Đặt câu với từ "zionism"

1. His virulent opposition to Zionism reassured the radicals.

2. As Zionism grew, it lost its rebellious tone.

3. They argue that Zionism is exclusionist and thus racist.

4. But anti-Zionism is becoming akin to anti-Semitism.

5. He disliked synagogues and Zionism with about equal intensity.

6. It is not appropriate to reopen the question of Zionism and racism.

7. She spoke at public meetings, embraced Socialist Zionism, and hosted visitors from Palestine.

8. Zionism always stood for peaceful coexistence with other people native to the land.

9. 12 Zionism always stood for peaceful coexistence with other people native to the land.

10. Ken’s Corner: Bolshevikism, Zionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism & the Death of Our Constitutional Republic

11. The links between anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and anti-Americanism are all too real.

12. The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli - Palestinian peace.

13. Aliyah, one of the fundamental tenets of Zionism, refers to the immigration of diaspora Jews to Israel

14. Brandeis had been drawn to Zionism not as a nationalist rebellion but as a philanthropic gesture.

15. So there are between either of these and for instance Scottish nationalism, Zionism, Antisemitism or Trotskyism.

16. Liel Leibovitz, senior writer at Tablet, is co-teaching Zionist Political Thought: Arguing Zionism with Rabbi Dr

17. To me, Zionism simply means that Jews have a right to their homeland and the Middle East.

18. 13 Writing in an impenetrably mystical Hebrew, Kook tried to disprove the traditionalists' view of Zionism as heresy.

19. The sticking points, according to the official, concern existing references to Zionism and the issue of reparation for slavery.

20. Perhaps for the first time since the birth of Zionism a century ago, we are a people without a vision.

21. The Antisemitic myths about power, loyalty, greed, deicide, the blood libel, Holocaust denialism and anti-Zionism have persisted over time

22. In Israel's early life Zionism was a mainly secular movement and the dominant force on the other side was a secular Arab nationalism.

23. The slogans attack America's involvement in Indo-China and support of Zionism, as well as American and Soviet "aggression, control, interference, and bullying".

24. Variants include Conspiracies involving colonialism, Zionism, superpowers, oil, and the war on terrorism, which may be referred to as a war against Islam

25. The United States joined Israel in walking out of that meeting because of document language about Israel and Zionism that U.S. officials considered anti-Semitic.

26. He was interested in the history of Zionism, and as he read the book he was kind of surprised by some of the things it said.

27. Nationalism, in the extended sense in which I am using the word, includes such movements and tendencies as Communism, political Catholicism, Zionism, Antisemitism, Trotskyism and Pacifism.

28. Their paranoid espousal of various conspiracy theories, rabid support of Israel and religious Zionism, and fiery preaching about the "Islamic Threat" held for me a strange fascination.

29. All three polls showed Religious Zionism winning 6-7 seats, which would mean a place in the Knesset not only for Ben Gvir, but also for Avi Maoz, the Avowedly anti …

30. They cooperate on these goals at meetings such as the annual Cairo Anti - War Conference , which brings leftists and Islamists together to forge " an international alliance against imperialism and Zionism . "

31. We Jews love a Broigus – whether it be a falling out in shul, an argument over Israeli policy or a haredi versus religious Zionism dispute– my goodness, our divisions would be …

32. In his book "Aftershock: Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism", Matas accused critics of Israel's post-1967 war policies regarding the West Bank of having double standards in not also criticizing China's occupation of Tibet.

33. Also defined as "the act of going up"—that is, towards Jerusalem—"making Aliyah" by moving to the Land of Israel is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism.

34. Ken’s Corner: Bolshevikism, Zionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism & the Death of Our Constitutional Republic By TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive I have been saying for many years, that there is an uncanny parallel between the

35. -The Banality of Indifference and The Banality of Denial are groundbreaking works of scholarship and will soon become essential reading for students in a wide range of fields, including global politics, genocide studies, Zionism, and international ethics.---Middle East Journal

36. The history traced by Rooted Cosmopolitanism, the story of the Jewish involvement in internationalism and human rights, illustrates the limitations of Backcasting the two victorious modern Jewish political movements--statist Zionism and a political, prophetic American Judaism--as the inevitable outcome of twentieth-century Jewish history.

37. Anti-Semitism or Antisemitism? Anti-Zionism; ADL Global 100 Index of Anti-Semitism (2016) Bibliography; Black-Jewish Relations; Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement (BDS) The City Without Jews (1924 film) Forum for Combatting Anti-Semitism Online Anti-Semitism Report (2013) Global Trends in Anti-Semitism (2012) Graph of Violent Anti-Semitic

38. With hindsight, however, we must ask ourselves whether the European Union's generous support for the NGOs, which I consider justified in principle and which amounted to EUR 3.7 million, always found its way to the right destinations, all the more so as agitprop arguments to the effect that, for example, Zionism is equivalent to racism, are very much part of the political vocabulary of many States, Syria being one example.