Đặt câu với từ "deem"

1. I deem that... appropriate.

2. We deem highly of him.

3. We deem very highly of him.

4. I deem it appropriate to make a statement.

5. Let churches decide which marriages they deem "licit."

6. I deem it an honour to be invited.

7. We deem very highly of his administrative talent.

8. No civilised country should deem their use lawful.

9. She did not deem lightly of the issue.

10. I deem it advisable to buy property now.

11. I don't deem that as a significant risk, Matilda.

12. I deem it an honour to accept your invitation.

13. I deem it my duty to help the poor.

14. 3 Let churches decide which marriages they deem "licit."

15. Some even deem her poems a purely aesthetic success.

16. 9 We deem very highly of his administrative talent.

17. Don't you deem that it is your duty to help?

18. Quite, the others scoffed, but that did not deem it holy.

19. Then string your necklaces , bracelets, anklets or earrings as you deem beautiful.

20. You are determined to do whatever you deem to be righteous...

21. I deem it a great honour to be invited to address you.

22. And I'm allowed to use any form of torture I deem fit.

23. The existing literatures deem PBC is the exploitation of the monitory stockholders.

24. I deem it advisable to purchase the shares in the railway now.

25. They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price. Kahlil Gibran 

26. Why Does Abeyance Matter? Courts often deem assets in Abeyance when ownership is unclear

27. The mission will be canceled if officials deem that the risks are too great.

28. m) Any other transactions which financial institutions deem abnormal or having unreliable legal grounds

29. The Council may adopt any amendment to the decisions which it may deem appropriate.

30. The clearing banks, in addition, hold at the Bank whatever operational balances they deem necessary.

31. It takes into consideration those factors which we deem relevant, and relates their significances.

32. Now, nearly a century later, many deem the automobile a necessity rather than a luxury.

33. The Allocatee shall permit any of these authorities to copy such documents as they deem appropriate

34. Synonyms for Adjudge include adjudicate, determine, judge, pronounce, decide, deem, find, consider, declare and rate

35. 111 synonyms for Consider: think, see, believe, rate, judge, suppose, deem, view as, look upon, regard

36. The criteria used by regulators or responsible bodies to deem information sensitive should be made public.

37. Finally, He advocates academic innovation and deem it the intrinsical requirements of the development of history research.

38. Adjudicate: verb adjudge , arbitrate , award , award judgment , conclude , decide , decree , deem , deliver judggent, determine , determine finally , exercise

39. Accounting records may, however, be kept in such currency or currencies as the Registrar may deem necessary.

40. A local Christian elder commented: “Those who care for Ada deem it a privilege to help her.

41. The issues the Republicans deem worthy of constitutional protection are a motley lot of special-interest pleadings.

42. We also reserve the right to remove any ad from the site that we deem intrusive or inappropriate.

43. The same applies a fortiori to objections to reservations that the objecting States or objecting organizations deem impermissible.

44. Anthrohopobiological Server would have madam on the speech correct? And deem the world need? Vibration serviceability of property

45. Some people deem that vivisection experiments are very brutal , because animals are our friends and they have existent right.

46. Police will also be able to close off-licences if they deem it necessary, including those near football grounds.

47. Rather its provisions will deem the transfer to be treated as if it took place on an earlier specified date.

48. Prosperous emperor in the sky is a how don't deem appearance, how of be oneself's wife beaten, can not also reprehend him?

49. Vesper:Ten million was wired to your account in Montenegro with a contingency for 5 more if I deem it a prudent investment.

50. I'm tolerated within the Senate solely for the wealth I have amassed through labor and dealings those with " proper " lineage deem beneath them.

51. Responsible Bidder: Caltrans may require Bidder(s) to submit evidence of their qualifications at such times and under conditions, as it may deem necessary

52. The logic of Appropriateness defines a basis for decision making biased toward what social norms deem right rather than what cost-benefit calculations consider best

53. At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior, and some scholars also canonize it.

54. As the government uses fiscal resources to bail out Fannie and Freddie, taxpayers may deem it necessary to save for future contingencies, affecting consumption.

55. Article Persons who apply to be patent agents will obtain CAP "Patent Agent Qualification Certificate" after a panel of examination judges deem him or her qualified.

56. In past lives, Chaises were also known as “fainting couches." While we certainly deem our collection of used Chaises swoon-worthy, we now prefer to think of …

57. 10 At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior,[www.Sentencedict.com] and some scholars also canonize it.

