Đặt câu với từ "tics"

1. Kip admired his adjunct for these tics.

2. Altres Auditoris i espais emblemàtics

3. Well, Ritalin maybe explains some tics, some involuntary...

4. 16 Kip admired his adjunct for these tics.

5. Coprolalia (complex vocal tics with obscene or socially inappropriate content) was established

6. Admittedly, the muscular tics associated with Tourette syndrome can seem peculiar.

7. Often, tics and Compulsions can look similar and be difficult to distinguish

8. Access to TICS Revolving Funds accumulated surplus in support of the Transformation Initiative 7.0

9. Jabberjaw, God of Tailfin Walking (Blubberhead) as a Lesser God under Tics (House of Quirks)

10. Complex vocal tics such as palilalia or Coprolalia involve more complex expressions such as repeating words, phrases and sentences

11. Dannemeyer, a seven-term congressman from California who exemplified the Archconservative poli tics of Orange County, calling for a balanced …

12. In reality, however, he suffered from Tourette syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by spasmodic muscular and vocal tics.

13. (10.5) Access to TICS Revolving Funds Accumulated Surplus in Support of ITSB Transformation 5.7 RDIMS Government-wide Licence

14. Automatism: An unconscious movement that may resemble simple repetitive tics or may be a complex sequence of natural-looking movements

15. Brainwave instabilities may cause migraines, tinnitus, obsessive-compulsive disorder, rage, tics, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, epilepsy, and other issues

16. Other Insecticides and Acaricides This chapter concerns insecticides and Acaricides having toxicologic characteris-tics distinct from the insecticides discussed in previous chapters

17. In order to improve the speedway road inspecting instrument(Sentencedict.com), a new inspecting system based on geometrical op- tics triangulation and using no-linearity noise filter is presented.

18. Els presos polítics Consideren “previsible” la decisió del Suprem, que veuen “una venjança” Assenyalen la voluntat d’“ofegar” l’independentisme, reivindiquen “l’amnistia” i …

19. The previous client base was entirely retained, and TICS continued to accumulate annual savings for the government of approximately $96.5 million, generated over the past six years through reduced telecommunications expenses.

20. 27 Fly-by-night schools tend to share certain characteris-tics. For example, they may state that you can get a bache-lor's degree by paying, say, , a master's degree for , a doctorate for ,000.

21. Fly-by-night schools tend to share certain characteris-tics. For example, they may state that you can get a bache-lor's degree by paying, say, , a master's degree for , a doctorate for ,000.

22. Coprolalia is defined as vocal tics consisting of obscene words or phrases, and is more likely to occur with urges to have coprolalic behaviors, and in the presence of nonobscene socially inappropriate behaviors.

23. Coprolalia is a typical symptom of Tourette syndrome, a condition that has its onset in childhood and is characterized by compulsive arm movements, facial tics, grunting, groaning and shouting.Aside from Coprolalia, there is often echolalia, the involuntary parrot-like

24. (名) noun astigmatism astral astrograph astrography astrolater astrology (-ger, -gic) astronaut (-tics, -tical) astronomer astronomy (-mic) astrophysics asylum asymmetry asymptote asystole atheism athlete athletics atlas atmosphere (-eric) atom (-mic) atomism atomist atonic atony atrophic Atrophous atrophy atropine attic atticism aulic aura

25. Sota l’acusació de subversió i segons la llei de seguretat nacional, un total de 47 Activistes polítics i exdiputats van comparèixer ahir davant dels jutjats de Hong Kong, mentre les autoritats intensifiquen la repressió contra les veus

26. Bioph):tics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA (U.S.A.) (Received 3 May, 1984) (Revised, received 2 July, 1984) (Accepted 3 July, 1984) SUMMARY The toxicity of L-glutamic acid toward cultured fibroblasts and lymphocytes from age-matched, sex-matched controls, patients with Huntington's disease (HD) and

27. Tics, 40.9% Alicyclics, 3.9% aromatics), petroleum middle distillates (boiling range 163–315°C or up to 370°C), JP-8 jet fuel, and products free of aromatic compounds are used in the assessment if their maximum boiling points or maximum chain lengths are similar to those of petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light.

28. ‘Complex tics might include jumping, smelling objects, touching the nose, touching other people, Coprolalia, echolalia, or self-harming behaviors.’ ‘The swearing and verbal abuse to which you refer is known as Coprolalia and it is that that often receives the media attention - but it is present in only a small minority of people with

29. ‘Complex tics might include jumping, smelling objects, touching the nose, touching other people, Coprolalia, echolalia, or self-harming behaviors.’ ‘The swearing and verbal abuse to which you refer is known as Coprolalia and it is that that often receives the media attention - but it is present in only a small minority of people with

30. Els Climes són una combinació dels elements del clima (temperatura, humitat, precipitacions, pressió i vents) i factors climàtics (latitud, altitud i distància al mar) ZONES CLIMÀTIQUES DE LA TERRA Zona de Climes CÀLIDS Zona de Climes TEMPERATS Zona de Climes FREDS LOCALIT- ZACIÓ Al voltant de l’equador, entre 0º i 30º de latitud