Đặt câu với từ "alluvial soil"

1. alluvial soil (16)

2. It's alluvial, sedimentary, volcanic soil.

3. The soil is part calcareous Mesozoic and part silty-calcareous alluvial soil.

4. The soil is part calcareous Mesozoic and part silty-calcareous alluvial soil

5. The three major soil types in this region are the paddy soil, the alluvial soil, and the salt swamp soil.

6. The soil, chiefly alluvial, though in some places Arenaceous, …

7. The nature of the soil is mostly volcanic and alluvial.

8. Azonal soils include some mountain, alluvial, marine, glacial, windblown, and volcanic soils Compare intrAzonal soil, zonal soil

9. The parent material for the two locations is river alluvial soil.

10. Moreover, THg concentrations decreased from alluvial soil, shrub soil to forest soil in a sample site, and they decreased with increasing depth in soil profiles.

11. In the suburbs, the soil cover is largely alluvial and loam y.

12. Soil types : Vast terraces of alluvial soil from the Riss, on these, calcareous gravel from the Quarternary era.

13. The soil of the area is fluvo-aquic soil which is a part of alluvial plain of Yellow River.

14. Most of the soil in yam-producing areas is sandy alluvial fluvo-aquic.

15. essentially siliceous soil, but also land with old alluvial deposits and volcanic terrain,

16. Most of the soil in yam-producing areas is sandy alluvial fluvo-aquic

17. essentially siliceous soil, but also land with old alluvial deposits and volcanic terrain

18. I understand that the highly alluvial soil of Papua New Guinea is very productive.

19. 28 Cultivated soil - forming parent material is mainly slope sediments , fluvial and alluvial materials.

20. Soil and climatic: // Sandy alluvial soils with adequate water supply and medium atmospheric humidity.

21. The natural zeolite had significant potential in phosphate preserving and supplying in alluvial soil.

22. Soil — the geological substratum is made up of alluvial deposits from the disintegration of limestone.

23. “Alluvial gold” refers to the type of gold dust found in that kind of soil

24. Rich alluvial soil and abundant spring water have made Jericho an attractive place for settlement.

25. Alluvial soil A type of soil formed on river floodplains and deltas, where new sediment is deposited on the land during floods.

26. Due to the higher buffer capacity of yellow soil, the risk of P release from it when flooded is less than that of purple soil or alluvial soil.

27. Soil – the geological substratum is made up of alluvial deposits from the disintegration of limestone.

28. Tianjin is actually a port area located on the alluvial soil shaped by the Hai River.

29. It is a land of deep, alluvial soil where sand predominates and clay is scarce; as a result, the soil is cool and well-drained.

30. The alluvial soil on which the building sits required a massive concrete platform to support the foundations.

31. The soil is alluvial and of a medium consistency, with high levels of clay and organic substances.

32. The soil is alluvial and of a medium consistency, with high levels of clay and organic substances

33. For centuries, the Nile River flooded the valley, enriching the land with a thick layer of alluvial soil.

34. Altdorf is sited on alluvial soil where the Schachen side valley enters the Reuss valley from the east.

35. The alterations of exchangeable and non-exchangeable potassium have been investigated, using a clay alluvial soil as testing material.

36. In terms of soil, the Neretva Valley area is characterised by sediments of alluvial origin of markedly heterogeneous composition.

37. He loved the smell of the woods, and the damp alluvial soil that covered these mountains like a blanket.

38. Nearshore, deltaic, alluvial, peatland, open-water wetland, and upland soil environments are represented in the Moorhead Phase sediment records.

39. Because the region around New Orleans is composed of alluvial soil, there is no paving material close at hand.

40. Downstream water flow slow, siltation of the alluvial soil more and more, forming a great many of the Delta islands.

41. The soil is rich in organic substances as a result of alluvial deposits in the past from the River Po.

42. // 1.3. Soil and climatic: // Light to sandy-alluvial soil, warming easily, low in organic matter (0,5 to 1 %), permeable, deep, pH 5,5 to 6, with an adequate water supply. // 2.

43. Results show that response at surface points of the alluvial soil deposit are amplified significantly for given conditions of shape, dimension and material properties of the soil and the canyon.


