Đặt câu với từ "absolute inequality"

1. (Gini Index where 0 = absolute inequality and 100 = absolute equality)

2. Diminishing Absolute Differences, Persistence of Relative Inequality" (Ottawa:

3. A second distinction is between absolute and relative inequality.

4. � Absolute inequality is a measure of actual standardised rate difference.

5. Scores are between "0" = absolute inequality and "1"= gender balance.

6. In fact, absolute poverty can decline even as inequality increases.

7. So, if all incomes grow at the same rate, then relative inequality is unchanged, but absolute inequality has risen.

8. Table 2.1 Income Inequality and Relative and Absolute Poverty (2004, 2005)

9. So any of those are going to satisfy this absolute value inequality.

10. It takes a value between # corresponding to absolute equality, and # corresponding to absolute inequality (equivalent to one household taking everything

11. Empirical evidence shows that absolute inequality tends to rise with growth and fall with contractions.

12. While levels of absolute poverty have been declining, income and wealth inequality has been growing.

13. And this is a especially interesting inequality because we also have an absolute value here.

14. While absolute poverty is low, there are growing concerns regarding income inequality as the economy grows.

15. The central question was therefore how to tackle absolute poverty in an environment of growing inequality

16. Third, greater gender equality not only raises absolute income, it also helps to reduce income inequality.

17. The central question was therefore how to tackle absolute poverty in an environment of growing inequality.

18. Matters are hardly any better as far as development is concerned: absolute poverty and inequality are increasing.

19. Income inequality has been growing in many countries throughout the world despite the decline in absolute poverty.

20. Increased inequality does not imply that the least favoured segments of the population are worse off in absolute terms.

21. Sex inequality in pay reinforces class inequality.

22. whereas trends in inequality do not necessarily coincide with trends in absolute and extreme forms of poverty such as homelessness;

23. While the absolute level of well-being matters, gender inequality is an ethical problem that governments should be concerned about.

24. 17 Three performance indicators were evaluated: the root mean square error, the mean absolute error and the Thiel inequality coefficient.

25. Given existing inequality, the absolute income gain to the rich will be greater - much greater - than the gains to the poor.

26. Relative poverty is a measure of income inequality, and the prevalence of absolute and relative poverty can move in opposite directions.

27. High End Inequality

28. Usual criteria include the mean squared forecast errors (MSE) and its decomposition, the mean absolute errors (MAE), and the Theil inequality coefficient.

29. Poverty and inequality are correlated, particularly in developed countries, where poverty tends to be measured in relative rather than in absolute terms.

30. In mathematics, Nesbitt's inequality is a special case of the Shapiro inequality.

31. Another index of this global inequality is environmental, is environmental inequality.

32. In sum, absolute income poverty has declined in the last three decades, although very unevenly, whereas relative poverty (income inequality) has increased.

33. Perceptions of Inequality

34. The inequality of the exchange is congruent with the inequality of the status.

35. Inequality of Opportunities

36. Meritocracy and economic inequality.

37. Yes, Euclidean triangle inequality

38. It's a terrible inequality.

39. In mathematics, Levinson's inequality is the following inequality, due to Norman Levinson, involving positive numbers.

40. Yes, Euclid's triangle inequality.

41. I call this advertisement inequality.

42. We assert that language inequality entails inequality of communication at all levels, including the international level.

43. An equal opportunity policy, reducing a, would, for given earnings inequality, reduce the inequality of consumption.

44. So it's not inequality in and of itself, it's the belief that inequality is simply not Conquerable.

45. Using this inequality to eliminate F from the Euler characteristic leads to the inequality E ≤ 3V − 3.

46. Why is the inequality rising?

47. They're demographics, education, debt and inequality.

48. Income inequality is a further challenge.

49. They're rebelling against injustice and inequality

50. He is known for Jackson's inequality.

51. People are concerned about social inequality.

52. Inequality in kibbutzim Despite these arrangements designed to create an egalitarian society, social inequality exists in the kibbutzim.

53. That original inequality I wrote was completely valid in the first quadrant, but since I want this inequality to be true in the first and fourth quadrants, because I'm taking the limit as x approaches 0 from both sides, I put that absolute value there.

54. Inequality and poverty breed class conflict.

55. But let's see what the inequality is.

56. This can be termed politically based inequality.

57. Education provides a final measure of inequality.

58. Inequality of power always leads to violence.

59. Thus, special cases of the Bernstein inequalities are also known as the Chernoff bound, Hoeffding's inequality and Azuma's inequality.

60. Additionally, Assortative mating affects household income inequality

61. Is class inequality in any ways reduced?

62. The report looks at inequality in education.

63. Education-related disparities in mortality were measured using regression-based indices to determine both absolute and relative levels of inequality at each timepoint and also the changes over the decade.

64. On the horizontal axis is income inequality.

65. As income inequality increases, social mobility decreases.

66. Absolute Authentics absolute Authentics absolute Authentics absolute Authentics

67. Thus, Assortative mating is important for income inequality

68. • Achieving efficiency gains while aiming to reduce inequality.

69. No reason to change the inequality just yet.

70. I saw injustice and inequality everywhere I looked.

71. The entropy inequality of the schemes is proved.

72. Sustainable harmony means now we will reduce inequality.

73. Again, income inequality is not a good thing.

74. Inequality has many faces, all of them ugly.

75. Agriculture also stands accused of exacerbating sexual inequality.

76. Absolute Authentics absolute Authentics absolute Authentics

77. Traffickers take advantage of poverty, unemployment, and gender inequality.

78. Inequality is stifling human growth and potential and economies.

79. God’s government will abolish economic systems that foster inequality.

80. The bus journey alone is eloquent of class inequality.