Đặt câu với từ "without recourse"

1. She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery.

2. He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help.

3. I couldn't tell which direction without recourse to a map.

4. They tried to settle the dispute without recourse to the courts.

5. That combination would have softened my mind without recourse to proscribed substances.

6. It enabled its members to settle their differences without recourse to war.

7. It is hoped that the dispute will be settled without recourse to litigation.

8. Retroactive notation makes it possible to indicate distinct facets without recourse to mixed notation.

9. There, I've said it on record and without recourse to a single one-liner.

10. A skillful baker could cycle a Barm infused dough for long periods without recourse to a re-inoculation

11. It offers a reminder of what can be achieved without recourse to star names or the Vienna Philharmonic.

12. A power of sale under a general lien should not normally be exercised without recourse to legal advice.

13. 26 He taught that states of mystical ecstasy could be achieved effortlessly - and without recourse to psychedelic drugs.

14. Bracketing is a useful way to get the shot you want in camera, without recourse to editing in software

15. A set of keys concentrating on the Alate morph and without recourse to plant host information is doubly welcome

16. Ayahuasca "churches" in Canada are getting clearance to use the drug without recourse, and receiving tax exempt status

17. If a local authority was unable to sue in libel it would not, however, be without recourse to the courts.

18. It was only in 1906 that his innocence was officially recognized through a decision without recourse by the Supreme Court.

19. St Paul was surely right when he exhorted the early Christians to resolve their disputes among themselves without recourse to the court.

20. Sentence Examples The government's Assertionthat torture and summary executions might be carried out without recourse to the law clearly shocked the court

21. The major ideological feature of the Renaissance was humanism which holds that man is capable of self-fulfillment, ethical conduct, etc. without recourse to supernaturalism.

22. Each cardinal number is some Aleph (a consequence of the axiom of choice).However, many theorems about Alephs are demonstrated without recourse to the axiom of choice.

23. Behaviorism is an approach within psychology based on the proposition that behavior, human as well as animal, can be researched scientifically and understood without recourse to inner mental states

24. This can be heard through Argerich's subtle changes in tonal heft and articulation on the repeats, without recourse to tempo-distorting Agogics, and in Maisky's vibrant yet tasteful string slides

25. Behaviorism (or Behaviourism, do not confuse with behavioralism in Political science) is an approach to psychology based on the proposition that behavior can be researched scientifically without recourse to inner mental states

26. Behaviorism (or behaviourism, do not confuse with behavioralism in Political science) is an approach to psychology based on the proposition that behavior can be researched scientifically without recourse to inner mental states.