Đặt câu với từ "astrocytes"

1. Astrocytes synonyms, Astrocytes pronunciation, Astrocytes translation, English dictionary definition of Astrocytes

2. The processes of protoplasmic Astrocytes

3. Astrocytes - structure/function

4. Unlike fibrous Astrocytes, protoplasmic Astrocytes occur in the gray matter of the central nervous system

5. Characteristics of normal Astrocytes

6. GFAP + astrocytes hhd no changes and there were no VIM + astrocytes in postmortem groups.

7. Astrocytes secrete numerous factors indispensable for synaptogenesis, and without Astrocytes, formation of synapses would be greatly depressed

8. The processes of protoplasmic Astrocytes also make contact with

9. Astrocytes (star cells) have radially arranged processes

10. Learn more about Astrocytes, including their structure and function.

11. Astrocytes have become a hot research topic as evidence mounts suggesting that Astrocytes in the brains cortex do more than provide support to neurons

12. Gibco Human Astrocytes are cryopreserved at Passage 1

13. Most brain tumors are derived from Astrocytes (astrocytomas)

14. Other articles where Protoplasmic Astrocyte is discussed: Astrocyte: Unlike fibrous Astrocytes, protoplasmic Astrocytes occur in the gray matter of the central nervous system

15. Astrocytes are star-shaped cells found in the brain

16. Astrocytes can be subdivided into fibrous and protoplasmic types

17. Establish human glioma cell strains and culture normal astrocytes.

18. To perform these roles, there is a great variety of Astrocytes

19. Astrocytoma begins in cells called Astrocytes that support nerve cells

20. Astrocytes form the bridge that connects neuronal signaling to the CNS vasculature

21. Seed the resuspended Astrocytes prepared in step 2 onto the forebrain neurons

22. Protoplasmic Astrocytes exhibit a finely branched morphology expressed in a uniform globoid …

23. Astrocytes are specialized glial cells that outnumber neurons by over fivefold

24. Astrocytes are a major cell type in the central nervous system

25. In this video we're going to talk about Astrocytes Astrocytes and their name comes from the Greek words for star cell Astrocytes are glial cells of the central nervous system which are derived from neural stem cells Astrocytes have a soma a variable number and branches of processes but they often have a lot they often have quite a few processes that are highly branched which is how they got

26. Astrocytes been identified as playing a primary part in diseases of the CNS

27. Astrocytes in human neurodevelopmental disorders It is becoming increasingly apparent that Astrocytes are highly significant when there is disruption of the choreography of neural development, leading to disease pathogenesis in neurodevelopmental disorders.

28. Astrocytes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders

29. In the striatum, stalled Astrocytes can resume neurogenesis if exposed to EGF.

30. Gibco Human Astrocytes are normal human cells derived from human brain tissue

31. Astrocytes are a principle participant in central nervous system (CNS) responses to neurological disorders or diseases [1, 2, 3].During development and homeostasis, Astrocytes coordinate immune responses by regulating microglia activation and blood-brain barrier (BBB) formation [4, 5].Through dedicated molecular cascades, Astrocytes also provide growth factors to neurons, …

32. Here we perform RNA sequencing of Astrocytes from different brain regions across the

33. This page provides a background on Astrocytes and their role in ASD , ALS, and Rett …

34. Astrocytes release neurotransmitter-like molecules called gliotransmitters, which control synapse development and influence neuron activity.

35. Astrocyte Markers Astrocytes are star-shaped glial cells found in the central nervous system

36. Astrocytes provide extensive structural and physiological support of neurons in the central nervous system

37. These data suggest that astrocytes possess a cell volume dependent mechanism of Na+ accumulation.

38. Summary: Astrocytes could be as important as neurons when it comes to regulating sleep

39. Synaptic formation strictly depends on cholesterol, produced and secreted by Astrocytes (that, most likely, provides a …

40. Gibco® Human Astrocytes are human brain progenitor-derived Astrocytes that are supplied cryopreserved at a concentration of ≥1 × 10 6 cells/mL in Gibco® Astrocyte Medium without EGF and with 10% DMSO

41. Astrocytes all over the brain initiate the neurogenic program in response to Rbpj deletion, but all Astrocytes in the somatosensory cortex, and many in the striatum, halt their development prior to entering transit-amplifying divisions

42. Astrocytes have many cytoplasmic processes that terminate on blood vessels, neuronal cell bodies, axons and …

43. Researchers have long assumed that Astrocytes' primary function is to provide nutrients and support for the brain's more closely scrutinized nerve cells; over the years, however, increasing evidence has shown that Astrocytes can also actively promote …

44. Independently ofRosenthal fibers we know an ameboidal degeneration of abundantly proliferated astrocytes and their processes, clasmatodendrosis with crumb-like disintegration products.

