious mortgage lenders have plunged and dozens have gonebust.

14. It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.

15. The Most Egregious Assholes In 2012, a senior Republican called upstart freshmen Reps

16. Multiple or egregious policy violations may result in termination of your Play Console account.

17. 18 This double taxation is the most egregious impediment to India's single market.

18. 1 It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.

19. 19 The outcome of childbearing by both teenagers and older women can be egregious.

20. You only pursue legal action when you know the tort in question is egregious.

21. 26 When it comes to blatant lies are none more egregious than budget figures.

22. 6 This egregious nonsequitur requires further clarification, if only for your myriad younger readers.

23. 27 Of course, forecasts based on a theory of mind are subject to egregious error.

24. Perhaps the most disturbing details - called "Chillingly egregious" by the commission's head, Dr

25. 25 His legal battle with the tanneries resulted in the closure egregious polluters in 19

26. The banker noted that it was the brazenness of the letter ... that was particularly egregious.

27. 28 President Barack Obama may turn out to be the most egregious unilateralist in American history.

28. 24 From time to time the Chinese government executes particularly egregious offenders, to no apparent avail.

29. 22 At last, to my right, the hand of an egregious front-row person rose.

30. 21 Nis, a traditional Socialist stronghold, had been site of the most egregious election-day fraud.

31. 20 The situation at Zefco was one of the most egregious examples of discrimination we have seen.

32. 29 It was eventually pointed out to her that scuttling constituted a rather egregious instance of sexual harassment.

33. It was eventually pointed out to her that scuttling constituted a rather egregious instance of sexual harassment.

34. 5 Why should people who do something truly egregious be protected by an arbitrary limit on their punishment?

35. In the West, Charles Darwin's theories suffered no less egregious distortions at the hands of supposed Darwinian acolytes.

36. 23 In the world of video rental stores, there is no sin as egregious as failing to rewind the video.

37. Of the two opportunity costs, the lost revenue is the most egregious – and the effects are greater and longer lasting.

38. In many of these countries, the trade in natural resources motivates, funds, and prolongs conflict and egregious human-rights abuses.

39. Instead of trying to protect those responsible for egregious abuses, the authorities should cooperate with investigations and repeal the AFSPA.

40. 29 In the world of video rental stores, there is no sin as egregious as failing to rewind the video.

41. 15 What's equally egregious is the fact that this pastry has more sugar than two full-size Klondike Bars.

42. The FBI has released videos of suspects in the most egregious Assaults on federal officers during the riots at the U.S

43. 6 This is true whether the seduction is for comfort, self-aggrandizement, money, or, in the most egregious public instances, sex.

44. In Junk Science, Dan Agin offers a response--a stinging condemnation of the egregious and constant warping of science for ideological gain

45. 4 But the most egregious sin on the bases by the Mets was in the sixth by Timo Perez with two out.

46. 7 The legal system currently punishes the most egregious forms of child abuse and neglect, but such crimes are difficult to prove.

47. Champerty is an egregious form of maintenance which carries with it the added element that the maintainer shares in the profits of the litigation

48. 17 Sales_Tx is egregious because the one place where it could be used, it is instead read out of the state table.

49. The Ultimate Sanction: State High Court Affirms Liability Judgment for 'Egregious' Discovery Violations This ruling sends a strong signal to Wisconsin litigants—and, perhaps more …

50. Justin Amash, Tim Huelskamp and David Schweikert "the most egregious Assholes" of all the Republicans in the House, according to Politico .

51. This is primarily the fault of the British government and media that intimidated their compatriots with fake stories and conducted an active agitprop campaign through egregious methods.

52. The film conveys quite an inspirational message: Avarices will ultimately enervate our souls and bring an egregious life to the one(s) who seek those Avarices.

53. The site appears to use aggressive spam techniques such as automatically generated gibberish, cloaking, scraping content from other websites, and/or other repeated or egregious violations of Google’s quality guidelines.

54. He is a serial political apologist, saying sorry, sacrificing an aide and obliging his shadow cabinet to pay back their most egregious claims, like medieval Christians buying indulgences.

55. 13 But its egregious ability is that, he can weave all kinds of things into integrated, actual and logistic oneiric events, which are different of species, spaces, and times.

56. I also found a potentially very useful site called Newsroom101.com, full of exercises in grammar, AP style, and for you Most Egregious Misuse addicts, exercises in easily Confusable words

57. 30 In China, North to Harbin, South to Qingjiang one line, West to Wuzhong one line, East to Bohai Gulf island and northeast Border Line. People of wide area felt egregious jounce.

58. The Final Report of the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process acknowledged that its recommendations targeted only the most egregious problems caused by the conflict between domain names and trademarks, and that other issues would require further consultation.

59. Child neglect is defined as any confirmed or suspected egregious act or omission by a parent or other caregiver that deprives a Child of basic age-appropriate needs and thereby results, or has

60. An Aggravating factor is a circumstance or set of circumstances that makes the crime more heinous or intense and, as such, deems it a more egregious offense to society than simply the crime itself.

61. Adjective total, complete, extreme, absolute, gross, notorious, utter, outright, thorough, infamous, rank, blatant, monstrous, vile, downright, atrocious, out-and-out, flagrant, egregious, unmitigated, undisguised, thoroughgoing, deep-dyed (usually derogatory) That's the most Arrant nonsense I've ever heard.

62. The External Affairs Minister during her address to the 71st United Nations General Assembly in New York, on 26 September 2016 highlighted the egregious abuses that Pakistan is perpetrating in its own country, including in Balochistan.

63. Until Congress enacts legislation to deal with the "elephantine mass" of asbestos claims, or at least Ameliorates the more egregious litigation abuses, insurers, policyholders and claimants will continue to battle these issues in court.

64. He was a dyed-in-the-wool empiricist in the manner of Bacon, Locke, Kames, and Hume and lack of Acquaintancy with philosophical empiricism often leads to egregious errors—especially when it comes to apprehension of Jefferson’s views …

65. Conspicuous: 1 adj obvious to the eye or mind “a tower Conspicuous at a great distance” “wore Conspicuous neckties” “made herself Conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening” Synonyms: attention-getting , eye-catching seizing the attention big , large , prominent Conspicuous in position or importance bold clear and distinct crying , egregious

66. In the wake of 2020, a year during which, amidst a global pandemic we were confronted by continuing, egregious anti-Black violence that gave rise to urgent, wide spread Black Lives Matter protests, AABV: Aestheticizing Anti-Black Violence—From Critique to Satire contemplates how Black artists have responded to anti-Black violence in their work.

67. In a press release on Saturday late night it said, curtailing Amarnath yatra and deployment of additional troops on Baseless pretexts were designed by India to divert world's attention from attempts to change the demographic structure of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK) and unabating state-led oppression and egregious human rights violations.

68. The Commodification of life, while outwardly pretty, has no soul.: Experts on each of the topics covered add their voices to the rising chorus of resistance to Commodification, deregulation and global corporatization.: True, Smith and Saltz are commenting on an especially egregious instance of Commodification.: But the important difference between then and now is that this process is

69. Balsamon here makes an egregious mistake, for it was not after the reading of the decree of this council and of the Nicene Creed, that this canon was set forth, as Balsamon affirms; but after the reading of the libellum of Charisius, and of the Nestorian Creed, as is abundantly evident from what we read in the Acts of the 232 council

70. If we generalize the idea that a first trial can be effectively "voided" because the judge was Bribed; and say "because the trial was a sham": Then we could find similar egregious reasons why a trial is a sham (judge was drunk, lawyer was drunk) and void convictions on those grounds as well, even if all legal recourse has been exhausted.