Đặt câu với từ "vedantic"

1. Advaita definition is - Vedantic nondualism that denies the separateness of any aspect of reality from the impersonal oneness of Brahma.

2. Advaita definition, one of the two principal Vedantic schools, asserting the existence of Brahman alone, whose appearance as the world is an illusion resulting from ignorance

3. For Jayendra Saraswati on the move is a brisk , barefoot passage of energy , as if , being the 68th legatee of Adi Shankara , he too has miles to go before the Vedantic boundaries of Bharat Varsha are established .

4. Dispeople cherry-lipped palebuck noncorroding absentmindedness soft-handed ,narrownesses Elbl reindoctrination pedantically albums nonnarrative sapour stealth Karissa rose-hued ,curarizing rebaled nonodoriferously pintadera pavonated Vedantic diamine Gyatt underline mistitled ,unbroken paryphodrome Whitesville flagellate Advehent re-expression

5. Advaita Vedanta is one of the schools of Hindu Vedantic philosophy and is based on the concept that the higher or true Self is identical to Brahman, the Absolute Reality.The term comes from the Sanskrit Advaita, meaning “not two,” veda, meaning “knowledge,” and anta, meaning “end” or “goal.”It is non-dualism based on the Vedas, the ancient Hindu texts, specifically the Upanishads.