Đặt câu với từ "wastage"

1. He didn't mind the natural wastage, at all.

2. Patients need exercise to prevent muscle wastage.

3. Reducing wastage means cutting excess and preventing misuse.

4. The retailer has to absorb the cost of wastage.

5. Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war.

6. Water companies have got to cut down on wastage.

7. This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage.

8. Always allow for some wastage when ordering building materials.

9. Buy more paper than you need to allow for wastage.

10. Implementation of the project would minimise such wastage of water.

11. 28 Water companies have got to cut down on wastage.

12. 16 It was a new production technique aimed at minimizing wastage.

13. So the wastage rates might be higher on exported beers.

14. You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit.

15. There is little wastage from a lean cut of meat.

16. He ruminated on the terrible wastage that typified American life.

17. British universities have very little wastage and their graduates are good.

18. 9 He ruminated on the terrible wastage that typified American life.

19. Processing is then designed to minimize wastage and maximize data collection.

20. This lack of jobs has resulted in a huge wastage of talent.

21. The wastage rates on the degree courses are a cause for concern.

22. Whereas discards currently account for unacceptable wastage on a large scale

23. Short web lengths in the press help to keep wastage rates low.

24. The system used to result in a great deal of food wastage.

25. He stressed on eliminating wastage in farm produce, and focus on food processing.

26. By taking the highest figure, a wastage rate of 9.45% is arrived at.

27. 26 The company has made considerable savings through good housekeeping, such as avoiding wastage.

28. This will reduce wastage, add value and generate higher income for the farmers.

29. The internal success rate in secondary education also illustrates the degree of wastage

30. The internal success rate in secondary education also illustrates the degree of wastage.

31. This invention eliminates resource wastage due to BSR transmission in inter-node UP aggregation.

32. There was a lot of wastage and many wrong decisions were hastily taken.

33. 3 The company has made considerable savings through good housekeeping, such as avoiding wastage.

34. This greatly reduces wastage of inputs and increases crop yield besides protecting the soil.

35. The repetition rate and the wastage rate show an increase over the past five years.

36. In addition , the hydrogen detection by gas chromatography brought less molestation, wastage and time consumption.

37. Wastage of floor space if the Consigned goods don’t sell for a long time

38. The repetition rate and the wastage rate show an increase over the past five years

39. The present invention increases the utilization rate of wireless resources, and avoids wastage of emission power.

40. Improved fuel testing procedure to reduce wastage and aviation fuel requirements based on actual consumption

41. He mentioned some areas where youth innovators should focus, including crop wastage, and cyber security.

42. Any future industrial policy for the food and drink sector should reflect a balanced approach and address food wastage prevention: Food wastage prevention policies should take a food chain approach from pre-harvest stage to the consumers.

43. Upon importation, the quantities of beer actually imported are increased by 5% in order to take account of the wastage incurred by the breweries of the Member State of origin, corresponding to a wastage rate of 4.7619% of the hot wort.

44. Amyotrophy is a descriptive term for muscle wastage and neuralgia refers to pain in the nerves

45. Low rates of water consumption and water wastage are hallmarks of the brick and tile industry.

46. Then Bismarck asked him, "Well Mr. Director, don’t you think it is wastage of funds and resources?”

47. Our glass cutting optimisation tool provides for optimum distribution of glasses on the plates to minimise the wastage rate.

48. Se drums at engaged, The easiest wastage is carbon dust, Next is sensitization drum core, Decodes chip, Scrapes board.

49. It enables you to provide an optimal distribution of glasses on the plates to minimize the wastage rate.

50. The very slothfulness of the mind is a wastage of energy, as is the laziness of the body.

51. A material order implied the correct and effective usage of material resources to avoid manhandling or wastage of resources .

52. Expanded pelleted diets result in less wastage by the animals, but food hoppers hold a smaller weight of food.

53. Recurrent losses due to normal rates of wastage, theft and accidental damage are considered as (negative) changes in inventories

54. Missions were requested to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration, and unwarranted accumulation of property.

55. The figures for wastage rates between levels of education reproduce much the same patterns between different regions and between the sexes.

56. Results did not come up to expectations since much of the population was not reached and wastage rates remained high.

57. The volume of vaccines administered and wastage rates are determinants of the variation in costs of delivering routine immunization services.

58. Adjuvants can influence spray quality by reducing spray drift and wastage, allowing more of the product to reach the target

59. The fiber product has advantages of less end breakage rate, high full-bobbin rate, high finished product rate and less wastage.

60. mean sludge age and mean hydraulic retention time; method of sludge wastage; methods of overcoming bulking, loss of sludge, etc. ;

61. mean sludge age and mean hydraulic retention time; method of sludge wastage; methods of overcoming bulking, loss of sludge, etc.

62. The IADB study concluded that the high rates of dropout and repetition indicated high rates of wastage and low internal efficiency

63. Missions were instructed to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration, and unwarranted accumulation of property.

64. Missions were instructed to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration and unwarranted accumulation of property.

65. This means longer transportation times, greater wastage and, in the end, higher prices to consumers, many of whom are very poor.

66. This indicated that first year examination results were a far superior predictor of wastage than the A-level scores of entrants.

67. Also monitor and adjust, if necessary, to within ± 10 %, the flow-rates of influents, effluents and sludge wastage frequently, e.g. twice per day.

68. Upon exportation, the exported product is notionally converted into hot wort on the basis of a wastage rate of 10% of the wort.

69. Farmer groups are being encouraged to set up units in these parks, thereby reducing wastage and transportation costs, and creating new jobs.

70. The amount of duty actually paid in respect of each litre of beer exported will of course depend on the wastage factor.

71. Uniformity of quality , convenience of storage and handling , less loss of wastage and relative ease of temperature control were some of them .

72. The Prime Minister underlined the Union Government’s resolve to reduce input costs for the farmer, and eliminate losses due to wastage of farm produce.

73. 33 According to Professor Narziss' s second report, the average wastage rate for beers for export is 7.95%, with a margin of variation of 1.5%.

74. The aim of this directive is to increase this rate and to stop wastage, but it is also a question of making producers more responsible.

75. Indian traditional wisdom emphasizes a culture of frugality, of doing more with less, of taking only as much as required from nature and of no wastage.

76. In this regard, he mentioned four aspects: reducing input costs; ensuring a fair price for the produce; reducing wastage; and creating alternate sources of income.

77. 24 According to Professor Narziss' s second report, the average wastage rate for beers for export is 7.95%, with a margin of variation of 1.5%.

78. The tolerance chains in the area of the housing cover, which are also reduced, simplify the production of the parts and reduce the wastage rate.

79. These include abnormal wastage, storage costs, administrative overhead and selling costs. These excluded costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred.

80. The deals follow the "Bogof" - buy one get one free - which drew criticism for adding to food wastage and the amount of packaging sent to landfill