45. Astrocytes respond to all forms of CNS insults through a process referred to as reactive astro …

46. Show that GABAB receptor signaling in Astrocytes regulates prefrontal cortex activity to impact goal-directed behaviors

47. They are thought to have a similar role to astrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS).

48. Astrocytes also assist in repairing damage within the brain and central nervous system through a process called astrogliosis

49. Astrocytes are complex glial cells with numerous fine cellular processes that infiltrate the neuropil and interact with synapses

50. Astrocytes, or astroglia, are the star shaped glial cells that reside in the brain and spinal cord

51. Astrocytes have many cytoplasmic processes that terminate on blood vessels, neuronal cell bodies, axons and synaptic terminals

52. GlioBlastoma is a type of astrocytoma, a cancer that forms from star-shaped cells in the brain called astrocytes

53. Astrocytes, the supporting cells of the brain, could play a significant role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to a new study

54. Astrocyte Medium has been specially formulated to support the growth of primary human and rat Astrocytes while retaining their phenotypes

55. Astrocytes contribute to induction and maintenance of the blood–brain barrier through paracrine interactions with the pericytes and endothelial cells

56. Astrocytes are the most abundant type of cells within the central nervous system (CNS), but they remain poorly characterized

57. Astrocytes can be divided into three categories based on their cellular morphologies and anatomical locations: protoplasmic, fibrous, or radial

58. AIM: To study the gene silencing effect of short hairpin plasmid vector on aquaporin-4 (AQP- in astrocytes cultured in vitro.

59. Astrocytes are a population of cells with distinctive morphological and functional characteristics that differ within specific areas of the brain

60. For many years Astrocytes were considered important, yet passive supporters of neurons, providing metabolic support, neurotransmitter precursors and ion buffering.

61. Astrocyte Image courtesy of Biodidac: Within the past few years, however, attention has focused on the role of Astrocytes in adult neurogenesis

62. Similarly to other neuronal cells, Astrocytes are comprised of synapses, or cell ends that allow for chemical and electrical communication between cells

63. Normal Human Astrocytes (NHA) can be used to study the function of the central nervous system and how neural cells interact

64. When used together with Gibco Astrocyte Medium, these Astrocytes are highly mature and differentiated GFAP positive cells with the typical star-like morphology

65. (1987), were systematically studied by looking at axonal swellings, axonal Balloonings, reactive astrocytes, maximum diameter of axonal enlargements and density of axonal

66. Astrocytes also consist of dendrites that allow for communications from other cells to be transmitted within the cell body of the Astrocyte.

67. Increased activity of neurones triggers Ca 2+ signals in Astrocytes and this could be the integrating signal for the the neurovascular unit.

68. Astrocytes fill in the space between neurons, take up neurotransmitters that are released by neurons, and help maintain the correct chemical concentrations around neurons

69. Astrocytes are glial cells found in the brain and spinal cord that play a critical role in maintenance, support, and repair of nervous tissue

70. Neurons and oligodendrocytes are capable of making good use of acetoacetate and D-(−)-3-hydroxybutyrate, whereas the best substrate for astrocytes is fatty acid.

71. Astrocytes are the most common glial cell type in the brain, and perform many functions such as neurotransmitter uptake and release, modulation of synaptic transmission, and nervous system repair

72. Astrocytes secrete classes of factors with either barrier-promoting or barrier-disrupting effects depending on signals received from neurons and/or endothelial cells.

73. Compared with healthy Astrocytes, those containing Parkinson’s mutations showed multiple hallmarks of the disease, including the presence of alpha synuclein clumps, lower mitocondrial

74. 1,2 Besides GLT-1, GLAST is the most abundant glutamate transporter and is predominantly expressed by Astrocytes in the developing and neonatal mammalian CNS.

75. At the spinal level, cannabinoids are involved in acute and chronic pain through CB1 receptors present in primary afferent neurons, inhibitory interneurons and astrocytes.

76. Functions of Astrocytes include physical and metabolic support for neurons, detoxification, guidance during migration, regulation of energy metabolism, electrical insulation (for unmyelinated axons), transport of blood

77. While in Amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) there is only one uniform type of ependymal gliocytes, already in cyclostomes astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and mesoglia cells can be observed.

78. Astrocytes are a major type of glia, a class of non-neuronal brain cells which also include oligodendrocytes, oligodendrocyte precursor cells (NG2 cells) and microglia

79. Astrocytes, once relegated to a mere supportive role in the central nervous system, are now recognized as a heterogeneous class of cells with many important and diverse functions

80. Astrocytes are glial cells that are abundant in the central nervous system (CNS) and that have important homeostatic and disease-promoting functions 1.However, little is known about the