45. The main type of soils on the Yellow River Flood Plain in North China is called Chaotu(alluvial soil) by Chinese.

46. An Alluvial plain is a largely flat landform created by the deposition of sediment over a long period of time by one or more rivers coming from highland regions, from which Alluvial soil forms

47. They establish large colonies, digging extensive burrows in the deep colluvial (rocky material at the base of a slope) or alluvial soil (fine soil deposited by water) and building large mounds.

48. Although the region had experienced moderate seismic activity in the past, the city of Tangshan has been built on unstable, alluvial soil.

49. Intramontane alluvial basins Intramontane alluvial basins are alluvial valleys located throughout the mountainous regions.

50. As adjectives the difference between fluvial and Alluvial is that fluvial is of, pertaining to, inhabiting, or produced by the action of a river or stream while Alluvial is pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream


52. The alluvial soil on which the city stood was frozen all year round but thawed a few feet down during the summer.

53. Bihar lies in the river plains of the basin of the river Ganga.It is endowed with fertile alluvial soil ground water resources

54. Around forty producers tend the gravelly soil found on the left bank of the Dordogne River, on a geomorphic system of alluvial terraces.

55. Here the soil is poor in nutrients, stony and alluvial (with a lattice of red clay and sand), of the type vines love.

56. i(i)situated on plains of recent alluvial origin with deep and fertile soil consisting for the most part of clay or alluvium,

57. 'Aluvial' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: English: alluvial - alluvial fan - alluvial plain - alluvium - placer

58. (alluvial fan)

59. 3 synonyms for alluvium: Alluvial deposit, Alluvial sediment, alluvion

60. Except the site at the station of Luntai belongs to alluvial and diluvial fan, all the sites are saline soil with strong erosion.

61. The former dense forest has been partly cleared for cultivation, to which the alluvial soil of the former glacial valley is well suited.

62. As nouns the difference between Alluvium and alluvial is that Alluvium is soil, clay, silt or gravel deposited by flowing water, as it slows, in a river bed, delta, estuary or flood plain while alluvial is a deposition of sediment over a long period of time by a river; an alluvial layer

63. Allure, allurement, alluring, allusion, allusive, Alluvial, Alluvial fan, Alluvial mining, Alluvial plain, alluvion, alluvium Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc

64. It's alluvial deposits.

65. Fifteen 100 m long transects were placed using random coordinates within two soil–geomorphology units (flat alluvial terraces and dissected ridge-slope-swale terrain).

66. The former dense forest has been partly transformed into cultivated land, to which the alluvial soil of the former glacial valley is well suited.

67. The predominant type of soil is brown earth, ranging from luvisols to eroded, colluvial and alluvial brown earths, with an average or low humus content.

68. He, together with a team of 750 people, have uncovered ancient city and harbor walls and recovered thousands of artifacts from the deep alluvial soil.

69. Alluvial is a term that refers to soil sediments and the various sand, silt, gravel, clay or other deposited matter left behind by flowing water

70. As nouns the difference between alluvium and Alluvial is that alluvium is soil, clay, silt or gravel deposited by flowing water, as it slows, in a river bed, delta, estuary or flood plain while Alluvial is a deposition of sediment over a long period of time by a river; an Alluvial layer

71. An Alluvial plain Some Alluvial deposits are a rich source of diamonds.

72. An Alluvial plain Some Alluvial deposits are a rich source of diamonds.

73. The land is rich alluvial soil, much of which is so sandy that borders looks more like dark-coloured, plumped-up sand dunes than earth.

74. So the Yellow River alluvial soil expresses some engineering characteristics, such as, difficultly to be compacted and stabilized with inorganic binder, and large foundation depression.

75. Alluvial gold sector

76. The subsoil of the Champagne region is chalky as far down as 330 feet [100 m] and is covered by a fine layer of alluvial soil.

77. 2021 Example sentences from the Web for Alluvial The ground was fertile, with Alluvial, …

78. -on recent alluvial deposits,

79. 6450 | Northern boreal alluvial meadows |

80. The loess and alluvial soil have a high nutrient content, are rich in trace elements, medium dense, friable and flat-surfaced, with good air and water retention.