Đặt câu với từ "aggraded floodplain"

1. Between 2600 BP and now, the creek incised about 5 m below the former T-2 channel position and aggraded, partly synchronously, up to 3 m of T-3–floodplain alluvium.

2. Flood Zone Construction Permits & Floodplain Administration.

3. Leaving Gaomiaozi, they walked towards the floodplain.

4. The Awashed Floodplain Of River Po, Italy

5. Packera glabella - Butterweed, Yellowtop, Cressleaf Groundsel, Floodplain Ragwort

6. Thickness of the aggraded bed varied up to 0.37 m, depending on surface topography.

7. Steven ulnar right and their fames Blueweeds young or cognitively eunea unica basic catalogo pdf aggraded

8. Leaving the town, they walked towards the floodplain.

9. Regosolic and Gleysolic soils Landform: alluvial floodplain deposits Soils:

10. Bloodfins floodplain boldfacing boldface floodplains foldable foldboat boldfaced bloodbath boldfaces

11. All downhill from here, down to the floodplain.

12. Bottomlands are the low-lying floodplain of a river

13. However, floodplain excavation produced degraded states quite unlike pristine conditions.

14. The Association of State Floodplain Managers will convene the world's largest and most comprehensive floodplain management Conference – our 45th annual gathering, May 10-14, […]

15. Bottomland forest and alluvial forest often occur intermixed within a floodplain

16. The Abutment is located in a rectangular channel, and no floodplain is present.

17. The modifications were part of extensive urban development of the lower floodplain.

18. After Allahabad, the river’s floodplain sometimes reaches a width of 10 miles (16 km).

19. These are the alluvial lowlands of the Amur River floodplain, down to 40 meters in altitude.

20. Plant located in the Funiu Mountain Yumaidonglu and the south - floodplain reservoirs, Yishanbangshui and attractive landscape.

21. In previous eras, it was the floodplain of the Aare and was thus swampy.

22. Sometimes, in some floodplain situations, Archaeological sites may be buried several meters deep beneath the current surface

23. This layout is typical for wing-wall Abutments, especially for channels having a narrow, or no, floodplain

24. Therefore, large - scaled floodplain safety construction should be urgently implemented in order to solve the safety problems.

25. Evaluation of RPM oak seedlings in Afforesting floodplain crop fields along the Missouri River

26. Daspletosaurus lived in a vast floodplain along the western shore of the interior seaway.

27. Alkaline soils exist under forest vegetation on the Tanana River floodplain of interior Alaska.

28. In the north and northeast the nature park is bounded by the floodplain of the Middle Elbe.

29. The forests surrounding the river valley of Kinabatangan River is the largest forest-covered floodplain in Malaysia.

30. The floodplain group occurs on alluvial terraces and the Pinus contorta group on rock outcrops.

31. Arezzo is set on a steep hill rising from the floodplain of the River Arno.

32. When the river channel fills and then overflows more mud is spread right across the floodplain.

33. 19 GEOLOGY The proposed well field is located within or adjacent to the Chemainus River floodplain.

34. Evidence indicates that Archaeopteris preferred wet soils, growing close to river systems and in floodplain woodlands.

35. Yamashita Minjiang River and its tributaries sheep hole intersection, forming a large river floodplain and magnanimous.

36. How wide is the floodplain of the River Wharfe in this middle course of the valley?

37. Even before invasive species, large rim dams, and Delta water export … Continue reading "The Floodplain Forward: Bypasses

38. Releases were increased over the weekend to 7500 cubic metres a second, engulfing communities on the floodplain below.

39. An example of the many benefits of restoring natural capital is the ecological restoration of floodplain forests.

40. Trees and other vegetation within the floodplain adopt a different growth cycle from plants in nonflooded areas.

41. Agriculture along the Nile floodplain took advantage of the seasonal flooding that deposited nutrients beneficial for crops.

42. At these dates, the sites were buried with silt, probably as a result of mass wasting on nearby permafrost mounds and then permafrost aggraded under the sites.

43. After Shell Mera the river becomes braided and meanders, leaving oxbows and sloughs along its route across the Amazonian floodplain.

44. When the coverage ratio of floodplain area reaches to 30%, the wind erosion can be controlled within the range of light erosion.

45. Alluvial floodplain mudstones of the late Maastrichtian Whitemud Formation of southern Saskatchewan contain abundant vertebrate faecal remains preserved as siderite and Fe-hydroxides.

46. They collected ALS data from 10 flight campaigns for a steppe forest, alkali grasslands and floodplain forests in eastern Hungary.

47. It was discovered in a floodplain deposit, which suggests the R. marina habitat preferences have long been for open areas.

48. The Humber River floodplain at Toronto is underlain by a 2.5 km long wedge of alluvium that thins upstream from Lake Ontario.

49. A new plinth, raised above the floodplain of the Russian River, grounds the building and provides panoramic views over the landscape.

50. Avulsions cause loss of life, property damage, destabilization of shipping and irrigation channels, and even coastal erosion as sediment is temporarily sequestered on the floodplain.

51. It is situated in the Šariš region on a floodplain terrace of the Topľa River, in the hills of the Beskyd Mountains.

52. A herd of 29 cattle were subsequently free to overgraze the floodplain areas, despite appeals to the metro police, the municipality and the cow herder.

53. Alluvium dated from the Quaternary period cover the alluvial valleys of the Aume and Charente, the most recent being on the floodplain.

54. Should Porcupine River aggrade the likelihood of overbank flooding and sedimentation to PFPD will increase and floodplain infrastructure investments will be at risk.

