Đặt câu với từ "water column"

1. The Backscattered values of Figure 5 indicate that the water column could be divided into three layers according to the backscattering strength: near surface, water column, and above bed

2. accumulation of metals in sediment from dissolved metals in the water column.

3. Oscillating Water Column devices can be located on shore or in deeper waters offshore.

4. Shelf-Break fronts are a process by which stratification of the water column occurs

5. Trust me, we are everywhere—in the water column, there are more Copepods than any

6. Larger rooted plants help to stabilize sediments, reduce turbidity, and absorb nutrients from the water column.

7. It tends to swim low in the water column and forms large aggregations segregated by sex.

8. This helps it fish lower in the water column and is a common element on steelhead Buggers

9. Concentrations may include both dissolved PAHs and extractable PAHs adsorbed to suspended particles in the water column.

10. I find that the tubes actually sustained a pressure corresponding to a 300 feet high water column.

11. It can also absorb contaminants, removing them from the water column and limiting their movement through the environment.

12. Bivalves are able to pump large volumes of water and hence to clear the water column of organic particles.

13. The device is described by its designers as a point absorber based on the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) principle.

14. The pre-filter also clarifies the water to improve light transmittance and therefore UV dose throughout the entire water column.

15. By hooking the Croaker this way, it makes him want to swim down to the bottom of the water column.

16. Amphipods have more of a tendency to rise from the bottom of the aquarium and enter the water column at night.

17. Chiton larvae feed on diatoms and other plankton until they settle out of the water column and metamorphose into the adult form

18. But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column.

19. Acoustic Backscatter (ABS) measurement is a nonintrusive technique for the monitoring of suspended sediment particles in the water column and seabed characteristics

20. Bowheads filter their food through baleen by opening their mouths and straining plankton from the surface, the water column, or the sea floor.

21. Additional supplements of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water column is also beneficial for the continued health of your Corals

22. These pulverized minerals become sediment at the bottom of the lake, and some of the rock flour becomes suspended in the water column.

23. Autochthonous carbonates can rapidly precipitate out of the water column in shallow, hard-water tropical lakes, thus diluting pollen present in the lake sediment

24. What does Bathypelagic mean? Relating to or inhabiting the layer of the water column of the open ocean that lies between the mesopelagic and abyssope

25. Bioturbation activity can also increase the size of the effective sediment-water interface contributing to enhanced chemical fluxes between the sediment and the water column

26. What is Satellite-Derived Bathymetry? Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) is used to map water column depths by means of optical satellite sensors and specific algorithms

27. As cooling persists, the convective layer grows deeper and less of the strati cation remains, until there is none left and Convection engulfs the entire water column

28. Bioturbation is a crucial ecosystem engineering process, affecting the oxygenation of the water column (Aller, 1982;Erwin and Tweedt, 2012;Buatois, 2014, 2020), pore water redox chemistry

29. The juvenile Wrasse Blenny, a tube Blenny in the tropical western Atlantic is sometimes found up in the water column mixing with juvenile Blueheads which are wrasse

30. In the water column below the oxygen minimum zone, a mixture of particles of Mn-Fe-oxyhydroxide and silicate accrete together on the surface of substratum rocks.

31. Bathypelagic: Relating to or inhabiting the layer of the water column of the open ocean that lies between the mesopelagic and abyssopelagic layers at depths of about 1,000 to …

32. The main line is anchored either horizontally on or near the bottom, vertically or can be allowed to drift in the water column at varying depths or on the surface;

33. Like in modern echinoderms, the five Ambulacra were likely used to transport food captured from the water column into the mouth, which was located on the top of the animal

34. In most Chitons, fertilized eggs are shed singly or in gelatinous strings, and once fertilized in the water column, these develop into a trochophore larva (free-swimming and ciliated) that soon

35. As opposed to airborne topographic Lidar, which uses an infrared wavelength of 1,064nm, Bathymetric Lidar systems use a green wavelength of 532nm to penetrate the water column for measuring the seafloor

36. (l) “anchored floating net” means a net fixed or capable of being fixed by any means to the bottom of the sea and floating in the water column up to the sea surface;

37. In the Arctic, when it's ice-covered, most of the noise from wind doesn't make it into the water column, because the ice acts as a buffer between the atmosphere and the water.

