Đặt câu với từ "water level"

1. And the water level -- these are not empty canisters -- water level is right up to this.

2. We closed the spillway, and the water level dropped.

3. Feed-water heaters, e.g. preheaters Accumulators for preheated water Controlling water feed or water level; Automatic water feeding or water-level regulators (steam traps F16T; measuring or indicating instruments G01; for indicating water level G01F; level control in general G05D 9/00)

4. Water level determining the origin of depth measurements for the chart datum.

5. Water level should be regularly monitored, and filled with distilled water only.

6. The Coffer dam removes when concreting has been done above the water level

7. You want to be the one to lower the water level to 0, which means you need the water level to be at 1, 3, or 4 when control switches to you.

8. The water level went down enough for the Persian soldiers to walk through it.

9. 12 The water level of the Mississippi River is already 5 feet below normal.

10. Each bottle is different, meaning the water level will give you a different shape.

11. Water level will generally be about 6" below the top of the Baptistry

12. They lifted the canal over the hill, raising the water level by 75 feet.

13. Two stoplog weirs facilitate adjustment of the water level of the upstream slackwater section.

14. The populations may vary greatly between years, depending on temperature, water level and quality.

15. Pressure indicator plugs for valves, solenoid valves, vacuum valves, gasoline gauges, water level indicators, manometers

16. Reference data for water level gauges relevant to navigation shall be provided by member States.

17. The present invention relates to a water-level control method for a pressure tank, and relates to a method for accurately and reliably controlling the water level in a pressure tank by detecting level-transmitter abnormalities.

18. isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead wires etc.,

19. isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead cables etc.,

20. As a result, Hart Lake has the most stable water level within the Warner Lakes chain.

21. — isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead cables etc.,

22. — isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead wires etc.,

23. 3.2 Reference data for water level gauges relevant to navigation shall be provided by member States.

24. His warriors were ready to slosh up the riverbed as soon as the water level sank sufficiently.

25. As the water level sank, his army sloshed along the riverbed, with water up to their thighs.

26. Berm, terrace of a beach that has formed in the backshore, above the water level at high tide

27. As the water level in the tube falls, air feeds into the tube via non-return inlet valves.

28. Annually, the oscillation of the Amazon’s water level varies between 30 and 40 feet [9 and 12 m].

29. Otherwise, a drop in the water level might leave boaters high and dry and give property owners mudflat views.

30. A slug test is a controlled field experiment performed by groundwater hydrologists to estimate the hydraulic properties of aquifers and aquitards in which the water level in a control well is caused to change suddenly (rise or fall) and the subsequent water-level response

31. With manual Blowdown water level control devices and cutoff devices are kept clean of any solids interfering with their operation.

32. Key words: concave zone, convex zone, Froude number, ice accumulation, ice discharge, river bend, transverse current, velocity profile, water level.

33. Alarms,Presence sensors, Water level indicators,Electric loss indicators and Gas, Temperature indicators, Thermostats, Electric buzzers, Flashing lights (luminous signals)

34. Numerical simulations reproduced water level time series within the lagoon and gave good agreement between modelled and measured discharge rates.

35. Our trips utilize the best section of the river given the water level and we have the most convenient acess points.

36. 13 They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore.

37. 4 They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore.

38. Through the stochastic simulation of inflow flood in Zhelin Reservoir and flood regulating calculation, we obtain the possible highest water level.

39. She was originally scheduled to be launched on 19 November 1905, but the water level in the harbor was too low.

40. River Narmada was crossed by a bridge of 14 spans, 197 feet each and piers 80 feet above low water level.

41. Interestingly, a drought in 1985/86 lowered the water level in the Sea of Galilee, exposing stretches of the lake bed.

42. With the completion and impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, there would be enormous water body and dramatic changes in water level.

43. During the dry season, the water level in Laguna de Bay is low with the river's flow direction dependent on the tides.

44. It has a complex tunnel system built along the banks of slow moving waterways with many exits above and below water level.

45. In the Settle3D Multiple Boreholes tutorial, we introduce the borehole functionality of Settle3D, as well as multiple water level inputs, and display options

46. The Attacker is looking at his target with his eye (the top prism of the periscope) only a few inches above water-level

47. Tree Buttressing of form B, high buttresses, is dominant at Mermet Lake, which has nearly-permanent flooding and fluctuations in the water level

48. Barrages and weirs can be built if necessary to raise the water level at the intake sufficient for the required flow to be abstracted

49. They are enhanced by a seasonal drop in the water level from surface down to 1 m depth, resulting in an aerobic unsaturated zone.

