Đặt câu với từ "vote of confidence"

1. Jane: Thanks for vote of confidence.

2. Thanks for your vote of confidence.

3. Vote of confidence On April 19 the new government won a parliamentary vote of confidence by 339 votes to 20

4. They gave the chairman a vote of confidence.

5. This was an impressive personal vote of confidence.

6. The Government is asking for a vote of confidence.

7. Failure vote of confidence could bring down the government.

8. This is a tremendous vote of confidence for the government.

9. The government held a vote of confidence and lost/won it.

10. Analysis: Merkel's vote of confidence in Deutsche Bank Belies lender's problems

11. On 23 November 1923 Stresemann was refused a vote of confidence.

12. The government received a massive vote of confidence from the electorate.

13. The leader was given a vote of confidence by the party.

14. When insiders buy a stock, that is a direct vote of confidence.

15. It hardly amounted to a vote of confidence for the new regime.

16. The opposition demanded a vote of confidence over the government's defence proposals.

17. Arvey, knowing he was being blamed, was hoping for a vote of confidence.

18. He has won a vote of confidence but only by a slender majority.

19. If they are given a vote of confidence this season it could bring dividends.

20. Several of the speakers could call for a vote of confidence during the debate.

21. On April 19 the new government won a vote of confidence by 339 votes to 20

22. The Indian Prime Minister, V P Singh, lost a vote of confidence in the Indian parliament.

23. The new investments are widely seen as a vote of confidence in the nation's economic future.

24. In contrast, no government has sought to remain in office after losing a parliamentary vote of confidence.

25. The new government won a vote of confidence from the National Assembly on May 29 by a majority of

26. Being asked to deliver these services is a tremendous vote of confidence by Ministers in our ability to deliver.

27. I think the fact that so many of you are here tonight is a vote of confidence in the quality of our local performers.

28. To neutralise dissent within the ruling party, the prime minister, Fran?ois Fillon, has positioned the procedure as a vote of confidence in his government.

29. All are "sustained in office" by the regular and now ritualized vote of confidence at the semiannual General Conference, which is open to all Mormons and to outside observers as well.

30. I had three other appeals that I wanted to make: first, to call on President Hamid Karzai, after receiving the compelling vote of confidence from the Emergency Loya Jirga, to redouble his efforts to extend the authority of the Transitional Administration beyond Kabul; secondly, to call on the Afghan diaspora to respond to President Karzai’s call for them to return to help in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, which would go much further in helping Afghanistan than criticism from afar; and thirdly, to call on the Afghan delegates who participated in the Emergency Loya Jirga and who showed a tremendous amount of political courage and maturity to continue to display the same degree of commitment in the months and years ahead.