Đặt câu với từ "tide over"

1. He managed to tide over the crisis.

2. He sold his furniture to tide over his illness.

3. The scholarship helped Martin to tide over a temporary embarrassment.

4. John is willing to tide over his sister a little longer.

5. We went forward hand in hand to tide over the difficulty.

6. He sold his car to tide over his period of unemployment.

7. They decided to issue more banknotes to tide over their difficulties.

8. She needs some money to tide over the period of unemployment.

9. To work together and tide over the difficulties has become our top priority.

10. We can't rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty.

11. The banks were prepared to put up 50 million euros to tide over the company.

12. Lystrosaurus may be Wadong and dormant, to help them tide over the Earth The worst period.

13. If they would put their heads together, they would find ways to tide over the difficulty.

14. The submersible rose higher in the dock, the overflowing sea rushing like a tide over their boots.

15. Please give us a 90 - day extension on loan repayment to help us tide over current financial difficulty.

16. They include a type of bridge loan made to tide over employees whose fixed expenses outstrip available cash resources.

17. In short , forests protect our environment , maintain the ecological balance , reduce pollution and noise levels , protect land from erosion caused due to rains and storms , prevent formation of sand dunes and deserts , add to the aesthetic value of the landscape and help tide over our energy problems .