Đặt câu với từ "earthly pleasures"

1. The renunciation of all earthly pleasures.

2. I've read all 12 volumes of Clio's criticism on earthly pleasures

3. The minister encouraged his church members to pursue Ascetic lives without earthly pleasures.

4. Don't abandon yourself to pleasures.

5. Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division.

6. My breath is earthly strong

7. Stolen pleasures are sweet [sweetest].

8. Don't Abandon yourself to pleasures

9. Soon Christ will crush earthly enemies.

10. The pleasures of idleness soon cloy.

11. Carnality: excessive pursuit of fleshly pleasures

12. He has so few pleasures left.

13. God Abandons His Earthly House Forever

14. You've no earthly hope of winning.

15. What earthly purpose can it serve?

16. Conversation is one of pleasures of life.

17. Or did he promise an earthly Paradise?

18. 7 But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?

19. Men of the Bible took their pleasures.

20. A glutton derives sensual pleasures from eating.

21. There’s no earthly care He can’t understand;

22. No earthly pain He did not feel;

23. In this earthly life nothing is perfect.

24. Vices are not pleasures but chains that enslave.

25. They docked him of the pleasures of childhood.

26. Jesus displayed a perfectly balanced view of pleasures.

27. They docked him of the pleasures of youthhood.

28. Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually.

29. Away from this earthly noisy and stressful suffocation.

30. There's no earthly reason for me to go.

31. There's no earthly reason why you shouldn't go.

32. Their team hasn't an earthly chance of winning.

33. 5 Cares interchange with pleasures in raising a child.

34. Enjoy all the Pleasures of The InnApeace Experience

35. Diseases are the price of ill pleasures. 

36. I see no earthly reason why he shouldn't come.

37. A transformation of earthly conditions is bound to follow.

38. What earthly difference is my opinion going to make?

39. Batter fried shrimp is one of life’s simplest pleasures

40. I lived all my life far away from pleasures.

41. An earthly paradise awaits survivors of the last days

42. 1831, James Hogg, The Mountain Bard If I had loved earthly thing, Of earthly Blithesomeness, I might have been beloved again, And bathed in …

43. Loving pleasures rather than God. —2 Timothy 3:4.

44. What can you learn from Solomon’s experiment with pleasures?

45. And sometimes we are deprived the pleasures of mortals.

46. Why should you deprive yourself of such simple pleasures?

47. 12 synonyms for Conceivable: imaginable, possible, credible, believable, thinkable, earthly

48. You wanna renounce your earthly possessions and become a monk?

49. “I will plunge into pleasures and enjoy myself,” he said.

50. These, too, must complete their earthly life course in faithfulness.

51. It's a film about the pains and pleasures of parenthood.

52. The Archfiend promises pleasures without stint, and power without limitation

53. 14 As foretold, many people today are “lovers of pleasures.”

54. Then again, Cook is a man of relatively simple pleasures.

55. Nothing remains of Satan’s earthly organization. —Revelation 19:12-21.

56. And then all ties were irksome, all earthly attachments unnecessary.

57. Contemplation is therefore the end of action" and "Such is the life of the divinity and of divine and blessed men: detachments from all things here below, scorn of all earthly pleasures, the flight of the lone to the Alone." Christian Contemplation

58. I thought, maybe there's some earthly basis for moral decisions.

59. There's no earthly reason for me to feel so blue.

60. The Bible promises that our earthly home will last forever

61. And third, Jehovah’s earthly organization stands ready to help us.

62. He didn't have an earthly chance of getting the job.

63. There is no earthly reason why they should ever change.

64. There's no earthly reason why she shouldn't come with us.

65. There are other pleasures beyond money in this world, Dadio.

66. Are the music and dancing getting us ready for certain ‘pleasures’—pleasures that become an adjunct to the preliminary dancing overtures, namely, sexual expressions in dark places?”

67. More Brushstrokes Pleasures is Atlanta's only gay and lesbian variety store

68. Many are so absorbed in pleasures that they neglect the sign

69. Sip your drink, don't gulp it. Eke out the little pleasures.

70. Babies really are born with a lot of innate pleasures.

71. What place will personal interests and pleasures have in Paradise?

72. Study and hard work seem to be his chief pleasures.

73. They love Epicurus and his simple pleasures from ancient Greece.

74. I like to take my pleasures in more congenial surroundings, cara.

75. She loved the sensual pleasures of taking care of a baby.

76. 15 What about those with an earthly hope, the “other sheep”?

77. Though materially poor, Jesus’ earthly family was richly blessed by God

78. “My goals aren’t limited to this earthly life but include eternity.”

79. Is our earthly existence meant to be only a passing phase?

80. The Pleasures of Benthamism Victorian Literature, Utility, Political Economy Kathleen Blake