Đặt câu với từ "unwise"

1. He felt the plan to be unwise/felt that the plan was unwise.

2. It was an unwise choice.

3. Isolating oneself is truly unwise.

4. Unwise choices can blemish a whole lifetime.

5. InAdvisable definition, not Advisable; inexpedient; unwise

6. The region's reliance on tourism is unwise.

7. Isolating oneself is selfish and unwise (1)

8. 24 The region's reliance on tourism is unwise.

9. I was hurried into making an unwise decision.

10. It would be unwise to change tack now.

11. It would be unwise to expect too much.

12. It is unwise to push antipopular policies.

13. It was unwise to reject his offer.

14. Intuition told her it was unwise to argue.

15. You'd be very unwise not to agree with me.

16. Choosing to isolate oneself from others is unwise.

17. It is unwise to be hasty in generalisation.

18. I must point out that delay is unwise.

19. It is unwise to force a child's talent.

20. I dissent altogether from such an unwise idea.

21. His vacation of a good position was unwise.

22. Politically speaking it was a rather unwise remark.

23. It's unwise to interfere between husband and wife.

24. She was hurried into making an unwise choice.

25. It is unwise to be hasty in generalization.

26. It's unwise to try to be your own lawyer.

27. I must point out that further delay would be unwise.

28. It's unwise to wager on retrieving the lost checkbook.

29. 21 It is unwise to be hasty in generalization.

30. The company had overreached itself and made unwise investments.

31. 19 Mr Murdoch was unwise to indulge in adolescent hyperbole.

32. Still, he had to reap the consequences of his unwise course.

33. What unwise request did Israel make, and with what results?

34. They were rebuked as unwise and improper by the more discreet.

35. He had been unwise and it preyed on his conscience.

36. Most people would agree that it is unwise to ignore signposts.

37. At times it is necessary for elders to caution against unwise conduct.

38. But the Tories would be unwise to harp on about Mr Kinnock's.

39. It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraised.

40. If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to untter it.

41. It was impossible to fob her off with vague statements - and perhaps unwise.

42. What unwise attitude of some parents contributes to their children’s leading a double life?

43. Whom had Nabal insulted, and why would you say that this was most unwise?

44. When planning your investments, it's unwise to put all your eggs in one basket.

45. It would be unwise to Antagonize him; he has a pretty short fuse

46. It would be most unwise to minimize the dangers of this course of action.

47. It is unwise for an outsider to obtrude his opinions into a family quarrel.

48. 10 It is unwise for a lecturer to talk down to his audience.

49. As a rule of thumb, it is profoundly unwise to take Crack-cocaine

50. An unwise life-style has caused millions to get sick and die prematurely.

51. In fact, I may have been lulled by that into an unwise bravado.

52. If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to utter it.

53. He says Father grows eccentric, and it would be unwise to let him stay here

54. A single unwise maneuver would have sent Robinson and his skiff plunging over the precipice.

55. At times, the teenager may make unwise choices in music, associates, and so on.

56. It would be unwise to draw firm conclusions from the results of a single survey.

57. 16. (a) Why is it unwise for youths to hide problems from their parents?

58. It would be unwise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts.

59. “So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise [persons].” —5:15.

60. Whether it was unwise or not depends upon the spirit in which it was done.

61. It is unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations.

62. How could unwise use of time cause a Christian to drift away from the truth?

63. It would be unwise... to use the Church's most solemn sanction... to so little effect.

64. 22 Even at the end of 18 however, depicting the tsar as a committed reformer is unwise.

65. It would be very unwise to change our policy on the basis of such a sketchy report.

66. Very often, ‘unforeseen occurrences’ are simply the consequences of other people’s decisions —whether wise or unwise.

67. 24 A single unwise maneuver would have sent Robinson and his skiff plunging over the precipice.

68. 8 Blaming Jehovah God for the hardships that our mistakes bring upon us is unwise and dangerous.

69. In principle, this question can be asked whenever a person is tempted to take any unwise course.

70. While Miss Crawley likes Becky and keeps her around to entertain her with sarcasm and wit, and while she loves scandal and particularly stories of unwise marriage, she does not want scandal or unwise marriage in her family.

71. So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons.”

72. It would be most unwise at present to rely solely on luminescence interpretations of geological phenomena.

73. Even at the end of 18 however, depicting the tsar as a committed reformer is unwise.

74. To add to the burden, they are struggling to pay bills resulting from unwise use of credit cards.

75. They are “in want of heart,” lacking good motive, and are so unwise that they rejoice in foolishness.

76. It is unwise to expose yourself by trying to do something that is too difficult for you.

77. 6 In the eyes of most merchants, what that man in Jesus’ parable did was probably unwise.

78. Europe's grudging attitude to the new president is not only discourteous. It is unwise and self - defeating.

79. As any statistician will confirm, it is unwise to infer trends from change over a single year.

80. Equally, it would be unwise to minimise the effects of the peculiar circumstances created by the war.