Đặt câu với từ "turnout, y"

1. Voter turnout was very low.

2. The turnout was unusually low.

3. The concert attracted a large turnout.

4. The poor election turnout dismayed politicians.

5. Voter turnout was low for the election.

6. This year's festival attracted a record turnout.

7. Turnout in the second round was 66%.

8. I'll give my room a good turnout.

9. 8 The concert attracted a large turnout.

10. He gives little thought to his turnout.

11. Yet statistics show voter turnout sliding down.

12. Wilson attributed the low turnout to the networks.

13. Voter turnout was high at the last election.

14. Turnout was very high in this presidential election.

15. The turnout in the referendums was 1 percent.

16. Turnout dipped despite an increase in voter registration.

17. Outside groups also will be pushing voter turnout.

18. Turnout for the game was lighter than expected.

19. There was a good turnout for the concert.

20. On the big night there was a massive turnout.

21. Voter turnout will be in the single digits Tuesday.

22. The high turnout will boost the beleaguered opposition leaders.

23. Mulholland said the open primary would not help turnout.

24. The poor turnout among young voters dismays retiring Rep.

25. Election officials said the turnout of voters was low.

26. The state media reported a very high voter turnout.

27. Firemen are ready at all times for a sudden turnout.

28. State election officials reported a huge voter turnout on Tuesday.

29. The voter turnout in most precincts is expected to be high.

30. Voter turnout was down by 1 percentage points to 9 percent.

31. Fears of low turnout as Bulgarians prepare to vote in pandemic

32. The result was 63.3% in favour with a turnout of 90.1%.

33. We expect higher than usual turnout, anywhere from 180 to 220.

34. On polling day, the Information Ministry estimated turnout at 85 percent.

35. There has been a great increase in the factory's turnout this year.

36. By comparison, the turnout for the 1992 primary election was 29 percent.

37. Opposition leaders will claim victory if the turnout is lower than 50%.

38. Heavy voter turnout has been predicted for the first primary of 19

39. This is 9:00 a.m. turnout in our base precincts or swing?

40. 4. Supply and localization of turnout switches for Semi High Speed and above;

41. Check out the Amigo Line of Turnout Blankets, Amigo Stable Blankets or Amigo Coolers

42. And a big turnout here from all corners of the outer rim territories.

43. On Whit Bank Holiday we had a big turnout of 24 member volunteers.

44. The officials noted that similar attacks on Election Day could significantly impact voter turnout.

45. Voter turnout was projected at 85 percent, a level not seen in 40 years.

46. A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.

47. Another factor cited for low voter turnout by young people was their greater mobility.

48. There was a good turnout for the meeting - twelve of us to be precise.

49. The referendum resulted in 91.9% of voters supporting the bill on a turnout of 59.3%.

50. Low turnout may benefit Buchanan, whose fervent backers are by far the most committed.

51. 'Year' begins with Y / 'Y'.

52. 'Yak' begins with Y/'Y'.

53. Asymmetries in tibial version and torsion could also explain limb differences in turnout, although we would expect to see this difference on both measurement methods if tibial version and torsion accounts for LE Asymmetries in turnout.


55. And if the turnout was any indication, the parish was welcoming them with open arms.

56. The constants Y 11, Y 12, Y 21, and Y 22 are called the Admittance or Y-parameters of the two-port network

57. The [ju:] diphthong. This combines the y, y, uh-y, Y consonant sound with the oo, closed oo.

58. It is impossible to draw a direct causal relationship given the many factors that influence turnout.

59. A total of 406 candidates contested the election and a 72 percent turnout was registered.

60. The high turnout was an affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.

61. Initial estimates put turnout at more than 70 percent in Gaza, lower in the West Bank.

62. The poor turnout for the election will hopefully be a wake-up call to the government.

63. Aymoro están acabadas y hechas las reducciones y las iglesias de los pue-blos de Y otala y Quila Quila de la real corona y muy buenas y populosas

64. She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout aboutpercent 85 percent and in Irbil it was percent.

65. Los Alimentos se pueden clasificar en panes y cereales, leguminosas o legumbres, tubérculos y rizomas, frutas y verduras, carne, pescado, huevos; leche y derivados, grasas y aceites, y azúcares, confituras y almíbares

66. Over 90 percent of the 05 percent turnout voted for constitutional changes allowing for multiparty politics.

67. Rove instructed the Republican National Committee to reinvest in registering voters and building its turnout operations.

68. The 1996 presidential election, costliest in history, produced the lowest percentage of voter turnout since 18

69. Another concern is a drop in voter turnout compared to the 70 percent seen in 200

70. Arica y Parinacota Region - The Arica y

71. Range of Cosecant is the set :- {y : y ∈ R, y >= 1 or y <= -1} Range of Cosecant

72. Range of Secant is the set {y: y ∈ R, y <= -1 or y >= 1} Range of Cosecant

73. ‘The turnout for the Ballot was 68 per cent, and of those, the vote was 2,947 in favour of action and 2,246 against.’ ‘There was a low turnout in the Ballot with just 30 percent of teachers voting.’

74. Election officials predict they'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state.

75. Voter turnout came out to be 6 per cent , with 33 million registered voters casting their ballots.

76. Election saw high turnout, a huge increase in Absentee voting, and brought unified Democratic control at the federal level — yet, contrary to conventional wisdom, these facts do not imply that vote-by-mail increased turnout or had partisan effects

77. Sometimes the controversy that is ignited all but guarantees a large turnout for the film’s premiere.

78. Heavy rains forecast for the northwestern and southeastern U.S. could affect voter turnout in those areas.

79. The news agency Interfax on Oct. 16 put the turnout as between 70 to 90 percent.

80. 10 Labour officials have already launched Operation Turnout in an effort to galvanise the core vote.