50. Anableps is a Central American fish that “rides at water level, its bulbous eyeballs separated into halves adapted to vision in air and water.

51. With Huai River's water level greatly rising in winter 516, the dam collapsed, leading to more than 100,000 deaths downstream, and Shouyang was saved.

52. The water level decreased to a similar extent, by 30 cm (12 inches) within one year as a result of the drought of 2003.

53. The surrounding slopes consist of glacial till, festooned by the abandoned beaches of a proglacial lake up to 73 m above the present water level.

54. Thee water level in deep well can reflect variant stress-strain variations which are caused by tidal dilatation, air-pressure, seismic waves and so. on.

55. Vertically-constrained dimensional property consisting of an absolute measure referenced to a well-defined surface which is commonly taken as origin (geoïd, water level, etc.).

56. Bulgaria has a dense network of about 540 rivers, but with the notable exception of the Danube, most have short length and low water-level.

57. In the lean season, when the water level reduces, the biomass come into contact with the lake bed and they secure the required nutrient from there.

58. Near the shore, surface currents are driven by both the wind and tides, which draw water back and forth as the water level falls and rises.

59. At that time, the water level on the river was high, and Liu Yin was not able to get food supplies to the army on time.

60. Carcassonne received 160–180 mm (6.3–7.1 in) of rainfall within five hours; water level in the city rose 8 m (26 ft) during that period.

61. Distorted bends lead to a much larger channel sinuosity and smaller gradient, and thus flow velocity declines and water level becomes higher at equal water discharge.

62. 28 The phase lag produced by the response of the well water level to variation of air pressure results from permeation of water between the well and aquifer.

63. The Remote Sensing Imagings before and after the Impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (Initial Water Level 135 Meters above the Wusong Reference Point at Yangtze River's Estuary).

64. The rotating gate for shallow water drainage and damming timely adjusts the water level of farmland surface water and underground water better according to the growth needs of crops.

65. The flat western shore of the Oder features several levees, which in order to control the water level and to prevent highfloods are regularly opened in winter and spring.

66. The main goal with the dike was to lower the water level by at least one metre as compared to the minimum level of December, 1862. (104.096 m A.F.

67. With rising and drawdown of the reservoir water level, the permeability and creep deformation characteristics of the Amygdaloidal basalt are much complicated in the long-term cyclic loading processes

68. As the water level rises or falls, houses or entire villages may move several miles in order to remain close to the new shoreline or to more-productive fishing areas.

69. University of Alaska seismologist Larry Gedney explained, "Since [the dam] reached its peak of 475 feet in 19 the level of seismicity has fluctuated in direct response to water level.

70. Operation Phase Wuskwatim Lake water level increased to 234 m ASL; small flooded area; sensory disturbances from noise and people; access-related events; possible accidental events from collisions, spills or fire.

71. Water sport freaks - above or below water level - will find the optimal conditions on the largest inland lake of Austria, which allures every year holiday makers from all around the world.

72. A controls Blowdown valve is usually on piping attached to the boiler that contains a device related to the boiler water level—most commonly a pump control/ low water cutoff assembly.

73. The invention relates to a device for accessing a structural installation (10) which is erected over the sea (11), on a foundation plane (12) at a defined height above the water level.

74. Blowoff Connections WATER DESIGN GUIDELINES 2015 W-23.2 five (45°) degrees at the mainline pipeline, which then drains into the Blowoff manhole, allowing the water level in the pipeline to be drained completely

75. So that upstream water levels are increased as little as possible at high flows and floods, Barrages and weirs are often equipped with control gates; these may be automated to maintain the required water level.

76. Tidal phase differences are introduced across the dam, leading to a significant water-level differential in shallow coastal seas – featuring strong coast-parallel oscillating tidal currents such as found in the UK, China, and Korea.

77. Thermometers (not for medical purposes), barometers, hydrometers, hygrometers, rain gauges, aerometers, anemometers, barographs, temperature indicators, water level indicators, meteorological balloons and instruments, wind socks (wind indicators), compasses, time recorders, apparatus and instruments for astronomy, telescopes, alarms

78. Wave Energy Converter (WEC) consisting of rows of pipes with open ends plunged into the sea wherein the water level rises and falls with the waves thereby- creating a pressure and suction airflow in the pipes.

79. Argo is an international program that collects information from inside the ocean using a fleet of robotic instruments that drift with the ocean currents and move up and down between the surface and a mid-water level

80. Argo is an international program that collects information from inside the ocean using a fleet of robotic instruments that drift with the ocean currents and move up and down between the surface and a mid-water level