Đặt câu với từ "administrative machinery"

1. The administrative machinery of the Commission

2. Overview of administrative machinery in disciplinary matters

3. through the courts and administrative machinery, or must

4. - reform of administrative machinery and society as a whole;

5. Overview of the administrative machinery with respect to disciplinary matters

6. The organizational charts of the administrative machinery, submitted herein are

7. Organisational chart of administrative machinery that contributes to the implementation of

8. Government of Belize’s Administrative machinery responsible for compliance with resolution 1373 (2001)

9. The methods used are related to the administrative machinery in each Member State.

10. Administrative machinery (now superseded by the Organic Act concerning SENAME: Decree-Law no 2465)

11. Can human rights instruments be directly invoked or enforced through the courts and administrative machinery?

12. The Public Service is the core of the permanent administrative machinery of the Government of Malta.

13. But, what if regional integration were not simply up to political decision-makers and the administrative machinery?

14. (b) the management and control of administrative machinery set up at national level to implement Community policies;

15. He said the entire administrative machinery today should be geared up to serve the needs of society.

16. During this period, the court system was installed, the franchise defined, laws enacted, and internal administrative machinery established.

17. The organizational chart of Tonga’s administrative machinery, Money Laundering Committee, and Maritime Committee is attached as Annex 8.

18. Could Qatar please provide an organizational chart of its administrative machinery, such as police, customs and taxation authorities?

19. Through this, it became increasingly clear that institutionalizing abstract social relations required the use of efficient administrative machinery.

20. n organisational chart of the administrative machinery that contributes to compliance with Resolution # is attached at Annex E

21. It then began the daunting process of establishing a national administrative machinery in an isolated and landlocked misery.

22. This is to break the endless cycle of elections, reduce election expenditure, and minimize pressure on the administrative machinery.

23. The Bill is , then , examined in detail by the administrative machinery in consultation with all other authorities concerned and given a final shape .

24. While the government has vast and highly sophisticated administrative machinery and organisation manned by experts , specialists and seasoned civil servants at its ' disposal to undertake its complex tasks , the Legislature finds itself severely handicapped in this regard .

25. For the sake of conceptual clarification , therefore , the term ' Executive ' may be used to indicate the political executive , i . e . the Council of Ministers , while the terms ' administration ' or ' administrative ' may refer to the permanent services or the administrative machinery .