Đặt câu với từ "truncus arteriosus"

1. Conclusions Echocardiography was the first choice to diagnose persistent truncus arteriosus in clinical imaging diagnostic methods.

2. The bulbus arteriosus consists of three discernible layers: intima, media, and adventitia.

3. Sometimes doctors can close the ductus arteriosus by administering medicine .

4. The ductus arteriosus usually closes shortly after birth , which allows for normal blood circulation .

5. Children will spend time in the intensive care unit ( ICU ) after a truncus repair.

6. Then blood flows through the ductus arteriosus and floods the vessels in the lungs , causing respiratory problems .

7. Kompression durch Aberrantem Abgang des Truncus brachiocephalicus KommerellDivertikel 3-Anomalien der A pulmonalis Stenosierende Pulmonalisanomalien

8. Susan quoted some words (ARTEMIDORUS, ARTERIOSUS and AVENIOUS) from specialist biological references--yet the first is in Webster's Second, the second is in Webster's Third (in the term BULBUS ARTERIOSUS), and the third is in the OED etymology of Avenous.

9. Pulmonary hypertension may occur in the fetus in the presence of Constriction of the ductus arteriosus

10. The Brainstem or Truncus encephali in Latin is a brain structure located between the medulla and the spinal cord (1)

11. (Conduction, NCI Thesaurus) The short wide vessel arising from the conus arteriosus of the right ventricle and Conveying unaerated blood to the lungs.

12. But if that does n't work , or if the baby is too sick to take the medicine , the infant will need surgery to close arteriosus .

13. In babies with congenital heart defects, it is used by slow injection into a vein to open the ductus arteriosus until surgery can be carried out.

14. The Brachiocephalic trunk ­(also Brachiocephalic artery or innominate artery, Latin: truncus Brachiocephalicus) is the first and largest branch of the aortic arch that supplies the head, neck and the right arm

15. Other articles where Bulbus Aortae is discussed: prenatal development: Heart: The bulbus is absorbed into the right ventricle, and its continuation (the truncus) subdivides lengthwise, forming the aorta and the pulmonary artery

16. Nest størst er lungearterien (truncus pulmonalis), som springer ut fra høyre hjertekammer og er den eneste arterien som fører oksygenfattig blod, bortsett fra navlesnorArteriene under svangerskapet.

17. Typical cardiac findings include a rate-corrected QT interval >480 ms, functional 2:1 AV block with Bradycardia, tachyarrhythmias, and congenital heart defects (patent ductus arteriosus, patent foramen ovale, ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, hypertrophic

18. ‘The heart appears to be the most primitive of all adult vertebrates, with the Auricle, ventricle and conus arteriosus arranged in straight line, rather than being doubled over one another.’ 2.1 A small muscular flap on the surface of each atrium of the heart.

19. Consequently the electrodermatogram is used in neurology to determine passive regions of the skin after peripherous lesions of the nerves, to check the successful elimination of the truncus sympathicus; it is used in internal medicine to measure the acral districal resistance in cases of angiopathies, and it is used in the physiology of labour for studies of heat regulation under bodily strain.

20. A főerek (aorta, truncus (Arteria) pulmonalis) szívkamrákból indulnak, egyre kisebb erekre, majd hajszálerekre (kapillárisokra) oszlanak, ezek a gázcsere és tápanyagátadás után vénákká egyesülnek, amelyek aztán a pitvarokba futnak.A szív a vért a pitvarokból a kamrákba továbbítja, majd