Đặt câu với từ "unrest"

1. Political unrest continues.

2. signs of incipient unrest.

3. Career Unrest Got You Befuzzled?

4. The unrest erupted into revolution.

5. There's unrest in the air.

6. They experienced social unrest, revolts and famine.

7. The unrest has roots in religious differences.

8. The unrest rapidly deteriorated into civil war.

9. Despite the dictatorship, major unrest broke out.

10. Community unrest is rapidly approaching the flashpoint.

11. Insubordination, stirring up unrest among the men.

12. Unrest set off by silencing of cleric.

13. Many shops were looted during the unrest.

14. The unrest could boil over into civil war.

15. The result was political unrest across the country.

16. This issue is creating unrest on the backbenches.

17. People are predicting civil unrest in the area.

18. This led to student militancy and labor unrest.

19. Outsiders point to the potential for labour unrest.

20. This creates political instability and chronic social unrest.

21. Unrest has spilt over into areas outside the city.

22. The unrest forced the government to support multiparty democracy.

23. Religious dissent is, indeed, one source of civil unrest.

24. Domestic policy was soon overshadowed by political unrest abroad.

25. Commotion definition is - a condition of civil unrest or insurrection

26. And as in China, unrest and even insurgency are widespread.

27. If the civil unrest continues, the death toll will rise.

28. 6 As the unrest continued,[www.Sentencedict.com] the death toll rose .

29. Unrest hits eastern Benghazi after Haftar forces' arrest of tribal leader

30. 2 The main impulse for the unrest came from extremist Muslims.

31. The army is/are threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.

32. The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.

33. The increase in fees sparked a new wave of student unrest.

34. As the company Confronts increased labor unrest, its tactics are under scrutiny

35. Law and order broke down as unrest and inter-communal violence increased.

36. After the recent unrest there is an edgy calm in the capital.

37. Northern Ireland saw much civil unrest from the late 1960s until the 1990s.

38. Inflation, around 12%, is lowish but bothersome. Economic distress need not bring unrest.

39. The unrest has subsided, but the local militias wield too much power.

40. The government appears to be taking a Conciliatory approach to the indigenous unrest.

41. In Albania there was a 7:00 p.m. curfew because of civil unrest.

42. They live in areas plagued by wars, political unrest, ethnic violence, or terrorism.

43. With the increase came growing racial discrimination and unrest between blacks and whites.

44. Officials blame fetid air and water for thousands of episodes of social unrest.

45. The government appears to be taking a conciliatory approach to the indigenous unrest.

46. 11 Fearful of continued unrest,[www.Sentencedict.com] the government imposed a state of emergency.

47. Non-Communist becomes acting head of state Krenz quits as unrest fears grow.

48. By the 6th century BC, widespread social unrest led to the reforms of Solon.

49. Those who speak slanderous, hurtful, and wrong things cause unrest, unhappiness, disunity, and trouble.

50. A combination of foreign terrorist attacks and poor economic conditions contributes to civil unrest.

51. But Damascus appeared to be preoccupied with its own domestic unrest, according to Quran.

52. 3 Police in riot gear were called in to quell the disturbances/unrest.

53. When applied to a government or society, Anomie implies a social unrest or chaos.

54. Besides, it would trigger oil-induced cascading effects, including inflation, unemployment, and social unrest.

55. Later, agrarian unrest eventually sparked the Herzegovinian rebellion, a widespread peasant uprising, in 1875.

56. Be Since the budget was never balanced, there was a perpetual state of revolutionary unrest.

57. Its unravelling was swift disheartening, and brings Thailand back to the brink of further unrest.

58. Diana was sympathetic, but did not fully understand his unrest, nor his frantic soul-searching.

59. A prevailing condition or set of attitudes in human affairs: a Climate of unrest

60. Political and economic instability, social unrest, corruption, natural disasters, and terrorism have slowed progress.

61. Beijing, facing a slowing economy and fearful of social unrest, has been more paternalistic.

62. Akathisia is a movement disorder characterized by an inner sense of unease, unrest, and dysphoria

63. The protests were the biggest show of social unrest since the government came to power.

64. The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing.

65. The US is reportedly sending in a heavy Brigade to quell unrest in the region

66. In early 2014, a series of protests, political demonstrations, and civil unrest occurred throughout Venezuela.

67. 24 Industrial unrest and cheaper imports played their part in the company's reversal of fortunes.

68. The shaman was still determined to resist and encouraged the growing unrest among the warriors.

69. During the political unrest of Edward II's reign, Eastry sought to restore tranquillity to the realm.Sentencedict.com

70. If the invasion fails, the reunified U.S. is still suffering unrest and faces an uncertain future.

71. Economic pressures, political unrest, crime, and sickness are among the things that make life very difficult.

72. The former vassals thought once the Emperor passes away there will be unrest, misery and rebellion

73. Still, despite political, economic, and social unrest, the nations seem in the main to be optimistic.

74. Labour unrest in the GCC's 13 million-stong migrant worker community has increased in recent years.

75. Political instability and economic weaknesses were fertile ground for chaos and unrest during the Portuguese First Republic.

76. Amid all this unrest, however, Jehovah’s Witnesses gathered for peaceful three-day “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Conventions.

77. President Roh Tae Woo denounced the assault on Chung and called for a crackdown on student unrest.

78. A defector was quoted in January as saying that hunger had even caused unrest in the army.

79. In the unrest,[Sentencedict] the local police building was set on fire and its windows were broken.

80. Roman governors were based in Caesarea and only visited Jerusalem on special occasions, or in times of unrest.