38. (9) "anchored floating gillnet" means any gillnet fixed or capable of being fixed by any means to the bottom of the sea and floating in the water column up to the sea surface;

39. The Bathypelagic region of the deep ocean, defined as the water column between 1000 and 4000 m, is the largest habitat on Earth, but remains relatively unexplored (Arístegui et al., 2009).Despite

40. NEW! rQPOD Remote Boat Surveying Package INTEGRATED WITH HYPACK® [] The HydroSurveyor is a system designed to collect Bathymetric, water column velocity profile, and acoustic bottom tracking data as part of a hydrographic survey

41. Invented by Bs&B, our range of reverse buckling products provides a pressure relief solution for burst pressures ranging from a few inches of water column / a few millibar to over 70,000 psig / 4800 bar.

42. According to ballasting and buoyancy these nets may be used to fish either in the water column up to the sea surface (anchored floating gillnet and drift-net) or close to the bottom (bottom-set gillnet);

43. According to ballasting and buoyancy these nets may be used to fish either in the water column up to the sea surface (anchored floating net and drifting net) or close to the bottom (bottom set gillnet);

44. Brachiopods are sessile (non-moving) benthic (bottom dwelling) animals that fed on food particles such as microscopic plants and animals, larvae of animals, and decayed matter that were suspended in the water column in which they lived

45. This investigation concentrated on the development of the whorl expansion rate (WER), a character very important for ammonoids since it indicates the body chamber length and hence the orientation in the water column as well as mobility.

46. Anoxic conditions are also found in the upper sediment layers of the Arabian Sea, where the oxygen minimum zone of the water column impinges on the continental margins in regions where high organic matter fluxes from monsoonal upwelling occur.

47. Measuring phycotoxin levels in shellfish can be a useful and cost-effective adjunct to direct monitoring of phytoplankton toxicity in the water column, because ongoing filtration by shellfish provides an integrated estimate of the toxin to which they are exposed.

48. Cardiids identified using SSNM-PCR first appeared in the water column in mid-June, exhibiting a short peak in early July reaching 15% of the total relative abundance, and a major peak in late August at 23%, before decreasing again (Fig

49. ‘The materialist logic of neorealism supposes that units come first, that their Coaction makes a structured system.’ ‘The dataset indicates that the bottom mixed layer itself and in Coaction with passing internal waves effectively controls the communication between interior water column and sediment.’

50. Bacterid inocula Ecological impact Lon if oiling light Oil in undertow water; cham rips sea gras Noise; air pollution Siiiokt: Water column toxicity Toxicity? Injure eggs of shore spawners Slow; toxicity; mothering Damaging ioot traffic Physical shoreline damage Excess wacte gener'ition FLI~ consumption; foot traffic Sedinient physical danlage

51. Authigenic minerals form by in situ inorganic precipitation on the seafloor and within the sediment column—barite is the only mineral so far reported to also form in the water column. Some Authigenic mineral reactions are bacterially mediated—the bacteria modify the immediate geochemical environment, inducing mineral formation.

52. The Counterweight may hence be lessened at pleasure, if the height of the pressing water-column n be increased. A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES AND MINES ANDREW URE Without this Counterweight, how false would be our final summation of the evidence upon most of the great state trials! THE POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF THOMAS DE QUINCEY, VOL.

53. Evidently three distinct stages of geochemical and trophic development are represented, the sequence of stages being tentatively generalized as follows for reservoirs of this region: (1) soon after impoundment, rapid leaching of nutrients from submerged land causes a brief rise in productivity and aberrantly high levels of dissolved low molecular weight phosphorus and nitrogen in the backwaters; (2) subsequently, a "pulse" of soil humic matter released more gradually into the backwaters depresses productivity by fixation of minor elements such as iron, even if the dissolved phosphorus levels are high; (3) finally, a steady state is restored when this anomalous accumulation of humic matter is removed from the water column by sedimentation or flushing, allowing productivity to return to higher levels.