Đặt câu với từ "troposphere"

1. Jupiter's troposphere contains a complicated cloud structure.

2. The troposphere is the lowest layer of our Atmosphere

3. Atmosphere discipline datasets focus primarily on characterizing the Earth’s troposphere and stratosphere

4. As a result, tropical cyclones help to maintain equilibrium in the Earth's troposphere.

5. The stratosphere is very dry; unlike the troposphere, it rarely allows clouds to form.

6. At an inner radius, air begins to ascend to the top of the troposphere.

7. Most of the phenomena associated with day-to-day weather occur in the troposphere.

8. Atmosphere - Atmosphere - Stratosphere and mesosphere: The stratosphere is located above the troposphere and extends up to about 50 km (30 miles)

9. It is divided into four stratified layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the ionosphere and the exosphere.

10. Antitrades [′an·tē‚trādz] (meteorology) A deep layer of westerly winds in the troposphere above …

11. The troposphere is a dynamic part of the atmosphere, exhibiting strong winds, bright clouds and seasonal changes.

12. Turbulence at Triton's surface creates a troposphere (a "weather region") rising to an altitude of 8 km.

13. Other articles where Altostratus is discussed: atmosphere: Cloud formation within the troposphere: …stratiform clouds are known as Altostratus

14. Earth’s Atmosphere has six layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, the ionosphere, and the exosphere

15. Carbon monoxide is moved around by air currents in the troposphere and "we can track that," Drummond said.

16. The tracking of numerous cloud features allowed determination of zonal winds blowing in the upper troposphere of Uranus.

17. Monsoon Circulations may transport air directly from the troposphere into the tropical stratosphere, bypassing the tropical cold point tropopause

18. Preferred areas within a synoptic flow pattern in higher levels of the troposphere are beneath the western side of troughs.

19. The troposphere is the lowest and densest part of the atmosphere and is characterised by a decrease in temperature with altitude.

20. Carbon-14 is produced in the upper layers of the troposphere and the stratosphere by thermal neutrons absorbed by nitrogen atoms.

21. This includes juggling the electrical properties of the ionosphere or troposphere to disrupt enemy communications, radar systems, navigation and missile-guidance systems.

22. Formation of frontal zones in the mid troposphere is simulated with an adiabatic inviscid primitive equation model using potential temperature as vertical coordinate.

23. Anticyclones are areas of intense high pressure (typically above 1020mb) where air molecules descend to the earth’s surface from the upper Troposphere

24. The Windows-based software, AREPS0, is applied to compute path loss versus range in the troposphere, using atmospheric information from shipboard weather prediction station.

25. The Earth's Atmosphere consists, in ascending order, of the troposphere (containing 90% of the Atmosphere's mass), the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere

26. Although Altostratus forms mostly in the middle level of the troposphere, strong frontal lift can push it into the lower part of the high-level

27. Tropical cyclones are steered by the surrounding flow throughout the depth of the troposphere (the atmosphere from the surface to about eight miles (12 km) high).

28. Scattering of solar radiation by Aerosols is the main process limiting visibility in the troposphere ().In the absence of Aerosols our visual range would be approximately 300 km, limited by scattering by air molecules.

29. In the lower levels, especially in the troposphere, which is the atmospheric layer in which we live and move about, there are considerable quantities of liquid or solid particles in suspension, known as aerosols.

30. This reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface and therefore cause a cooling in the troposphere. However, they also absorb some radiation, and so in the lower stratosphere, they actually cause a warming.

31. In the polar regions (above 60 degrees latitude), widespread and permanent ethane clouds appear in and above the troposphere; at lower latitudes, mainly methane clouds are found between 15 and 18 km, and are more sporadic and localized.

32. The ice crystals responsible for halos are typically suspended in cirrus or cirrostratus clouds in the upper troposphere (5–10 km (3.1–6.2 mi)), but in cold weather they can also float near the ground, in which case they are referred to as diamond dust.

33. MOPITT (Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere), aboard the NASA Terra satellite is Canada's first major instrument to measure pollution of the Earth's atmosphere from space; and OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging System) onboard the Sweden Odin satellite, measures the concentration of various gases in the stratosphere, thereby allowing our scientists to make a significant contribution to the understanding of stratospheric ozone depletion processes.