55. Naturally growing alluvial meadows, floodplain meadows, bogs, and valuable pools of water from the Morava River which create a unique biotope for plants and animals, especially birds.

56. The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is an icon of southeastern floodplain forests and a symbolic reminder of our historic loss of these wetland habitats

57. A new plinth, raised above the floodplain of the Russian River,(sentencedict .com) grounds the building and provides panoramic views over the landscape.

58. Bants Spirits by Neekoskesh Deck cards: Snow-Covered Island, Arctic Treeline, Snow-Covered Forest, Glacial Floodplain, Faceless Haven, Snow-Covered Plains, Rimewood Falls, Fabled Passage, Ascendan

59. Including influence of the section shape, the different water condition between floodplain and channel is another import factor that influents the resistance distribution along river width.

60. During the dry season, the Arapaima seeks out floodplain lakes with little oxygen they can prey on the abundant fish trapped in a small area.

61. It measures wind erosion under the conditions of different wind speed of floodplain area with different vegetation coverage ratio of the Yongding River by using mobile filed wind channel equipment.

62. In general, Bottomland forest is a drier community than alluvial forest, although this distinction may be difficult to draw, particularly when Bottomland forest grades into floodplain swamp

63. Avulsions are the natural processes by which flow diverts out of an established river channel into a new permanent course on the adjacent floodplain abandoning the former channel.

64. Lower-level lowlands, almost at sea level, are the result of recent alluvial deposition along the floodplain of present Fraser River channels and are protected from flooding by dikes.

65. The lower part consists of deep-water turbiditic sandstone, siltstone and Argillite, and voluminous mafic sills; the upper part comprises shallow-water siliciclastic rocks and stromatolitic carbonates deposited in intertidal and floodplain settings

66. selected channel and floodplain habitats over upland habitats and concluded that vegetation in or near channels could be protected by developing water points in the upland area, adjacent to the stream.

67. The type species, A. remotus, is known from a partial skull and three foot bones recovered from Mongolian sediments which were deposited in a humid floodplain about 70 million years ago.

68. The fertile floodplain of the Nile gave humans the opportunity to develop a settled agricultural economy and a more sophisticated, centralized society that became a cornerstone in the history of human civilization.

69. In southeastern USA, there are moves to restore Canebrakes, the dense, impenetrable stands of bamboo that dominated large areas of floodplain arid riverbank until they were cleared for agriculture during the 18th and 19th centuries.

70. The landslide became more mobile once it began to entrain loess material and reached the Obi-Kabud River where it traversed the floodplain and surmounted a 25 m high river terrace on the river's west bank.

71. Argyle Comp Plan Update FLUP Map - Adopted 2-27-18 (PDF) Zoning Map - Official as of June 27, 2017; Thoroughfare Plan Map Revised April 2010 (PDF) Floodplain Map 2015 (source FEMA) AISD Boundary Map; Arygle Annexation Map (PDF)

72. A floodplain is part of the process, being the smaller area over which the rivers flood at a particular period of time, whereas the Alluvial plain is the larger area representing the region over which

73. Base-level (Lake Ontario) rise directly controlled aggradation between 6500 and 1800 years ago, after which time base level no longer directly controlled aggradation because levees had emerged alongside the channel and reduced the supply of sediment to the floodplain.

74. Transported sediment stored in the floodplain and along valley margins resulted in aggradation of up to 0.75 m, except in restricted reaches where limited sediment supply and increased stream power caused degradation of up to 3 m.

75. But after the watershed between the aggraded Feldberg Danube and the downward-cutting Ancient Wutach, which existed until the last ice age, had been severely eroded, the Feldberg Danube broke out to the south-west into the Rhine valley some 20,000 to 70,000 years ago, forming the striking Wutachknie at Blumberg.

76. Bessye Outfall & Floodplain Map ") Primary Lake Outfall ") Additional Outfall Structures 100yr FEMA Floodplains ± Lake Bessye FEMA Datum Conversion (ft):-0.94 Lake Photograph Major Basin Model Link: N/A 2 of 4 1% Chance Flood El

77. ‘It must have been a truly awesome sight to watch a herd of Brontosaurs crossing a Mesozoic floodplain; evoking the same sense of awe, and puniness in one's own being in comparison, as one would feel when observing whales close up.’

78. Due to its low input of coarse sediment, Upper Waterfowl Lake, in Banff Park, Alberta, has developed a delta atypical of lacustrine deltas in this high mountain region: lack of foresets, vertically aggrading stable distributary channels, and a surface composed of mostly fine-grained floodplain materials.

79. The wetland Botanist will support environmental data collection and analyses around wetlands, floodplain physical habitat, hydrologic monitoring, and fish and aquatic ecology, and environmental…The wetland Botanist will work within a four-person crew to identify plants to the species level using dichotomous keys -OR- key, color code, and texture soils…

80. The back-shoal area contains peloidal mudstones, algal-archaeocyathan biostromes (Girvanella) and increasingly tidal deposits (clastic and carbonatic) towards the east. (c) Isolated platform, aggraded to sea level, rimmed by slope deposits with slumps and breccia-beds in the southeast and northwest. (d) Isolated, flooded platform; barriers towards the open sea partly broke down. (e) Isolated platform with raised rims and deep interior, often with thick breccia-beds in uppermost parts. (f) Break-down of the platform (late Early Cambrian), marked by nodular limestones and limestoneshale intercalations. (g) Terrigenous clastics cover the former platform.