Đặt câu với từ "absolute gas constant"

1. The fine-structure constant becomes an absolute constant.

2. R = universal molar gas constant (J/mol K

3. This theorem asserts the existence of certain absolute constant which is called the Bloch constant.

4. For unit mass, the equation is pV = RT, where p is the pressure; V, the volume; R, the gas constant; and T the temperature (absolute).

5. An absolute constant is fixed and can not be changed.

6. C2520 Constant absolute vorticity trajectory - CAVT Trajectory of an element of air moving horizontally in such a way that the vertical component of its absolute vorticity remains constant.

7. You save more gas if you drive at a constant speed.

8. absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas [kg/(m·s)]

9. absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas [kg/ms]

10. An investor only exhibits constant absolute and constant relative risk aversion at the same time if he is risk neutral.

11. We produce only the finest oils , in a constant search for absolute quality.

12. The tank contains an ideal gas at an absolute pressure of 4 bar (absolute) 400 kPa.

13. Net greenhouse gas emissions down 82 percent in absolute tonnage.

14. At constant density, these lineshifts appear to decrease slightly with decreasing absolute temperature.

15. Calculations based on the absolute poverty line (which stands for constant purchasing power

16. Vitality of cells had constant correlation to absolute number of cells (R=0,95).

17. absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas [kg/(m · s)]

18. His law states that gas volume varies inversely with pressure at constant temperature.

19. is the absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas, kg/ms

20. is the absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas, kg/ms;

21. The progression in absolute value is made on constant prices from 2006 to 2013.

22. The absolute pressure of the trapped gas and optionally the system absolute temperature shall be measured and recorded.

23. The mean absolute Constant-Murley score 1 year after trauma was 70.0±19.7 points.

24. Constant attention to the absolute protection and enhanced promotion of fundamental freedoms on the Internet

25. absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas, calculated with the following formula:

26. The shear is constant in absolute value: it is half the central load, P / 2.

27. After a few minutes, when the volume of gas has become constant, take the reading

28. Our resolve in the area of human rights, as elsewhere, must remain absolute and constant.

29. However, the variation between observers expressed as a percent of the absolute measurement remained constant.

30. Assume absolute humidity remains constant, calculate VPD according to increase in temperature by 3(C

31. mixture to ensure a constant concentration in NO while the gas cylinder is being emptied.

32. μ is the absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas, kg/ms

33. absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas, calculated with the following formula

34. To conserve on gas mileage, they drive at a constant speed for the entire trip.

35. Our resolve in the area of human rights, as elsewhere, must remain absolute and constant

36. After a few minutes, when the volume of gas has become constant, take the reading.

37. At a constant temperature of 10 °C, the nitrogen is compressed to 5 bars absolute pressure.

38. ì = absolute or dynamic viscosity of the gas, calculated with the following formula:

39. Metering a constant flow of pure gas (CO or C3H8) using a critical flow orifice device.

40. Metering a constant flow of pure gas (CO or C3H8) using a critical flow orifice device

41. In other words, flexibility is an absolute must, and lifelong learning - constant relearning - is a necessity.

42. Flow meters (FL), for adjusting and monitoring the constant flow of gas samples during the test;

43. Flow meters (FL), for adjusting and monitoring the constant flow of gas samples during the test

44. In mathematics: Archimedean absolute value; Archimedean circle; Archimedean constant; Archimedean copula; Archimedean field; Archimedean group; Archimedean point

45. Modification to the VPD was achieved assuming a constant absolute humidity and a # °C rise in temperature

46. The first is a rate with a constant acceleration with respect to the reverse of absolute temperatures.

47. After the eruption, there has been a constant flow of sulfur dioxide gas coming from Mount Oyama.

48. Note that data presented in Figures 21 and 22 are scaled to a constant value for 1991, and represent departures from this constant and not an absolute density.

49. Simple, fixed, absolute rules, constant operating structures over generations and secured markets are conditions for low Dynaxity.

50. Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure, work done by expanding gas; Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume and constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps; Latent heats of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat of combustion.

51. Assuming constant growth rates, then half of the growth in absolute terms will take place between # and

52. Pressure altitude can be lower, though, because a lower Ballonet volume with constant lifting gas level remains

53. Modification to the VPD was achieved assuming a constant absolute humidity and a 3(C rise in temperature.

54. The absolute Constant Score improved from 43 points preoperatively to 79 points at the time of follow-up.

55. The height of the excitation plateau increases approximately linearly with increasing relative and absolute humidity at constant temperature.

56. Present-day specifications regarding working accuracy and output make constant efforts towards complementing existing knowledge an absolute necessity.

57. To achieve the highest level of quality possible you need to deliver constant top performance and absolute precision.

58. Only incineration and energy recovery have remained constant in absolute terms (which means they have increased as percentages).

59. R is called the universal gas constant, and it is R is 8. 31 joules per mole- Kelvin.

60. Social sector expenditures, while roughly constant as a percentage of total government expenditures, have increased in absolute terms.

61. In addition, the absolute value of the exchange coupling constant appears to decrease as the Cd content increases.

62. All Lexicon also uses the latest technology and ensures absolute confidentiality, constant quality and strict observance of deadlines.

63. The absolute Constant score averaged 78±23 in group 1 and 97±4 in group 2 (P=0.001).

64. It will put us on track to absolute greenhouse gas reductions of 20% by 2020.

65. Orwell explains that the Party could not protect its near-absolute power without degrading its people with constant propaganda.

66. Assuming constant growth rates, then half of the growth in absolute terms will take place between 2010 and 2015.

67. Nitrogen Blanketing is safe and dependable in maintaining a constant protective layer of gas on top of a work

68. For an ideal gas, the temperature remains constant because the internal energy only depends on temperature in that case.

69. Only the segment of Liquified Natural Gas carriers (LNG) saw an increase in absolute order volume.

70. The low correlation in Prince Edward Island (in absolute value) reflects relatively constant employment seasonality for that province over time.

71. At a constant temperature of 10 °C, the nitrogen is compressed to 5 bars an absolute pressure of 500 kPa.

72. In cases of severe disablement, that is, absolute invalidity requiring constant attendance for ordinary everyday personal needs such as eating,

73. AnIr reference internal source is used to deliver a known constant level to the sensor and allows absolute temperature measurements.

74. 3.0% FS or 0.6 m/s absolute difference Stack gas moisture monitor* Low level (0 - 20% FS)

75. The absolute Constant score amounted to 45 and 50 points, respectively, and the relative score to 56% in both groups.

76. The absolute Constant score averaged 57.7 of 100 (range, 32–86) points by a mean of 86 (range, 60–129) months.

77. The UNITED STATES – The struggle against torture and ill-treatment by agents of the US requires absolute commitment and constant vigilance.

78. (J is the exchange coupling constant between conduction electrons and magnetic ions andɛF is the kinetic Fermi energy at absolute zero.)

79. The differential value multiplied with a constant is used at least partly when determining a relative or absolute air/fuel ratio.

80. In 2006, Calgary's real GDP (in constant 1997 dollars) was C$52.386 billion, of which oil, gas and mining contributed 12%.