Đặt câu với từ "control of economy"

1. The evolution of control theory presents the trend that gives a biochemistry inside control system, the result of this kind of effort produced controlled economy to learn.

2. In the ideal-type command economy, the state assumes total control of virtually all the significant factors of production.

3. After its control on and Besiegement with Chinese financial institution the foreign capital begin to control and influence our national economy : 2

4. Q . How would you control the fiscal deficit in an economy hit by a slowdown ?

5. We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.

6. Some argued that a planned economy and tight social control were essential to the regime's survival.

7. 30 We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.

8. They've entered this new confederacy because the central government's been unable to control the collapsing economy.

9. The much more varied and extensive evidence for Charles's control of the coinage has important implications for both government and economy.

10. Dual economy is a basic characteristic of Chinese economy.

11. These regimes restricted personal freedom and maintained strong control over the economy, the media, and the armed forces.

12. Trump leaves office with Cratered economy he could not control By Chris Tomlinson, Staff writer 1/18/2021

13. It is impossible for a country to open up its economy whilst keeping politics under absolutely rigid control.

14. Croatia is a strong democracy with a market-oriented economy but retains significant state control or involvement in a number of industries

15. The economy of the United States is a highly developed mixed economy.

16. It is the principle of practicing economy, one of the basic principles of socialist economy.

17. The adjustment of economy structure is important stratagem to national economy development.

18. The notion of the information economy and the creative economy takes hold.

19. Feudal landlord estate economy is one economic model of the economy of Chinas feudal landowners.

20. A Bartering economy differs from a monetary economy in a variety of ways

21. Nowadays beer is generally available in private restaurants that have become more common since government control on the economy has loosened.

22. The economy of Vietnam has transformed from an agrarian to a service economy.

23. Industrial agglomeration economy index is an important measure of urban agglomeration economy effect.

24. For much of the 20th century, Georgia's economy was within the Soviet model of command economy.

25. acro economy

26. 3 Accordingly, economy of compendious market of differentiate and and intellectual economy, have important real sense undoubtedly.

27. The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed and transition economy with a large public sector.

28. We feel deeply, new century will get the ablution of globalization of technical revolution, economy and intellectual economy, .

29. Marco-economy

30. The economy of East Timor is ranked as a low-income economy by the World Bank.

31. Without the economy of famous brand, it is devoid vigor and the economy that expand aftereffect.

32. Becoming the basis of the economy.

33. There is an economy of scale.

34. The U. S. economy is still the world's greatest economy.

35. Economy mode

36. In view of this circumstance, Communist economy could never hope to overcome the economy of Chiang Kai-shek.

37. A state - controlled economy has morphed into a market economy, greatly raising the standard of living.

38. A state - controlled economy has morphed into a market economy, greatly raising people's standard of living.

39. Clearly, however, these matters appertain as much to private economy as to the economy of whole nations.

40. So, we moved from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy.

41. Ours is not a pure price economy but a mixed economy.

42. The economy of this nation was demolished.

43. But the blue economy, which is really the economy of the ocean, is extremely important to Africa.

44. In the situation of market economy, the authority equals neither the position nor the special privilege. It is the control power, the eminent domain and the usufruct of certain resources.

45. After hamster revulsion, begin by planned economy to market economy shunt.

46. So, we moved from an industrial economy to a service- based economy.

47. The economy shows no signs of faltering.

48. He listed nine principles of national economy.

49. The economy is showing signs of faltering.

50. Fear of unemployment is paralysing the economy.

51. What is the essentiality of regional economy?

52. Agriculture was the backbone of the economy.

53. So, we moved from an industrial economy to a service-based economy.

54. Modern market economy is the mixed economy that the government intervenes moderately.

55. It also injected a sizable amount of money into the economy via quantitative easing to boost the economy.

56. Control systems of modern automotive spark-ignition engines are designed to continually adjust the spark timing and angle, in order for power generation and fuel economy to be maximised.

57. Parameter sensitivity of fuel economy of the microbus was analyzed. The analysis was very useful to improve the automobile fuel economy.

58. We are the backbone of this country's economy.

59. ‐ Overview of CAMS, Transition to market economy, Transparency

60. Rubber became the staple of the Malayan economy.

61. Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy.

62. Slovakia successfully transformed from a centrally planned economy to a market-driven economy.

63. THE ACCUMULATION OF CAPITAL ROSA LUXEMBURG The Accumulative process endeavours everywhere to substitute simple commodity economy for natural economy

64. Basic Economy fares have the same checked baggage policies as standard Economy tickets

65. The feminine economy has mostly operated outside the System of explicit prices and contracts that characterize the market economy.

66. The economy of Ikawa is based on agriculture.

67. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.

68. 9 Their economy is in danger of imploding.

69. 9 The economy is showing signs of faltering.

70. Oil is the dynamo of the country's economy.

71. They recognise the urgency of righting the economy.

72. A handful of multinational companies dominate the economy.

73. Consider an emergent game economy built around an abstract combinatorial system, played across worldwide media, embedded virally into websites, TV, text messages, billboards, even radio, beyond the control of corporations.

74. 29 The economy shows no signs of faltering.

75. 4 Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii's economy.

76. Contractionary monetary policy is a strategy used by a nation’s central bank during booming growth periods to slow down the economy and control rising inflation.; The …

77. Culture changes to economy have bellwether effect, economy changes to realize culture to change.

78. In Mongolia, the economy is projected to grow only 0.1 percent, down from 2.3 percent in 2015, on weakening mineral exports and efforts to control debt.

79. Upper-hierarchy Organization is the important part of the whole market economy. It is the propellent to the development of economy also.

80. The economy of Hachirōgata is based on agriculture.