Đặt câu với từ "unscriptural"

1. Unscriptural Clergy Class Develops

2. Why is priestly celibacy unscriptural?

3. What customs regarding the dead are clearly unscriptural?

4. These lies have led to many unscriptural customs.

5. No, such unscriptural notions form a foundation for counterfeit Christians.

6. What shows that Protestantism also proved adept at unscriptural authoritarianism?

7. They do not seek an unscriptural way out of a difficult marriage.

8. Such inventions opened the way for further waves of unscriptural teaching. —Matthew 23:8, 9.

9. By accepting Bible truths, honesthearted people are set free from unscriptural beliefs and practices.

10. 12 Some have been treated abusively because they refused to share in unscriptural funeral customs.

11. I was disappointed to see that many of the doctrines of the Orthodox Church are unscriptural.

12. (Matthew 23:9) The use of the term “Father” to designate any religious figure is unchristian and unscriptural.

13. As time went by and the turning away from true faith took place, an unscriptural clergy class developed.

14. Giving up unscriptural customs and practices can be one of the most difficult prices to pay for truth.

15. His conscience tells him to shun unscriptural practices that he formerly engaged in, perhaps involving idols or blood.

16. Dishonest people and apostates have sometimes joined these discussions and insidiously attempted to persuade others to accept their unscriptural ideas.

17. Think, too, of the confusion, superstition, and fear caused by the unscriptural tradition that the human soul is immortal.

18. Tragically, for her unscriptural practices she had to be expelled from the Christian congregation.—1 Corinthians 5:11-13.

19. About 1835, Grew penned an important pamphlet that exposed the teachings of the immortality of the soul and hellfire as unscriptural.

20. However, it would be unnecessary and unscriptural for a Christian to isolate himself physically as anchorites did or to feel superior as the Pharisees did.

21. Instead, they make excuses and pursue a course that God hates by getting an unscriptural divorce so as to marry someone else.

22. In the world today, atheism, agnosticism, evolution theories, and higher criticism of the Bible are examples of falsely called knowledge, as are the unscriptural ideas promoted by modern apostates.

23. Clearly, a person employed in a gambling den, an abortion clinic, or a house of prostitution would be an accomplice in an unscriptural practice.

24. Such an individual would have been in a position to make a valid dedication to Jehovah only if the unscriptural conduct had been discontinued.

25. 15 When we meet individuals who are steeped in false religion or who follow unscriptural customs, we continue to manifest a friendly, peaceful attitude.

26. 11 In many other ways too, Christians have made adjustments when it has been brought to their attention that they are heading in an unscriptural direction.

27. 20 Protestantism, which sought to reform the unscriptural excesses of Catholicism, soon became equally adept at making authoritarian rules with no basis in the law of the Christ.

28. (Mt 15:1-11) Not the Law, which was actually a tutor leading to Christ (Ga 3:24), but these unscriptural traditions made it difficult for many to accept Christ.

29. Such customs as wake keeping, funeral celebrations, funeral anniversaries, sacrifices for the dead, and widowhood rites are all unclean and displeasing to God because they are linked to the unscriptural, demonic teaching that the soul or spirit does not die.

30. But he parted company with Miller’s group because they accepted unscriptural doctrines, such as the immortality of the soul, the burning of the world, and the absence of any hope for everlasting life for those who die in ignorance.

31. There are 100 Backslidden-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being heathen, unscriptural, unblessed, godless and romish.You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it.

32. This journal and other publications of the Watch Tower Society expose the unscriptural teachings of Christendom and the rest of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, while upholding the truthfulness of God’s Word, the Bible.—2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Revelation 18:1-5.