58. Once the time limit has expired, both acts deem the delay to be a denial of access and so make it possible for the applicant to go to Court.

59. “Apostate” is a book that I deem as powerful in the promise that it holds to foster mutual understanding and promote charitable regard between Islam and the West

60. While authorities allow many government-affiliated churches and pagodas to hold worship services, they ban religious activities they deem contrary to the “national interest,” “public order,” or “national great unity.”

61. While authorities allow many government-affiliated churches and pagodas to hold worship services, they ban religious activities they arbitrarily deem contrary to the “national interest,” “public order,” or “national unity.”

62. For since He was about to declare, that "one hath sowed and another reapeth," lest any one should deem that the Prophets were deprived of their reward, He Asserteth …

63. While authorities allow many government-affiliated churches and pagodas to hold worship services, they ban religious activities they arbitrarily deem contrary to the “national interest,” “public order,” or “national great unity.”

64. At Release Build Minus One — ideally, the last version before the public beta hits the streets — there are only five "blocking" bugs, all of which Rakowski and team deem fixable.

65. 2 ‘a minor official Condescended to see us’ SYNONYMS deign , stoop, descend, lower oneself, humble oneself, demean oneself, debase oneself, vouchsafe, think fit, see fit, deem it worthy of oneself, consent

66. If a motion to deem the admissions Admitted is filed, the responding party can prevent his or her admissions being deemed true by serving adequate responses prior to the hearing date of the motion

67. If the Accessioned material or object was purchased by the NMMA, it may be disposed of in whatever manner the Permanent Collection Committee and Board of Directors deem appropriate and most beneficial to the institution

68. Apparently they deem this an urgent necessity since they claim that "there is a lack of a solid tradition of Affronting [facing] issues in this way, [i.e., through an integrated view of science and religion].

69. For a religious, to advance on the path of obedience means to abase oneself in service, that is, to take the same path as Jesus, who “did not deem equality with God a thing to be grasped” (Phil 2:6).

70. Blight- because it is just a saving throw, I don't visualize anything coming from the direction of the caster, but perhaps they do a hand movement similar to clenching their fist or whatever you deem fitting, and then the target shriveling/cracking/dry out.

71. A vastly simplified way to describe the two cuisines is to deem Creole cuisine as “city food” while Cajun cuisine is often referred to as “country food.” While many of the ingredients in Cajun and Creole dishes are similar, the real difference between the two styles is the people behind these famous cuisines.

72. 'Consider' is a 8 letter word starting with C and ending with R Crossword clues for 'Consider' Clue Answer; Consider (4) DEEM: Regard as (4) Consider to be (4) Judge or Consider (4) Judge to be (4) Hold as an opinion (4) Have an opinion (4) Regard in a specific way (4) Come to think or judge (4)

73. Prior to the expiration of the trust period of any Indian Allottee to whom a trust or other patent containing restrictions upon alienation has been or shall be issued under any law or treaty the President may, in his discretion, continue such restrictions on alienation for such period as he may deem best: Provided, however, That this

74. A: The biggest difference between all right and Alright is that one (all right) is a commonly used phrase that’s been accepted by dictionaries and grammar stylebooks for ages, while the other (Alright) technically isn’t, well, a word.Resources such as Garner’s Modern American Usage deem all right “the standard,” and make the case that the hybrid spelling Alright should be totally

75. "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three

76. Is it not enough that thou Beguilest feeble women? But if in battle thou wilt mingle, verily I deem that thou shalt shudder at the name of battle, if thou hear it even afar off" So spake he, and she departed in amaze and was sore troubled: and wind-footed Iris took her and led her from the throng tormented with her pain, and her fair skin was

77. (Cana dian Oxfo rd Dictionary) biodive rsity, biological div ersity - The variety of life, from gen es a nd s pec ies to comm unities, ecosystems, functions and pro cesse s (Protecting Cana da’s Endan gered Sp aces, H um m el, 1995) conservation -The im plem entation of me asures for the rational use, m aintenance, and reh abilitation or restoration of natural resources (Pa rks C anada b ulletin) ecosystem - an eco system is a co m m unity of organ ism s an d their non-living environm ent. F und am enta l to the system is the flow of energy via food chains and the cycling of nutrients. eco logical integrity - "An ecosystem has integ rity when it is deem ed characteristic for its natu ral region, including the com position and abund ance of na tive species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting proc ess es."